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What We Do

The Yale Child Study Center–Scholastic Collaborative for Child & Family Resilience works to advance research and contribute to the development of resources, programs, and curriculum that improve academic and health outcomes for children, their families, and communities.


This active research Collaborative serves as a forum for researchers, health care professionals, educators, and families to come together and exchange ideas, share best practices, and cultivate new approaches for improving outcomes for vulnerable children and families from a diverse range of communities.

Education & Training

The Collaborative will offer professional development training, workshops, courses, and summits for teachers, healthcare professionals, families, and community members that provide access to information, research, and programs relevant to the following areas of focus:

  • The roots of resilience and building resilient communities
  • The power of story and personal narrative
  • Early childhood education
  • Place-based education
  • Social emotional learning and teaching
  • Multi-generational approaches to learning
  • Equity and social justice, including mental health access
  • Family engagement in education
  • Building whole family literacy

Program & Curriculum Development

Collaborative research contributes to the creation of programs and curriculum that support the successful development of children and their families.