21C Publications
Publications and Recommended Reading
Issue Briefs
- Arkansas School of the 21st Century: A Grassroots Effort that is Making a Difference
AR21C programs provided higher quality of preschool compared with other state-funded preschool programs and their preschoolers are significantly ahead of other state-funded preschool students on all developmental indicators by year-end, even though they started the year at or below others.
In addition, children in established Arkansas 21st Century schools:
• Are more likely to read at grade level
• Have lower absenteeism rates
• Advance to the next grade more often
• Have fewer discipline issues
• Have parents who are more involved in their education
• Stay in their current schools longer
These and other noteworthy findings from the AR21C evaluation of this grassroots initiative are described here. Serving as an example for other states, AR21C demonstrates its feasibility and impact. Several case studies highlight local variation and the grassroots driving force behind the 21C model.
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- The School of the 21st Century and Head Start Working Together
The School of the 21st Century (21C) and Head Start have many commonalities, among them Edward Zigler–one of the founders of Head Start and the founder of 21C. Both 21C and Head Start are national programs with multiple components and a strong focus on early childhood experiences, parent involvement, physical and mental health, and nutrition although 21C extends beyond the provision of services to infants and preschoolers and also includes school age-child care. 21C schools have long collaborated with Head Start. In this Issue Brief, we provide an overview of each the programs and describe ways to connect 21C schools and Head Start programs. Strategies for collaboration and case studies from specific 21C programs provide examples for expanding the relationship between 21C schools and Head Start programs. Fostering such associations benefits families involved and allows children a successful transition to school and beyond.
Download a free copy. This is a large file, so it may take several minutes to download, depending on your connection speed.
- Braided Services and Funding: A Strategy for the 21st Century
As demonstrated by the Independence (MO) School District, 21C schools, many of which have been in operation for two decades, have developed a mechanism to support their programs and grow over time. To address increasing needs for family support, child care, and early childhood education while using variable funding streams, successful 21C programs braid resources and services. This process involves the structuring of interwoven services and funding to provide a comprehensive educational setting. This issue brief is a useful tool to aid programs in development of braiding and understanding its link with vision and intentional leadership.
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- Connecting Schools and Family Child Care Homes
Family Child Care homes are numerous and located in everyone’s neighborhood. There are effective ways to work with these homes and, in our latest research and practice issue brief, we highlight examples of how schools reach out to and work with family child care providers.
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- Dental Care: The Often Neglected Part of Health Care
Tooth decay is the single most common  and preventable  chronic childhood disease. Research shows that school-based oral health programs can reduce tooth decay and promote oral health. Evidence indicates that Schools of the 21st Century provide precisely the mix of education and services to improve students’ oral health and overall well-being. In this issue brief, we examine how Schools of the 21st Century implement cost-effective and efficient dental care programs.
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- Enriching School Leadership Development Through Coaching
Effective school leadership promotes academic success, positive school climate, and staff stability. Traditional professional development methods, such as training, mentoring, and on-the-job leadership assignments, are useful but have some inherent limitations. Integration of leadership coaching – a highly customized learning process that helps school leaders align their purpose, choices, and actions – into an overall strategy for leadership development, succession planning, and performance management can provide impressive results.
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- Improving Nutrition and Physical Activity in Schools: Internet Resources
To assist 21C and other schools’ work on health and nutrition, researchers at 21C and the Rudd Center for Food Policy and Obesity, both at Yale University, have reviewed resources from many web sites and are presenting a compilation of the best of them for use by 21C schools. These resources are designed to provide educators with opportunities to learn about and implement programs that foster healthy lifestyles. The Issue Brief includes a list of 14 specific web resources on improving nutrition and physical activity in schools, followed by an additional seven comprehensive web resources on the topic. All URLs are hyperlinked, so they can be accessed easily from the on-line version of this document.
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- The School of the 21st Century Is Making a Difference: Findings from Two Research Studies
This issue brief discusses findings from two research studies supporting the view that good quality early childhood education can be successfully implemented in public schools and make a difference. The programs can help to improve children's academic achievement and have a positive impact on the entire school. Implementing such programs is often difficult, but informed leadership and teamwork can help overcome these difficulties.
Download a free copy. This is a large file, so it may take several minutes to download, depending on your connection speed.
- What Schools of the 21st Century Should Know About School-Based Violence Prevention
This issue brief discusses the extent of violence problems that schools now face, as well as strategies and programs that have been shown to be effective in preventing violence in schools.
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- What Schools of the 21st Century Should Know About Childhood Injury Prevention
This issue brief discusses childhood injuries and accidents and how schools can adopt safety principles that will protect children from accident and injury.
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Other Publications
- A Quick Guide to 21C
If you need a clear way to describe 21C to others, take a look at this quick guide to 21C. It includes brief information about the core components, guiding principals, unique features, program locations, membership benefits, and supporting research.
Download a free copy. This is a large file, so it may take several minutes to download, depending on your connection speed.
- Portraits of Four Schools: Meeting the Needs of Immigrant Students and Their Families
This report chronicles the experience of four schools set in urban, suburban and rural communities in meeting the needs of immigrant students and families. It provides an in-depth description of each community and school's efforts in managing the educational challenges that a burgeoning immigrant population may bring. Challenges, innovative strategies and programs, and policy issues are described in this true to life portrait of Green Bay, WI, Leadville, CO, Stamford, CT and Columbus Junction, IA.
Download a free copy. This is a large file, so it may take several minutes to download, depending on your connection speed.
- Book: Schools of the 21st Century: Linking Child Care and Education (Renewing American Schools)
by Matia Finn-Stevenson, Edward Zigler
(from the book cover) In this timely book, Matia Finn-Stevenson and Edward Zigler argue that the federal government alone cannot address the need for child care and family support services. They use their Schools of the 21st Century program as an example of how schools can provide child care, outreach services, home visitations, and health and nutrition services - in addition to reading, writing and arithmetic. Included is a wealth of information on the research and practical applications of school reform initiatives in general and the implementation of child and family support services.
Paperback $35 (order on Amazon.com)
- Book: The First Three Years and Beyond: Brain Development and Social Policy
by Edward Zigler, Matia Finn-Stevenson, & Nancy W. Hall
(from Amazon.com review) How much do children's early experiences affect their cognitive and social development? ... The authors affirm that sound social policy providing for safe and appropriate early care, education, health care, and parent support is critical not only for the optimal development of children, but also for strengthening families, communities, and the nation as a whole. Written by experts in the field of early child development, care, and education, the book is essential reading for parents and policymakers alike.
Paperback $17; Hardcover $24.95 (order on Amazon.com)
Books and Articles
- Books
Schools of the 21st Century: Linking Child Care and Education (Renewing American Schools)
by Matia Finn-Stevenson, Edward Zigler -
Children in a Changing World: Development and Social Issues
by Edward F. Zigler, Matia Finn-Stevenson -
The First Three Years and Beyond: Brain Development and Social Policy
by Edward F. Zigler, Nancy W. Hall, Matia Finn-Stevenson -
Children, Families, and Government: Preparing for the Twenty-First Century
by Edward F. Zigler (Editor), Sharon Lynn Kagan (Editor), Nancy W. Hall (Editor) -
Child Care Choices: Balancing the Needs of Children, Families, and Society
by Edward F. Zigler, Mary E. Lang
Schools of the 21st Century: Linking Child Care and Education (Renewing American Schools)
- Articles
The Added Value of the School of the 21st Century when Combined with a Quality Statewide Preschool Program.
by Misty Marie Ginicola, Matia Finn-Stevenson, & Edward F. Zigler. (2013). American Journal of Orthopsychiatry, 83, 89-93. DOI: 10.1111/ajop.12004. -
Funding Child Care and Public Education
by Edward F. Zigler and Matia Finn-Stevenson in The Future of Children: Financing Child Care, Vol. 6, No. 2, Summer/Fall 1996. The Center of the Future of Children, The David and Lucile Packard Foundation. -
21C: A Decade of School-based Child Care
by Erin Deemer, Laura DeSimone, and Matia Finn-Stevenson in Principal, January 1998, pp. 43-46. -
Linking Child Care and Support Services with the School: Pilot Evaluation of the School of the 21st Century
by Matia Finn-Stevenson, Laura Desimone, and An-Me Chung in Children and Youth Services Review, Vol. 20, No3, pp. 177-205, 1998.
The Added Value of the School of the 21st Century when Combined with a Quality Statewide Preschool Program.