Skip to Main Content From clinical trials on the efficacy of mental health interventions to evaluation studies of evidence-based practices, many YCSC research groups integrate clinical innovation and direct service provision for children and families.
The ACCESS Lab Addressing Challenges Children and adolescents Encounter in Securing substance use and mental health Services.
Anxiety & Mood Disorder Program Assessment and treatment of anxiety and mood disorders in young people focusing on psychological, behavioral, and brain mechanisms.
Bloch Lab Establishing the efficacy and safety of various pharmacological treatments using evidence-based methodologies including meta-analysis and clinical trials.
Cha Lab The Cha Lab focuses on youth suicide risk and prevention. Our projects investigate pragmatic and impactful intersections across psychology, medicine, technology, and culture.
Cho Lab Using fMRI to understand the development of cognitive, emotional, and motivational brain circuits in adolescents with depression and adolescents with schizophrenia.
Crowley Lab Working to understand the brain-based predictors of anxiety and depression in typical youth, clinical populations, and adolescent substance use risk through multimodal imaging and physiological assessment.
Emotion and Systems Neuroscience Lab The Ibrahim Lab investigates the neural bases of emotion regulation in child mental health. Our research strives to advance understanding of brain systems that play a role in regulating emotions and vulnerabilities in these neural networks that can contribute to child mental health.
Fernandez Lab Studying genetic risk and neurobiological causes and consequences in early onset psychiatric conditions.
Go to the Fernandez Lab site
Hampson Lab Treating and studying neuropsychiatric conditions using novel functional neuroimaging techniques including real-time fMRI neurofeedback and resting state functional connectivity.
Lebowitz Lab Studying underlying neurobiological mechanisms of childhood anxiety disorders, and in developing and testing new therapies based.
McPartland Lab Studying behavior and brain systems to better understand the social experiences of people with autism spectrum disorder (ASD) and to improve their quality of life.
Go to the McPartland Lab site
Pediatric Functional Neurological Disorders at Yale Yale Pediatric Neurology and Yale Child Study Center are conducting a multi-site research study to examine the effects of two commonly used treatments for improving Functional Neurological Disorder (FND) symptoms, specifically Functional Seizures (FS).
Sukhodolsky Lab Conducting clinical and translational research on neural mechanisms and effectiveness of novel cognitive, behavioral, and neuroscience-based interventions for autism spectrum disorder, pediatric irritability, and Tourette Syndrome.
Go to the Sukhodolsky Lab site
Ventola Lab Providing Pivotal Response Treatment (PRT) to children with ASD and investigating biological markers of treatment response.
Yale Collaborative for International Early Childhood & Youth Development (Co-LEaD) Working across countries and disciplines to promote early childhood and youth development research, practice, and policies in the global context.
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Addressing Challenges Children and adolescents Encounter in Securing substance use and mental health Services .
Anxiety & Mood Disorder Program
Assessment and treatment of anxiety and mood disorders in young people focusing on psychological , behavioral , and brain mechanisms .
Bloch Lab
Establishing the efficacy and safety of various pharmacological treatments using evidence - based methodologies including meta - analysis and clinical trials .
Cha Lab
The Cha Lab focuses on youth suicide risk and prevention . Our projects investigate pragmatic and impactful intersections across psychology , medicine , technology , and culture .
Cho Lab
Using fMRI to understand the development of cognitive , emotional , and motivational brain circuits in adolescents with depression and adolescents with schizophrenia .
Crowley Lab
Working to understand the brain - based predictors of anxiety and depression in typical youth , clinical populations , and adolescent substance use risk through multimodal imaging and physiological assessment .
Emotion and Systems Neuroscience Lab
The Ibrahim Lab investigates the neural bases of emotion regulation in child mental health . Our research strives to advance understanding of brain systems that play a role in regulating emotions and vulnerabilities in these neural networks that can contribute to child mental health .
Fernandez Lab
Studying genetic risk and neurobiological causes and consequences in early onset psychiatric conditions .
Hampson Lab
Treating and studying neuropsychiatric conditions using novel functional neuroimaging techniques including real - time fMRI neurofeedback and resting state functional connectivity .
Lebowitz Lab
Studying underlying neurobiological mechanisms of childhood anxiety disorders , and in developing and testing new therapies based .
McPartland Lab
Studying behavior and brain systems to better understand the social experiences of people with autism spectrum disorder ( ASD ) and to improve their quality of life .
Pediatric Functional Neurological Disorders at Yale
Yale Pediatric Neurology and Yale Child Study Center are conducting a multi - site research study to examine the effects of two commonly used treatments for improving Functional Neurological Disorder ( FND ) symptoms , specifically Functional Seizures ( FS ) .
Sukhodolsky Lab
Conducting clinical and translational research on neural mechanisms and effectiveness of novel cognitive , behavioral , and neuroscience - based interventions for autism spectrum disorder , pediatric irritability , and Tourette Syndrome .
Ventola Lab
Providing Pivotal Response Treatment ( PRT ) to children with ASD and investigating biological markers of treatment response .
Yale Collaborative for International Early Childhood & Youth Development ( Co - LEaD )
Working across countries and disciplines to promote early childhood and youth development research , practice , and policies in the global context .