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Programs and Innovations

Based in the Child Study Center in the Yale School of Medicine, Elevate is dedicated to developing, evaluating and implementing strategies to support the mental health needs of overburdened, underresourced mothers as they pursue social and economic mobility.

Elevate collaborates with government and community partners to deliver and evaluate programs that directly address maternal mental health.  


Elevate’s core program is the Mental Health Outreach for MotherS (MOMS) Partnership®. The MOMS Partnership is a culturally responsive, community-based program model. When implemented in the context of local programming, MOMS Partnership targets maternal mental health and economic mobility outcomes.

The MOMS Partnership® is guided by the following core principles:

  • Respect for a defined population 

    The MOMS Partnership® maintains a targeted focus on maternal mental health. Participants are pregnant women and mothers/ women with primary caregiving responsibility for children up to age 18.

  • Respect for mental health as an intergenerational strategy to disrupt poverty

    The MOMS Partnership has a targeted focus on maternal mental health. Positive changes in this domain can contribute to other positive changes. Mental health is a pathway to overall well-being, including social and economic mobility.

  • The power of social connection

    Social support can have a significant impact on an individual’s well-being, coping strategies, and overall health outcomes.  MOMS Partnership® interventions are structured to maximize social connection between mothers and with instructors, including the Community Mental Health Ambassador. Elevate collaborates with community partners to tailor engagement strategies to do the same.

  • Respect for the local community

    The MOMS Partnership is committed to continuous refinement of a theory of change that is grounded in credible science and that drives the design of explicit strategies. The MOMS Partnership is evaluated in each community where it is implemented. Regular feedback from participants ensures programming is consistently improved for future MOMS cohorts. 

  • Respect for time and place 

    The MOMS Partnership® offers programming in locations and at times that are recognized by participants as convenient, safe and accessible. A distinctive feature of the MOMS Partnership Model since the very early days was the MOMS Hub.  The concept of the MOMS Hub is about engagement, offering programming in places and spaces that reduce barriers to participation. Today, MOMS Hubs include both physical and virtual spaces and places. 

  • Respect for impact 

    The MOMS Partnership® focuses on outcomes that demonstrate impact in the areas of maternal depression, adult education and employment and child well-being. Powered by survey and administrative data, Elevate utilizes rigorous analytical approaches to understand impacts across generations. Regular feedback from participants ensures programming is consistently improved for future MOMS cohorts. 

The MOMS Partnership®

The MOMS Partnership® focuses on supportingmaintains a targeted focus on maternal mental health.

Cultural Adaptations

Going beyond a linguistic translation by incorporating culturally based values, norms, and ways of knowing