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Lab Members


  • Assistant Professor of Child Psychiatry

    Dr. Aneni is a child, adolescent, and adult psychiatrist. She is an assistant professor of child psychiatry, biomedical informatics, and data science. The overall goal of her research is to improve access to preventive interventions for adolescents at risk for substance use and mental health problems. Her research interests focus on developing, testing, and implementing preventive digital interventions, particularly culturally informed family-based interventions for racial/ethnic minorities in community-based settings. She is also investigating the utility of digital tools in identifying adolescents at risk for substance use and mental disorders through digital biomarkers and machine learning approaches. Dr. Aneni’s research is supported by the National Institute on Drug Abuse, Center for Technology and Behavioral Health, National Institutes of Health (NIH) AIM-AHEAD program, Doris Duke Charitable Foundation, and the Yale Center for Clinical Investigation.
  • Postgraduate Associate in the Child Study Center

    Jenny graduated from Fairfield University with a Bachelor of Science in Psychology: Behavioral Neuroscience. At Fairfield, she designed and conducted her thesis researching the cognitive function of nostalgia on autobiographical memory accessibility and quality across the lifespan. At Yale, Jenny has been involved in many projects exploring digital interventions for adolescents at risk for substance use and mental disorders. Jenny aims to pursue a Ph.D. and is interested in understanding how socio-ecological factors contribute to adolescent health outcomes and how to harness that knowledge to develop prevention interventions.

Alumni & Students


  • Chandler Brown
  • Catherine Jeon
  • Olivia Rose


  • Sofia Ferrucci
  • Ayo Adewuya
  • Lizzie Casaleno
  • Nicole Kreps