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Early Childhood Peace Consortium


The Early Childhood Peace Consortium (ECPC) is founded on the idea that the global community must address the root causes of violence and conflict and that children and families can be key agents of change for peace through strengthening resilience of individuals and communities, and cohesion between groups.

ECPC links emerging knowledge from bio-behavioral, social and environmental sciences with existing evidence in ECD to encourage investment in the creation of local and sustainable programs, and advocacy for policies and systems that reduce violence and support peacebuilding. To help achieve this goal an interactive website has been developed to serve as an online interactive-communication hub of ongoing ECD/peacebuilding programs across the globe, sharing research findings, podcast/webinars, and blogs.

Selected International Collaborations

  • Randomized controlled trial of a Youth-led School Readiness Program in Rural Pakistan: Development, Implementation, and Evaluation of the Intervention – Grand Challenges Canada and Aga Khan University
  • Development of an Index to Measure the Quality of Early Childhood Services in Colombia – Funded by the Office of the President and Ministry of Education in Colombia
  • Evaluation of the Early Childhood Development Program Pisotón: Strengthening the Evidence Base for Holistic Development in Fragile Contexts in Colombia – Partnership with Universidad del Norte, Colombia
  • Mother and Teacher Support Programs designed to improve cognitive, social and communication skills of pre-school children, to improve the mother’s quality of life and to decrease domestic violence levels in Embu – a poor district outside of São Paulo, funded by the Gates Foundation - Grand Challenges Brazil – All Children Thriving.

Research Interest

Documenting the impact of early childhood development (ECD) interventions to build a robust and objective evidence base internationally through the implementation and assessment of ECD programs across the globe including in Leba-non, Jordan, Canada, Colombia, Brazil, Pakistan, and Timor-Leste.

IRB Study Title(s)

Impact Evaluation of the Mother and Child Education Program (MOCEP) Among Children and Families in Palestinian Refugee Camps in Beirut, Lebanon (HSC#1403013605)

An Analytical Review of Governance, Provision and Quality of Early Childhood Education Services at the Local Level in Countries of Central Eastern Europe / Commonwealth of Independent States (CEE/CIS) (HSC # 1608018230)

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