Yale Psychiatry Grand Rounds: February 4, 2022
Yale Psychiatry Grand Rounds: February 4, 2022
February 04, 2022"Addressing the Epidemic of Alzheimer's Dementia With Population Health Informed Collaborative Models of Care"
Brent Forester, MD, Chief, Division of Geriatric Psychiatry, McLean Hospital
- ID
- 7414
- To Cite
- DCA Citation Guide
- 00:00I'm Chris Van **** and I direct
- 00:04our department's division of
- 00:07aging and geriatric psychiatry.
- 00:09This is the first grand rounds that
- 00:12our division has hosted in some time
- 00:15and I I'd like to say I think we're
- 00:18resuming in very fine style with
- 00:20today's speaker doctor Brent Forrester.
- 00:23Now Brent is the chief of the division
- 00:25of Geriatric Psychiatry at McLean and
- 00:28Medical Director for Dementia care
- 00:30and behavioral and mental health.
- 00:32Population health management
- 00:34at Mass General Brigham.
- 00:38He is associate professor of psychiatry
- 00:40at Harvard Medical School and has
- 00:42several other titles that I won't list.
- 00:45But of special note is that Brent is
- 00:48the current president of the American
- 00:51Association for Geriatric Psychiatry,
- 00:54which is our national organization.
- 00:57He specializes in the treatment
- 00:59of older adults with depression,
- 01:01bipolar disorder,
- 01:03and behavioral complications of
- 01:05Alzheimer's disease and related dementia.
- 01:09As we'll see.
- 01:11In his presentation today,
- 01:13his research focuses on novel treatment
- 01:16approaches to manage the disabling
- 01:19behavioral complications of dementia
- 01:21such as agitation and aggression,
- 01:23and his presentation today is entitled
- 01:27addressing the epidemic of Alzheimer's
- 01:29dementia with evidence based approaches
- 01:32to treating Neuro psychiatric syndrome,
- 01:34symptoms of dementia,
- 01:36and population health informed
- 01:39collaborative models of care.
- 01:41So with no further delay,
- 01:43let me introduce to you
- 01:45doctor Brent Forrester.
- 01:48Thank you Chris for that kind
- 01:50introduction and really great to see
- 01:52many of you on the screen who I know
- 01:54who have been friends and colleagues
- 01:55of mine for quite so many years.
- 01:57I will say that Yale holds a special
- 01:59place in my heart because as Michelle
- 02:01and Kirsten know during the annual
- 02:04meeting I become A at least a
- 02:06member of your family by going out
- 02:07to a dinner with the Yale folks.
- 02:09So that's always a highlight
- 02:11of the year for me,
- 02:12and it's a real pleasure to
- 02:14speak to you today about a topic
- 02:15that's dear to my heart.
- 02:16Which is Alzheimer's disease?
- 02:18So I'm going to share my screen.
- 02:33And Chris, give me the
- 02:35thumbs up if that looks good.
- 02:37That looks good, alright, excellent.
- 02:39Alright, by the way,
- 02:41I should say the building on the left,
- 02:45the old print there is the original
- 02:47campus of the McLean Asylum and well,
- 02:49it says Somerville Mass.
- 02:50Some people would have call it now.
- 02:52Charleston Charles Charlestown,
- 02:53Massachusetts when it was founded in 1811,
- 02:56it moved to the campus where currently
- 02:58is in Belmont in 1895 and the buildings
- 03:01still pretty much look the same
- 03:03and and the building on the right,
- 03:05which little fuzzy is a new corporate
- 03:07structure that mass general Brigham
- 03:08built a few years ago and has largely
- 03:10been empty for the past two years.
- 03:12Because of the pandemic.
- 03:14But it represents our transformation
- 03:16from siloed sort of singular
- 03:18hospitals to a system of care,
- 03:20and I'm I'm mentioning that now
- 03:22because I think it's relevant for
- 03:23the the second part of the talk,
- 03:25which is more on the population
- 03:26health side of things.
- 03:30Alright, so here are some of my disclosures.
- 03:34So I'm going to talk a bit about
- 03:35real quickly about epidemiology of
- 03:37dementia and talk about a case,
- 03:38really to highlight some of the key
- 03:40clinical issues I want to address today,
- 03:41which are really the behavioral symptoms
- 03:43of dementia that drive the burden of
- 03:45this disease and give those of you,
- 03:46especially those of you who, whether you,
- 03:48whether your geriatric psychiatrist or not.
- 03:50Most people I realize or not you're going
- 03:53to be seeing not only an aging population,
- 03:55but you're going to be seeing an
- 03:57increasing aging population with
- 03:58various neurodegenerative illnesses
- 04:00including Alzheimer's disease.
- 04:01And knowing more about diagnosis
- 04:02and treatment approaches is going
- 04:04to become increasingly important,
- 04:05so that's what I really want to
- 04:07focus on today.
- 04:08And then I'll spend some time at the
- 04:09end talking about how we've adapted
- 04:11some of these key principles and
- 04:13implemented them in a population
- 04:14based setting in primary care.
- 04:18So I like to start every talk I give on
- 04:20Alzheimer's disease with the most recent
- 04:23facts and figures from the Alzheimer's
- 04:25Association and every March or so.
- 04:27So we're about to see another
- 04:28one of these in in about a month.
- 04:30The Alzheimer's Association comes
- 04:31up with their facts and figures
- 04:33that highlights demographic issues
- 04:35related to Alzheimer's disease.
- 04:36And I'll just highlight a few things on
- 04:38this slide right now in the United States,
- 04:40there are about 6.2 million
- 04:42Americans with Alzheimer's disease,
- 04:44and based on the aging of the population,
- 04:46that number is supposed to
- 04:47triple in the next 20 years.
- 04:48And that's not.
- 04:49Unique to the United States,
- 04:50it's true all over the
- 04:52world with aging adults.
- 04:54It's the 6th leading cause of death
- 04:55in the United States and by the way,
- 04:57the pandemic has been a disaster
- 04:59for Alzheimer's disease.
- 05:00The death rate in Alzheimer's dementia
- 05:01not only because of individuals who are in
- 05:04more advanced stages and congregate living,
- 05:06but but independently because of illness
- 05:09issues related to the illness of Alzheimer's,
- 05:11or the effect of the virus.
- 05:12We've seen just a much higher
- 05:15mortality rate over the past two years.
- 05:18This is a disease that not only
- 05:19impacts the person with the illness,
- 05:21but like many illnesses that we care for.
- 05:23In psychiatry really impacts the family.
- 05:25So we estimate there over 11.2 million
- 05:28Americans providing unpaid caregiving
- 05:30support to loved ones with dementia.
- 05:33The total cost of care in the United
- 05:35States in 2021 was $355 billion,
- 05:38with an added two $57 billion.
- 05:43For providing home care,
- 05:45for example, what's really important,
- 05:47I think that's become much more clear,
- 05:50especially in this report from the
- 05:522021 Alzheimer's Association report,
- 05:55was the bottom right box,
- 05:58which is really the disproportionate
- 06:00impact in underserved populations.
- 06:02And interestingly,
- 06:0336% of black Americans,
- 06:0618% of Hispanic Americans,
- 06:07in 19% of Asian Americans believe
- 06:09that discrimination is a barrier,
- 06:11or would be a barrier to receiving
- 06:13Alzheimer's care.
- 06:14And one of the biggest problems that
- 06:15we have in in the research setting.
- 06:17It's just ruin all of psychiatry.
- 06:18But we see this a lot in dementia as well.
- 06:20Is that we're seeing generally
- 06:23homogeneous populations being
- 06:24either volunteering for or being
- 06:26recruited into clinical trials,
- 06:28and so there's an increasing worry
- 06:29that what we're finding in some
- 06:31of these outcomes are really not
- 06:32representative of a larger population.
- 06:34So this is an area that I think
- 06:36throughout all of medicine,
- 06:37but but also here and Alzheimer's
- 06:39disease is a major issue.
- 06:41So let me start out by a relatively
- 06:43straightforward case of a gentleman
- 06:45that I saw a number of years ago,
- 06:46who at the time was in his late 60s and
- 06:49I had first seen him a few years earlier.
- 06:51When he presented with cognitive
- 06:53issues working as an accountant
- 06:55unable to do the tax returns and
- 06:57his partners were concerned,
- 06:59as was his wife,
- 07:00we diagnosed him with Alzheimer's
- 07:02dementia and now a few years
- 07:03later he had been having
- 07:04about two months of insomnia, irritability,
- 07:07physical restlessness and pacing,
- 07:08especially late in the day and for
- 07:10about the past week he started to talk
- 07:13to these imaginary people who were
- 07:14in his home and he started to look
- 07:16more confused according to his wife.
- 07:18He really had no major medical
- 07:20problems in the past.
- 07:21It was a very healthy guy.
- 07:23And we had put him a few years ago and
- 07:25and episil, or Aricept and Memantine.
- 07:26And Amanda standard treatments.
- 07:28Even today in 2022 for Alzheimer's disease.
- 07:31And he had been on mirtazapine for few years
- 07:34for anxiety and periods of insomnia as well.
- 07:37But now he was having some
- 07:38of these other symptoms.
- 07:39So what I want you to think about as
- 07:42we go through this talk is questions
- 07:44that come out of a case like this
- 07:46and how you would approach it.
- 07:48So for example, how?
- 07:49How would you define or describe
- 07:50these neuro psychiatric symptoms?
- 07:52Because they're they range
- 07:54across a spectrum of mood,
- 07:55anxiety, sleep,
- 07:56and then even into psychosis with paranoid
- 08:00delusions and possibly hallucinations.
- 08:02Most importantly,
- 08:03how would you seek the cause
- 08:04with the etiology of these neuro
- 08:06psychiatric symptoms and what?
- 08:07Medical or neurological diagnosis may
- 08:09help to explain this presentation.
- 08:12And if you're going to treat this individual,
- 08:15what target symptoms would you be
- 08:17going after and then what behavioral
- 08:19interventions might help and?
- 08:21And if you were going to use the medicine
- 08:22to augment treatment that he's currently on,
- 08:24what would you use and why?
- 08:25And what is the evidence based for that?
- 08:27So what I'm going to hopefully
- 08:28cover in this first part of the
- 08:30talk is really going through the
- 08:31systematic approach to assessment,
- 08:33diagnosis and then and then both
- 08:36behavioral and pharmacological
- 08:37management of these of these neuro
- 08:40psychiatric symptoms of dementia.
- 08:41So as far as background goes,
- 08:44if you see somebody with dementia
- 08:46over the course of their illness,
- 08:47neuro psychiatric symptoms
- 08:49are universally prevalent.
- 08:51In fact,
- 08:52some studies have shown rates of up
- 08:54to 100% over the course of illness.
- 08:56Again,
- 08:57they could be as mild as worrying or pacing,
- 08:59or they could be as severe
- 09:01as physical aggression.
- 09:02But when you see these symptoms,
- 09:03the reason they're important is not
- 09:05only they are disabling to the person
- 09:07and making them feel lousy and and
- 09:08concerned about safety concerns,
- 09:10but they do.
- 09:11Seem to be associated with a higher
- 09:13morbidity and even mortality,
- 09:14and a more rapid functional decline.
- 09:18Practice guidelines that exist,
- 09:20including the 2016 APA guidelines
- 09:22for the use of antipsychotics
- 09:24and Alzheimer's disease,
- 09:25recommend antipsychotics as first
- 09:27line treatment for those patients
- 09:29with dementia who have agitation
- 09:31that are associated with psychosis,
- 09:33so hallucinations or delusions.
- 09:34But what if you've got somebody who's
- 09:38physically aggressive or disinhibited
- 09:40verbally without any provocation,
- 09:42without any association with
- 09:44psychosis or or depression?
- 09:46That's where the even the experts don't
- 09:47agree on a first line of treatment.
- 09:49That's where we use combinations of
- 09:52medications that include antipsychotics
- 09:53or mood stabilizing
- 09:55anticonvulsants or SSRI's,
- 09:56and we'll talk more about this in detail.
- 09:58And so we have a number of
- 10:01different acronyms that are used
- 10:03to describe these syndromes,
- 10:04one of which is BPSD or the behavioral
- 10:06and psychological symptoms of dementia.
- 10:08But we don't have true standards of care.
- 10:10There is really no true
- 10:12algorithm or standards of care.
- 10:13Some have been developed,
- 10:14but it really has to be thought of
- 10:17on an individual patient level and
- 10:18and very importantly which a lot
- 10:20of people don't understand is that
- 10:22any drug ever used by any of us to
- 10:24treat these behavioral symptoms that
- 10:26dementia is by definition off label.
- 10:29Because the FDA has yet to approve
- 10:30a single drug to manage any
- 10:32behavioral symptoms of dementia,
- 10:33or the psychosis of dementia.
- 10:36So I mentioned these definitions,
- 10:38Dilip, Jeste,
- 10:39and Sandy Finkle came up with
- 10:41a psychosis avadi which was a
- 10:43diagnostic sort of a research
- 10:45diagnosis that was in the DSM 4
- 10:47neuro psychiatric symptoms of a D.
- 10:49This BPSD,
- 10:50but most importantly is that whatever
- 10:52the acronym is or the descriptor is,
- 10:55it's really important to go down into
- 10:57the nitty gritty and like what are
- 10:58the symptoms that person is presenting with,
- 11:00because these acronyms really account
- 11:02for a whole range of symptoms.
- 11:04As I mentioned before,
- 11:05and you can see here on the slide.
- 11:10The the most important really take
- 11:12home message from this part of the
- 11:14talk is that throwing medicines at
- 11:16patients who present with these symptoms
- 11:18without figuring out what's driving
- 11:20these symptoms will lead to problems.
- 11:22And it sounds so obvious to say.
- 11:24But when you're dealing with a
- 11:26fragile brain that's in the context
- 11:27of a neurodegenerative illness
- 11:29like Alzheimer's disease,
- 11:30the therapeutic index,
- 11:31the window for efficacy and
- 11:32tolerability is very, very narrow,
- 11:34and so if we're going to intervene
- 11:36with medications when appropriate,
- 11:37we've got to be very careful
- 11:39that we're actually.
- 11:39Now we're treating so the three big
- 11:41buckets of causes of these behavioral
- 11:44symptoms can be broken down into
- 11:46environmental precipitants like
- 11:47interactions with caregivers or time
- 11:49of day or change in routine or noise,
- 11:52or even cultural issues.
- 11:53The way in which a loved one will
- 11:55speak to their spouse with dementia
- 11:57and a person with dementia doesn't
- 11:59understand where they are or or or who
- 12:02their spouses and they start asking the
- 12:04same questions over and over again,
- 12:05and the spouse themselves is feeling
- 12:07exhausted and burned out and depressed.
- 12:09And before you know it.
- 12:09They're having arguments.
- 12:11Those things don't require necessarily
- 12:13medications, but a lot of caregivers,
- 12:14support education, etc.
- 12:17Medical causes in fact.
- 12:18The first,
- 12:19second and third things we look
- 12:21for when we see a patient like
- 12:23the one I described is might.
- 12:25May there be an infection or a new
- 12:27medication accounting for the side effect?
- 12:29Or maybe they're drinking
- 12:30alcohol or some other drugs.
- 12:31Or maybe they've got an electrolyte
- 12:33disturbance where their
- 12:34diabetes isn't well controlled,
- 12:35so that's what we're looking for in pain.
- 12:37And during the first wave of this pandemic,
- 12:40back in the winter of 2020,
- 12:43we saw a number of older
- 12:45patients presenting with.
- 12:47Delirium, agitation,
- 12:48confusion,
- 12:48etc superimposed on dementia as the
- 12:52first manifestation of COVID-19,
- 12:54which was very interesting.
- 12:55And we've we've seen and now know a
- 12:58lot more about the neuro psychiatric
- 12:59manifestations of this illness.
- 13:01And then finally, psychiatric.
- 13:02And the reason I bring this up is 2 fold.
- 13:05One is,
- 13:05it's really important to gather
- 13:07a pre-existing or prior to the
- 13:09onset of dementia.
- 13:10Psychiatric history from a family
- 13:12member or from some collateral source.
- 13:14Because what you might be seeing is
- 13:16somebody who's aging with bipolar
- 13:18disorder who's now got cognitive problems.
- 13:20Or you might be seeing somebody who
- 13:22never had a psychiatric problem and
- 13:24now now is experiencing Alzheimer's
- 13:25disease with superimpose behavioral
- 13:27complications and the approach to
- 13:29treatment may very well be different.
- 13:31I'll also tell you a little vignette here,
- 13:33because this story,
- 13:34which I this was a patient,
- 13:35I saw very early on in my career
- 13:37in a nursing home setting,
- 13:39taught me a lot about the importance of
- 13:41collateral information and diagnosis.
- 13:42So I was working at the mental
- 13:44Health Center of Greater Manchester,
- 13:46NH on the faculty at Dartmouth,
- 13:47and I was assigned to work in
- 13:49this nursing home and.
- 13:50One of the first days I
- 13:52actually worked in this
- 13:52nursing home, I was asked to see this woman.
- 13:55Who is 53 at the time and she was in a
- 13:57locked dementia unit and all I knew is
- 14:00that she had been hospitalized for a week
- 14:02before in the General Medical Hospital.
- 14:04After a syncopal episode at home was
- 14:06found to be dehydrated and and was
- 14:08admitted to the hospital and now she
- 14:10was diagnosed with picks disease or
- 14:12frontal temporal dementia variant and
- 14:14she wasn't cooperative with anything.
- 14:17She wasn't eating drinking,
- 14:19not cooperating with activities.
- 14:21So I saw her.
- 14:22She's standing in the hallway and
- 14:23she was first of all about 30
- 14:25years younger than everyone else.
- 14:26Which I thought was strange.
- 14:28I walked up to her and she had
- 14:30absolutely no facial expression.
- 14:32She was completely mute and when I
- 14:34went in the hallway to do a brief
- 14:37neurological exam on her and I did some
- 14:40assessment of upper extremity mobility.
- 14:42She left her hand up like this.
- 14:44She was catalepsy.
- 14:45I thought maybe you know this is unusual.
- 14:48Neurological manifestation of catatonia,
- 14:50but there's no psych history in her chart,
- 14:53so I called her husband and I said,
- 14:54Bob, what's going on with your wife?
- 14:56And he said, well,
- 14:57we've been married for 30 years,
- 14:58and she's got bipolar disorder,
- 14:59and she was doing pretty well
- 15:00until a few weeks ago, when she?
- 15:02Started but I thought was getting
- 15:04depressed and wasn't talking to us
- 15:05much and wasn't eating or drinking
- 15:07very well and she passed out one
- 15:09day and now they tell me she has
- 15:10end stage dementia and she's at
- 15:11the end of her life and I said,
- 15:13well you know Bob,
- 15:14it may be a manifestation of
- 15:15bipolar disorder we call catatonia,
- 15:17and so we had our hospitalized
- 15:20and she had ECT.
- 15:21And and she became my outpatient
- 15:22for the next five years because she
- 15:24went back to her normal baseline,
- 15:26which was essentially euthymic
- 15:28without catatonia,
- 15:29with some mild executive dysfunction
- 15:31and some delayed recall problems,
- 15:32which improved with prompting.
- 15:34But she certainly didn't have
- 15:36advanced frontal temporal dementia.
- 15:38I learned a lot from this case.
- 15:39One thing was which you read in
- 15:40a medical record is what you read
- 15:42in a medical record.
- 15:43And even with emr's these days,
- 15:44we know how those cannot be complete.
- 15:46It's not that they're wrong necessarily,
- 15:48but they're just not complete all the time,
- 15:50and there's really nothing that
- 15:51substitutes getting a really good
- 15:53history from a family member.
- 15:54And then finally,
- 15:55people with acute psychiatric
- 15:57illness like this woman had.
- 15:59It's impossible to know what their
- 16:01baseline cognitive functioning is.
- 16:02And until you treat that you
- 16:04don't really know what they're
- 16:06what the underlying baseline.
- 16:08A cognitive functioning maybe.
- 16:09So those are the three buckets of causes
- 16:11and keep that in mind as we go through
- 16:12some of the treatment approaches.
- 16:14So our colleagues,
- 16:15Helen Cals and others at the University
- 16:17of Michigan developed this dice approach,
- 16:19which was now published a few years ago
- 16:21in Jags. And this.
- 16:22This approach is really
- 16:23what I just told you about.
- 16:25It's like a it's just a systematic way
- 16:27of assessing describing the behavior
- 16:28you're seeing when it's happening,
- 16:30where what's provoking it,
- 16:32investigating the etiology,
- 16:33and you can see on the slide.
- 16:34There are many things,
- 16:36many of which I mentioned.
- 16:37Constipation, pain,
- 16:38medical problems, etc.
- 16:40And then create a treatment plan and that
- 16:42could be both behavioral and pharmacological.
- 16:44And very importantly,
- 16:45this is something we're not good at.
- 16:47In psychiatry is collecting
- 16:48objective data on symptom, severity,
- 16:51frequency and impact on caregivers,
- 16:53and then see how our treatment
- 16:55interventions actually impact outcomes.
- 16:57So there are a number of measures
- 16:58that we can use to assess
- 17:00behavioral symptoms in dementia.
- 17:01The one that's most widely
- 17:03used now in clinical trials.
- 17:05And we're trying to implement
- 17:06now in population settings,
- 17:07is the neuro psychiatric inventory.
- 17:09There's a version of it called the NPIQ,
- 17:11which is shorter, but it's burdensome.
- 17:14It takes a little time,
- 17:15but what's nice about the NPIQ is
- 17:17you're assessing 12 domains of behavior,
- 17:20mood, psychosis,
- 17:21etc,
- 17:22and the impact of this behavior
- 17:24on on the caregivers.
- 17:26Well being so that that is a
- 17:29really useful instrument.
- 17:30But implementing this in in
- 17:32traditional clinical care is
- 17:34is way easier said than done.
- 17:36This is not a talk where I'm
- 17:38going to go through an exhaustive
- 17:40series of studies on behavioral.
- 17:41You know interventions for or non
- 17:44pharmacological interventions
- 17:45for patients with dementia
- 17:47and behavioral symptoms,
- 17:48but I really want to call this out
- 17:50because before we intervene with
- 17:52medicines and let's unless it's an
- 17:53acute crisis with safety concerns,
- 17:55we need to intervene first
- 17:57with behavioral interventions,
- 17:59and those could be and the way I think
- 18:00about it is you've got to be creative.
- 18:02It's got to be individualized.
- 18:04Every study that's looked at this is said.
- 18:06It's not one size fits all.
- 18:07It's very.
- 18:07Individualized,
- 18:08and then if you look at the literature,
- 18:10you'll be disappointed because you'll see
- 18:12some studies that are not well designed.
- 18:14It's hard to have a control
- 18:16group and they're not that large,
- 18:17but they've been published
- 18:18in some good journals.
- 18:19Actually,
- 18:20the two areas that I really
- 18:23wanted to highlight here.
- 18:25Our are the activities and the exercise,
- 18:28so exercise,
- 18:29exercise and incredibly helpful
- 18:31intervention that might not only help
- 18:33us with our own brains as we age in
- 18:35terms of reducing the risk of Alzheimer's,
- 18:36but may also ameliorate some
- 18:38of the agitation anxiety that
- 18:41goes along with with dementia.
- 18:43And then there's the impact that
- 18:44you can have on caregivers because
- 18:46a lot of these precipitants to
- 18:49behavioral outbursts are often
- 18:50driven by the environment,
- 18:52which may be the caregivers,
- 18:53could be nurses and long.
- 18:54Long term care facilities nurses aides.
- 18:56It could be family members at home, etc.
- 18:58So,
- 18:58but there's a ton of need for
- 19:01good research in this area,
- 19:03and every guideline that you will
- 19:05read will say before you do anything
- 19:07with medicine you want to do non
- 19:09pharmacological interventions.
- 19:11So the the the next main part of this
- 19:13talk is really to focus on evidence
- 19:15based pharmacotherapy and then I'll
- 19:16talk a little bit about some of the work
- 19:18we're doing for some of the symptoms
- 19:20that are more difficult to treat.
- 19:22Now focus mostly here on the NSA koteks.
- 19:25And primarily because they're.
- 19:26They're the best studied.
- 19:28Frankly, class of drugs,
- 19:29and they're there's tremendous
- 19:31controversy with their use.
- 19:33It may be the most controversial thing
- 19:34that we have in geriatric psychiatry
- 19:36is that when to use and when not to
- 19:38use antipsychotics and older adults,
- 19:39but specifically in dementia.
- 19:40So I want to give you a sense of
- 19:43what the data shows first of all,
- 19:44with the limitations are what
- 19:45we can learn from it,
- 19:47how we apply it in clinical practice,
- 19:48and then the warnings that
- 19:50the FDA put out now in 2005.
- 19:51And I'll talk a little bit about some
- 19:53of the other classes in particular the.
- 19:55Antidepressants.
- 19:58So this is such a basic statement.
- 20:00I hate to mention it to this crowd,
- 20:01but it's something that happens
- 20:02all the time in psychiatry.
- 20:03You know, it's a Mrs.
- 20:04Jones has psychosis or the Mrs.
- 20:06Jones is psychotic.
- 20:06Well,
- 20:07what does that even mean?
- 20:08It's like saying where she has
- 20:09a psychotic disorder.
- 20:10It's like saying that Mrs.
- 20:11Jones has a cough disorder and it could be.
- 20:13It could be cancer,
- 20:14or you've got something stuck in your throat,
- 20:16or you've got an allergic reaction and
- 20:18the approach is totally different.
- 20:19So in older adults,
- 20:20although we may describe how someone
- 20:23is doing with a variety of symptoms,
- 20:25we've got to figure out the
- 20:27underlying diagnosis or we'll get
- 20:28lost very quickly with treatment.
- 20:30So we know what the diagnosis of
- 20:32psychosis is, but it it's a symptom.
- 20:33It's not a diagnosis,
- 20:35and in older adults who develop
- 20:37psychosis for the first time in
- 20:39their in in their later years,
- 20:41it's generally not late onset
- 20:43schizophrenia at the age of 70 or even
- 20:45late onset mania and bipolar disorder,
- 20:47it's usually dementia or it's
- 20:50delirium superimposed on dementia.
- 20:53And it may be the first manifestation
- 20:55of somebody with Alzheimer's disease.
- 20:57Not always,
- 20:57but it.
- 20:58It can be because you know half the
- 21:00people in the United States with
- 21:01dementia aren't diagnosed and the
- 21:03ones who are aren't diagnosed until
- 21:04they're already in the moderate stages,
- 21:06which is when you start to see psychosis,
- 21:09impaired memory from dementia is
- 21:11is often what is is the what,
- 21:15what the psychosis is really about,
- 21:16which is that they they can't remember
- 21:19where they are or they misidentify
- 21:21their spouse because they have.
- 21:23This, you know,
- 21:24Misidentification syndrome
- 21:25or Capgras syndrome,
- 21:27where they think they're like their
- 21:29caregivers an impostor or their mates,
- 21:31unfaithful,
- 21:31which the first patient that
- 21:34Doctor Alzheimer's saw Augusti.
- 21:35She actually believed that her
- 21:37made her spouse was unfaithful.
- 21:39That was one of her presenting symptoms so,
- 21:41but if you look at these quote
- 21:43unquote delusions,
- 21:44fixed false beliefs,
- 21:45they're often based on the fact
- 21:46that the persons having cognitive
- 21:48impairment and inability to recognize
- 21:50familiar people or things and then
- 21:52stories get created around it.
- 21:54So that's really important to keep in mind,
- 21:56and then finally the duration of
- 21:58treatment is often informed by the
- 22:00actual diagnosis and what I mean by
- 22:02that is if if this is delusions and
- 22:04Alisa nations and somebody who's
- 22:05manic with a history of bipolar
- 22:07disorder who also now later life,
- 22:08happens that dementia.
- 22:09You know they're going to need to
- 22:11continue to stay on pharmacotherapy,
- 22:13but if this is somebody with
- 22:14Alzheimer's disease and all of a
- 22:15sudden has a UTI and in the setting
- 22:17of the UTI they see things that
- 22:18aren't there and get agitated, well,
- 22:19you can give them a land subpoena or
- 22:22QT and perhaps a risperidone for a
- 22:24period of time because they're agitated.
- 22:26But if you don't treat their
- 22:28UTI without antibiotics,
- 22:29you're not going to get very far.
- 22:30So anyway, it it sounds so obvious,
- 22:33but this is what I mean about
- 22:35looking for the underlying cause.
- 22:38So the older drugs the conventional
- 22:40antipsychotics like caliper,
- 22:41it all are still used,
- 22:42hopefully rarely and there is data on them.
- 22:45But the reason why we don't use
- 22:47them much if at all is because of
- 22:50the toxic side effects and they
- 22:51really include extrapyramidal side
- 22:53effects like that are listed here.
- 22:55Risk of falls orthostasis with a low
- 22:58potency and psychotics and then the
- 23:01risk of tardive dyskinesia which.
- 23:03The risk factors for developing
- 23:05tardive dyskinesia as you all know,
- 23:07include advancing age,
- 23:08and so if you see somebody with
- 23:10schizophrenia in their 30s and they're
- 23:13treated with antipsychotic medication,
- 23:15the risk of developing TD in
- 23:17the first year is about 5%,
- 23:19and so about 5% every year.
- 23:20So after three years, it's about 15%.
- 23:22Now if that same person in their 70s,
- 23:25and you give them haloperidol for a year,
- 23:27it's 28% risk of TD,
- 23:30and that goes up to nearly
- 23:312/3 after three years.
- 23:32So that's one of the main reasons why.
- 23:34We really try to avoid these,
- 23:36especially for long term use in older adults.
- 23:40So I'm not going to go through the
- 23:42exhaustive literature on the atypical
- 23:43antipsychotic use in dementia,
- 23:44but I want to highlight that
- 23:46these four drugs, risperidone,
- 23:47olanzapine, Katipunan, aripiprazole.
- 23:49The reason why there's dosing
- 23:52ranges listed on the slide is
- 23:54because it's based on evidence.
- 23:56It's not just clinical judgment.
- 23:59There are a lot of studies that were done and
- 24:01will go through a few examples in a minute,
- 24:03but risperidone .5 to two?
- 24:04You'll notice these general doses are low.
- 24:07You'll notice the quote
- 24:08typing dose is quite variable,
- 24:09which is.
- 24:10One of the challenges with this
- 24:11drug is how hard it is to figure
- 24:13out what dose the person needs.
- 24:15There are a lot of other atypicals
- 24:16that have come on the market
- 24:18in the last decade or so with
- 24:19very little data and clozapine,
- 24:21which is a much older.
- 24:22Drugs still has very little data in dementia.
- 24:24There's a one positive and one negative
- 24:27brexpiprazole study with the third
- 24:29trial ongoing and pimavanserin which
- 24:31was being studied for the psychosis
- 24:34of or dementia related psychosis.
- 24:36In April of 2021,
- 24:39the FDA rejected their application.
- 24:40So there's more work going on there.
- 24:43Still to this day no drugs
- 24:45have been approved by the FDA.
- 24:47For the psychosis of
- 24:49Alzheimer's disease now TD,
- 24:50tardive dyskinesia does not go away
- 24:52when using an atypical antipsychotic,
- 24:54but it is much less than in
- 24:56the older adult population.
- 24:58On haloperidol, for example.
- 24:59So it's about 5% or so per year for
- 25:03risperidone and olanzapine compared
- 25:05to 28% with the conventional agents.
- 25:10I want to show you two
- 25:12studies only two studies,
- 25:13'cause this is a huge literature,
- 25:15but they highlight the way in
- 25:17which this data was collected and
- 25:20it's really important to remember.
- 25:23Generalizability of data.
- 25:24So the first series of studies
- 25:26that were done essentially in
- 25:28the 90s in the early 2000s.
- 25:30We're done in patients who were in
- 25:33nursing homes who had more advanced
- 25:35dementia with mini mental status exams
- 25:37in the single digits or low teens.
- 25:39Many of them had substantial
- 25:42medical comorbidity and some
- 25:44of them had mixed dementias,
- 25:45not just Alzheimer's disease,
- 25:47that they already had strokes
- 25:48and had vascular dementia.
- 25:50I mentioned that because of some of
- 25:51the problems with with mortality and
- 25:53stroke that I'll mention in a minute,
- 25:55so this was the risperidone trial.
- 25:56This was the first one published now.
- 25:59Crazy, it was back in 1999 already,
- 26:01but there were four different treatment arms,
- 26:04placebo .51 and two and one of the
- 26:06primary outcome measures that we looked
- 26:08at was the psychosis subscale of this
- 26:11behavioral measure in Alzheimer's disease.
- 26:14And what they found Ihracat still have
- 26:16Jesse and Jacobo Mintzer in this study.
- 26:19Was that once you got to a milligram a
- 26:21day you saw an improvement in psychosis,
- 26:24although the effect was modest.
- 26:26But once you went from one to two,
- 26:27you got no added benefit
- 26:30on reducing psychosis.
- 26:31Instead, what you got was doubling the
- 26:33rate of extrapyramidal side effects,
- 26:35and So what you see very clearly
- 26:36from this study,
- 26:37which was one of the five
- 26:39risperidone studies done.
- 26:40Again, advanced population,
- 26:41long term care settings,
- 26:43medical comorbidity.
- 26:44So if you saw somebody who's younger who's
- 26:46an outpatient who had a mini mental of 25,
- 26:48which you still see the same
- 26:49problems you know we,
- 26:50we don't have that data as much.
- 26:54But in the in these studies you
- 26:55see a lot of extra mental side
- 26:57effects once you go above 1,
- 26:58where between one and two this happens.
- 27:00I'm not sure you have to treat
- 27:02the individual, of course,
- 27:03but you're going to see rigidity and
- 27:05tremor and gait disturbance and so forth.
- 27:07Once you get above 1,
- 27:08certainly to 2 milligrams with risperidone.
- 27:11So there's a little bit of
- 27:12a therapeutic window there.
- 27:16Now I want to contrast that kind of study
- 27:18funded by the Pharmaceutical industry in
- 27:20the advanced patients and nursing homes.
- 27:22With the Katie study, most people who
- 27:24are not geriatric psychiatrist know about
- 27:26the Katie study because of schizophrenia.
- 27:29But there happened to be a sister study done
- 27:31at the same time called Katie Adie and that
- 27:34was the Alzheimer's sister study of Katie.
- 27:37And we were involved when I was up
- 27:39at Dartmouth back in the late 90s.
- 27:40In this trial we were one of the sites
- 27:42and it was 42 sites around the country.
- 27:44It was 421 patients but they were out
- 27:47patients including assisted living residents
- 27:48and they had a deal with either psychosis,
- 27:51aggression or agitation.
- 27:52Oh, and one thing I didn't mention was
- 27:54those first studies were only about 6
- 27:56to 12 weeks interation. These study.
- 27:59This study was 36 weeks in duration 9 months.
- 28:02And the individuals in this study
- 28:04were randomized to one of four arms,
- 28:06olanzapine, quetiapine, and risperidone,
- 28:08or placebo and the doses.
- 28:11The mean dose was based on the dose
- 28:13at the time that the person was
- 28:15switched from phase one to phase two.
- 28:18The way the study was designed is
- 28:20people were randomized to one of these
- 28:22four treatment arms and they were
- 28:24out patients if they had persistent
- 28:26psychosis and agitation the the
- 28:27investigators doing the study.
- 28:29The clinicians,
- 28:29like I was were really pretty quick.
- 28:33To switch because we knew that
- 28:3525% chance they were on placebo
- 28:37and they were outpatients,
- 28:38they were safety concerns,
- 28:39so the doses they got too.
- 28:40As you can see from the previous slide,
- 28:43a mean of five of alanza pain is therapeutic,
- 28:45at least in those earlier studies with
- 28:47risperidone being a milligram a day.
- 28:49Also therapeutic in QT app in the
- 28:52one quetiapine study that showed
- 28:54efficacy was 200 milligrams a day
- 28:56and and this may have been under
- 28:58dosed and then there's placebo.
- 29:00So at the end of the day the outcome
- 29:02that they looked at in this study.
- 29:03It was not symptom reduction.
- 29:05It was not reduction of psychosis
- 29:07or aggression on a rating scale.
- 29:09The outcome they looked at was how
- 29:10long did it take for the investigator
- 29:13to make a decision to switch from
- 29:15drug drug atede rugby and that
- 29:16decision is of course a balance
- 29:18of is the drug working or is the
- 29:20drug not being tolerated or not?
- 29:22So after the after looking at
- 29:24this as the primary outcome,
- 29:26this this effectiveness measure,
- 29:27there was really no difference in any of
- 29:29the four groups in terms of time to switch,
- 29:32and the reason for that was although
- 29:34there may have been some efficacy
- 29:36advantages and symptom reduction
- 29:38tolerability for placebo is way better
- 29:40and and so if you looked at only
- 29:44efficacy which is symptom reduction,
- 29:46psychosis or agitation,
- 29:47you stayed on risperidone and olanzapine
- 29:49longer than you did quit typing,
- 29:51which may have been underdosed or placebo.
- 29:54So the secondary outcomes were positive,
- 29:56but but not the primary outcome here.
- 29:58So when this came out,
- 29:59by the way which is now 16 years ago,
- 30:01it's made front page news and the
- 30:03question was do these drugs even work?
- 30:05But again, I think it's is this.
- 30:06It's an efficacy effectiveness difference.
- 30:11And as I mentioned before,
- 30:12the tolerability was the issue is
- 30:14that you know placebo was less often
- 30:16discontinued because of adverse events.
- 30:18What's interesting here is that and again,
- 30:20remember, it's only 421 patients,
- 30:22but there was no stroke difference.
- 30:23There was no death difference.
- 30:25There was no fall difference between these,
- 30:28you know drugs or or or placebo.
- 30:32Now Dev Dev Anand is a Colombian colleagues,
- 30:35tried to answer really important question
- 30:36a few years ago in this study which is
- 30:39like if you put somebody on risperidone,
- 30:40let's say and they've got psychosis
- 30:43and agitation in dementia.
- 30:44How long do you keep him on the drug?
- 30:46You know,
- 30:46when can you safely stop the drug
- 30:48and so the the way this study was
- 30:51designed is they they gave patients
- 30:5316 weeks of open label risperidone.
- 30:55And 180 were then randomized to staying
- 30:58on risperidone or or converting to
- 31:00placebo tapered off and going on placebo
- 31:02and what they found is that the relapse
- 31:05rates after four months of being on
- 31:07risperidone and now being stable.
- 31:08If you then take people off the
- 31:10relapse rates are twice as high and
- 31:12the next four months on placebo
- 31:14and then even higher three times
- 31:16as high over the next four months.
- 31:19So although all recommendations
- 31:20including the API guidelines I'm going
- 31:23to show you in a minute say after.
- 31:25A period of time attempt to taper
- 31:28and discontinue the medication.
- 31:30This was in the New England
- 31:31Journal of Medicine.
- 31:31It was a well designed study.
- 31:32It's it's easier said than done,
- 31:34so this is a challenge that we have.
- 31:37So I want to highlight some of the
- 31:39warnings so when risperidone was
- 31:41trying to convince the FDA back in the
- 31:43early 2000s that their drug may may
- 31:45have safety and efficacy advantages
- 31:46in this population and they went
- 31:48to the FDA for approval review.
- 31:50That's when they first noticed that
- 31:53there might be a stroke risk issue.
- 31:55There was one study that showed a
- 31:56higher risk of stroke like events
- 31:58and drug versus placebo.
- 31:59It led to an investigation of
- 32:01mortality in the in the warning.
- 32:03So if you just look at the stroke risk OK,
- 32:05these could be large hemorrhagic,
- 32:07or embolic strokes.
- 32:08It could be microvascular ischemic disease
- 32:10that that caused symptoms like dizziness,
- 32:13Tia like symptoms.
- 32:15The the risk of these stroke like
- 32:18events in drug versus placebo was two
- 32:20to three fold higher for risperidone,
- 32:23olanzapine and aripiprazole.
- 32:25Interestingly, not for quetiapine in fact,
- 32:28you might even argue that placebo
- 32:31was worse than than putting in
- 32:33terms of these risk factors,
- 32:34but the end was much smaller with
- 32:36with quote type you know overall
- 32:38than the others and this is not
- 32:40a black box warning from the
- 32:41FDA. This is a warning that's been placed
- 32:44on some of these atypical antipsychotics.
- 32:46But not all. This is the problem.
- 32:49Is this box warning.
- 32:50This is where the controversy comes
- 32:52from and it's really important to
- 32:54understand where the data was from.
- 32:56This was 17 trials that the FDA reviewed
- 32:59now 17 years ago with over 5000 patients,
- 33:022/3 on drug, a third on placebo,
- 33:05and these were patients who were
- 33:07studied in those original trials.
- 33:08Like I showed you with risperidone
- 33:10where these were end stage
- 33:11patients in nursing homes.
- 33:13Lominy mental scores,
- 33:14lots of medical comorbidity and the risk of
- 33:17death was four and a half percent on drug,
- 33:202.6% on placebo.
- 33:21So there's a higher statistically
- 33:22significant death. Great.
- 33:23And one of the big questions
- 33:25that people ask is, well,
- 33:26why were people dying on these
- 33:28drugs and and one of the,
- 33:29you know,
- 33:30we don't know for sure 'cause
- 33:31no autopsies were performed,
- 33:32but when you look at the cause of
- 33:34death that were documented by the
- 33:36clinicians overseeing the trials,
- 33:37it was either cardiac or infectious.
- 33:39And so one theory is that these
- 33:41drugs we know can prolong the QTC
- 33:43interval and it can cause cardiac
- 33:44arrhythmia and sudden cardiac death.
- 33:46So that could be 1 mechanism
- 33:48the other could be sedation,
- 33:51leading to aspiration, pneumonia,
- 33:52infection and and then subsequent deaths.
- 33:54So we don't know for sure.
- 33:56Those are two potential mechanisms.
- 33:58Interestingly,
- 33:58when the warning first came out in 05,
- 34:01it was just for the Atypicals,
- 34:03even though there were studies involving
- 34:05Haldol and conventional agents,
- 34:07but they weren't comparable studies,
- 34:08but they weren't these randomized
- 34:10well designed trials,
- 34:11and so eventually,
- 34:12though,
- 34:13in 2008,
- 34:13the FDA broadened the warning to
- 34:15include all NS psychotics and that's
- 34:17the warning that exists until today.
- 34:20So.
- 34:23Thankfully, our Appa came out with guidelines
- 34:26in 2016 and and those of us who serve on
- 34:29various committees at the APPA and AGP.
- 34:31We were able to inform or at least
- 34:33give some feedback on these guidelines.
- 34:35But I think the main the the main take
- 34:37home points that are on these guidelines
- 34:39are really what I just went over.
- 34:40You know, use these antipsychotics
- 34:42only if benefits outweigh risks.
- 34:44Start low and go slow.
- 34:45If there are adverse effects, continue
- 34:47to monitor risk and benefits of need.
- 34:51Really importantly, if no response
- 34:52after four weeks on an adequate dose,
- 34:55try something else,
- 34:56taper and discontinue,
- 34:57and then when there is an adequate response.
- 34:59If there is a controversial statement
- 35:01in any of these guidelines,
- 35:02it's probably this bullet point
- 35:04based on the Devon on study.
- 35:06Because if if if if you
- 35:08follow these guidelines,
- 35:09they would suggest no matter what tape the
- 35:11taper them off the drug after four months,
- 35:13unless you've had previous
- 35:14experience with a recurrence of
- 35:17symptoms that are problematic.
- 35:19And then again,
- 35:19avoid Haldol as a first line agent,
- 35:21because if you look at subsequent data,
- 35:23which really seem to show that
- 35:24the mortality risk is higher with
- 35:26the with the conventional agents,
- 35:28how paradol seems to have a higher
- 35:30mortality rate than than the atypicals
- 35:31that we want to avoid haloperidol and
- 35:33then there's really no data with long
- 35:35acting injectables in this population.
- 35:38So what are we supposed to do?
- 35:40One thing I'll just mention,
- 35:42which is not.
- 35:42I don't think I have a slide on this,
- 35:44but it's important to know is
- 35:45that these drugs?
- 35:46These antipsychotic drugs and frank
- 35:48and in fact all psychiatric drugs,
- 35:50are heavily regulated by the federal
- 35:53government in nursing homes in
- 35:55federally funded nursing homes.
- 35:56Because of Medicare and Medicaid,
- 35:58seems highly regulates the use of
- 35:59these drugs in those facilities.
- 36:01When can you start? How do you monitor?
- 36:04What do you have to document, etc.
- 36:07But the same patient with the
- 36:08same problems who happens to live
- 36:10in assisted living or at home.
- 36:11We can do whatever we want,
- 36:13so there's got to be a balance between
- 36:15over regulation and no regulation,
- 36:17because we do see misuse of these
- 36:19medications all the time when the
- 36:21warning first came out in 05,
- 36:23a lot of our colleagues in nursing home
- 36:25settings who were non psychiatrists
- 36:27said well for medical legal reasons,
- 36:29well, it's avoid alanza Pean.
- 36:31Let's put them on Ativan instead.
- 36:33Well,
- 36:33that's not a good idea because
- 36:35of tolerability issues.
- 36:35We'll talk more about in a minute.
- 36:37And I just say go back to the basics
- 36:39like we talked about what's causing
- 36:40these problems in the 1st place.
- 36:42Always employ these behavioral
- 36:44interventions first,
- 36:45and then if we're going to
- 36:46use antipsychotics,
- 36:47which sometimes are indicated,
- 36:49do it with informed consent,
- 36:51and I've never had a family member say to me.
- 36:53Well,
- 36:53don't treat my mom who's wandering
- 36:55into the street at night because she
- 36:57sees things outside or she's worried
- 36:59about people talking behind her back.
- 37:01But within antipsychotic,
- 37:01because it may lead to a small risk of
- 37:04death or mortality when there are safety
- 37:06issues concerned and the families are.
- 37:08Caring for their loved ones,
- 37:09they understand the risk benefit equation,
- 37:11but we've got to give informed consent.
- 37:15So that's probably more than you
- 37:17wanted to know about antipsychotics,
- 37:18Deppe code or dival proex was
- 37:20studied in at least four well
- 37:23designed randomized control trials.
- 37:24In many case series,
- 37:26there is evidence for reduction of agitation,
- 37:29but for whatever reason in in three
- 37:31of the trials there was no benefit
- 37:34on the primary outcome measure,
- 37:35but there was some benefit on a secondary
- 37:38and then in this ADC S trial which was done,
- 37:41there was no benefit on any measure.
- 37:43So since that trial came out,
- 37:45there's been less use of.
- 37:46Divalproex,
- 37:46one of the other issues is tolerability
- 37:49with gate disturbance tremor,
- 37:51even delirium.
- 37:52Some have been using gabapentin
- 37:54without almost any data,
- 37:56and there's some interest in doing an
- 37:59actual randomized trial with gabapentin
- 38:00because of its anxiolytic and effects.
- 38:02Perhaps on behavioral disinhibition,
- 38:04but there really is limited data.
- 38:07There's good data with the rise
- 38:09and our colleagues at Hopkins in
- 38:11Rochester and elsewhere collaborated
- 38:12on this Itala PRAM trial and
- 38:15agitation and Alzheimer's disease.
- 38:17I want to make the important
- 38:18point that this is for agitation
- 38:20and also arm is not depression.
- 38:22Almost all of the antidepressant
- 38:24trials for depression and dementia
- 38:26have not been positive trials.
- 38:28But this one, the sital Apram study,
- 38:30was for agitation,
- 38:31a dosing range of 10 to 30 milligrams a day.
- 38:33The behavioral effects were noted,
- 38:36and the thing we have to watch out for
- 38:37in the elderly is the QTC prolongation.
- 38:39Above 20 milligrams a day,
- 38:41this is with sital apram.
- 38:43There's now an escitalopram study going on.
- 38:46This was called site at the
- 38:47next one is called S site AD,
- 38:49and so we'll see what that one shows.
- 38:51So let me tell you a little bit about
- 38:53our journey with novel therapeutics
- 38:54before I go into public health.
- 38:56So a number of years ago
- 38:58I was medical Director,
- 39:00an inpatient geriatric psychiatry unit,
- 39:0218 beds, all dementia,
- 39:05all behaviorally disturbed.
- 39:06All there for two to three
- 39:09weeks of acute treatment.
- 39:10And it was a really amazing experience
- 39:13actually and and still exists.
- 39:15Today.
- 39:15We had this woman who came
- 39:17in at the age of 67.
- 39:19She had been diagnosed by colleagues
- 39:20of mine at mass general a decade
- 39:22earlier with Alzheimer's disease.
- 39:23She was now 10 years into an illness.
- 39:25She was essentially minimally
- 39:27verbally responsive at this point.
- 39:29She had attribute on her MRI demonstrating
- 39:31consistency with Alzheimer's,
- 39:32dementia, and at home with her spouse.
- 39:34The problem wasn't her her profound
- 39:37cognitive impairment or lack of speech.
- 39:39It was physical aggression with her spouse.
- 39:41Her husband really was overwhelmed
- 39:42and she had had at that .12
- 39:45failed medication trials and she
- 39:46really was not able to go into a
- 39:48nursing home from that situation
- 39:49and he couldn't manage her anymore.
- 39:51So she came in the hospital.
- 39:54Her name was Louise,
- 39:56two months in and I tell you her
- 39:58name because her daughter has
- 39:59been very public with her story.
- 40:01So two months into her hospital
- 40:03course she was really not responding.
- 40:05We tried every imaginable medication.
- 40:07She had tolerability concerns
- 40:08or she didn't respond and my
- 40:10colleague who I was working with,
- 40:11Doctor Alex Stoyer, said, well,
- 40:13what about ECT, and I said, well,
- 40:15why would you treat somebody
- 40:16with advanced dementia with ECT?
- 40:18I mean already she's got cognitive problems.
- 40:20He's like.
- 40:21Well, it can't get much worse and
- 40:22really other than palliative sedation,
- 40:24I'm not sure we have many options.
- 40:26Here and there was a small literature at
- 40:28the time on the use of ECT for patients,
- 40:30again with refractory agitation.
- 40:31This was not depression and dementia.
- 40:33This was aggression and dementia.
- 40:36So with consent from the caregiver and from.
- 40:41Appropriate medical clearance with our team.
- 40:42We treated her with ECT.
- 40:45She had eight in patient
- 40:46bilateral treatments.
- 40:47The profound effect was
- 40:49remarkable with some evidence.
- 40:51After the third treatment and
- 40:52then pretty remarkable improvement
- 40:54after the 8th when she went home
- 40:56she was down to two medications,
- 40:57really only as a talip RAM at that time.
- 41:00And and what's amazing about this woman
- 41:03is that she was treated at McLean
- 41:05Hospital monthly with maintenance ECT.
- 41:07For the next 10 years.
- 41:10And then she passed away from
- 41:12metastatic cancer about six years ago.
- 41:14So the daughter,
- 41:16who was very much impacted by her
- 41:19mom's illness and then became
- 41:20a big advocate for Alzheimer's
- 41:21disease research and treatment,
- 41:23also helped to support our further study
- 41:26of this one thing I'll say about this case,
- 41:29which was also amazing is that it
- 41:31LED us to treat more people like her
- 41:33with ECT and then collect data on it.
- 41:36And so we published one study that
- 41:38was 16 patients retrospective chart
- 41:40review with very poor data other than us.
- 41:44Filling out a Pittsburgh agitation
- 41:46scale based on you know 3 physicians
- 41:49agreeing to how symptomatic patients were.
- 41:51And then we decided to collect more data,
- 41:52but.
- 41:54One of the questions that's come up is,
- 41:56well, what about quality of life?
- 41:57And so this was Louise when in her
- 41:59earlier days and Karen statement
- 42:01about her mom and she basically
- 42:03said that my mom was a petite 5
- 42:05foot three 115 pound terror winner,
- 42:07aggression reared, she was uncontrollable,
- 42:09her medicines were losing efficacy
- 42:10and it became so dangerous for our
- 42:12in home aide and my dad and I that
- 42:14we had no option but to place her at
- 42:16McLean Hospital on the inpatient unit.
- 42:18But from that very first, ECT.
- 42:19The medical teams my father and
- 42:21I were were rendered speechless.
- 42:23Walking down the hallway after
- 42:25that first treatment.
- 42:25She came at me like she
- 42:27used to win aggressive,
- 42:27but this time she reached her arms.
- 42:29Let's rub my cheek lovingly.
- 42:30Shanda smile from ear to ear.
- 42:33And tears rolled down my cheeks.
- 42:34Her agitation and aggression
- 42:36nearly disappeared.
- 42:37She went from 31 medicines to one.
- 42:39We brought her back home and were
- 42:40blessed with another 10 years with her.
- 42:42This gave my mother tremendous quality
- 42:44of life and quality of care and my
- 42:46father gave my father, his wife and
- 42:48me and my mother and without ECT.
- 42:49She would never have seen me get married.
- 42:51So Karen was very public about this.
- 42:53She was on NPR.
- 42:55She she helped us some.
- 42:57Like I mentioned with our grant.
- 43:00Alright, So what about the data?
- 43:02So we we then realized that the
- 43:04retrospective chart review is not enough.
- 43:06Let's try to collect some data that we
- 43:08could find from doing a prospective study,
- 43:11and we thought we'd be clever.
- 43:12We thought we would have two groups.
- 43:14We would not randomize people,
- 43:15but for those people who agreed to get ECT.
- 43:18They would get ECT.
- 43:19And for those who said no,
- 43:21we would just follow them naturalistically.
- 43:22And by the time we actually intervene
- 43:25with ECT everybody wanted ECT.
- 43:27So this was the scale that we used
- 43:29as the primary outcome measure the
- 43:32Cohen Mansfield agitation inventory.
- 43:34Patients were in the hospital on
- 43:35average of four weeks before the 1st
- 43:37ECT treatment and these were people who
- 43:39had failed multiple medicine trials.
- 43:41They had on average 9.4 treatments and
- 43:43we saw meaningful improvements again.
- 43:46Open label by the 3rd treatment
- 43:48that continued to improve through
- 43:50the 9th treatment.
- 43:51So we spent many years collecting
- 43:53data at multiple sites and putting
- 43:55together this amazing team and
- 43:57we now have a five year.
- 43:59R A1 funded in 2018 by the NIH,
- 44:02where we're randomizing people to to ECT,
- 44:05which is now right.
- 44:06Unilateral, brief,
- 44:07ultra pulse ECT versus simulated ECT,
- 44:09which is essentially everything
- 44:12but anesthesia.
- 44:13We take people down to the ECT suite.
- 44:16We keep them in a separate room.
- 44:17They get an Ivy.
- 44:18They get gel in their scalp
- 44:20but they do not get anesthesia.
- 44:22They're PRN.
- 44:23Medicines can be used in the treatment
- 44:25team is blind to their allocated group.
- 44:27This has been a labor of challenge.
- 44:31We have been having lots of difficulty
- 44:34with recruitment for a variety of reasons,
- 44:36not the least of which is this pandemic,
- 44:38but also it took a year to get an
- 44:42investigational device exemption
- 44:43from the FDA,
- 44:44but I can talk more about this
- 44:46in the Q&A at the same time I
- 44:48was working on this unit.
- 44:49We also were experimenting at the time
- 44:51with Dronabinol or Marinol because of
- 44:53its effects on CB1 and CB2 receptors,
- 44:56but in particular the CB1
- 44:57receptor that may mediate the
- 45:00anxiolytic effects of cannabinoids.
- 45:01And and so again,
- 45:02for those of you who are maybe
- 45:04in training and are thinking
- 45:06about a research career,
- 45:07the idea of coming up with really
- 45:10important clinical questions based on
- 45:11what you're seeing in front of you.
- 45:12Research questions that could be
- 45:14addressed through research is really,
- 45:15really guided by your clinical experience.
- 45:18So we started using dronabinol
- 45:19and we wound up publishing.
- 45:21You know a paper on 40 patients,
- 45:23but the the theory behind this,
- 45:25and this was a paper we just published
- 45:27summarizing some of the literature on
- 45:29cannabinoids for Alzheimer's disease.
- 45:30For agitation in particular,
- 45:32like why would cannabinoids work?
- 45:34So there's a whole bunch of
- 45:35mechanisms that are fascinating here,
- 45:37including neurotransmitter regulation,
- 45:38but there seems to be neuroprotective
- 45:40effects as well as reducing
- 45:43neuroinflammation and oxidative stress.
- 45:44May help its circadian rhythm disturbances,
- 45:47a variety of other conditions
- 45:48like pain and anxiety.
- 45:50And then of course there may be some
- 45:52beneficial effects on the vascular system.
- 45:54In that first study that we published,
- 45:56it was 40 in patients
- 45:58with dementia agitation.
- 45:59We treated them with the mean dose of
- 46:01TREN abanil up to 7 milligrams a day.
- 46:03So again we tried to get people
- 46:05to 10 milligrams a day,
- 46:06but on average they were on 7.
- 46:08The primary outcome measure was the PS.
- 46:11The Pittsburgh Agitation Scale,
- 46:12which is 4 items of physical
- 46:14and verbal agitation.
- 46:16And the side effects were sedation,
- 46:18delirium and again whether it was related,
- 46:20unrelated, unclear.
- 46:21So we use this data and my colleague
- 46:24Paul Rosenberg and I collaborated
- 46:26together to write a a narrow
- 46:28one which got funded in 2016,
- 46:30and so we're we have a no cost extension.
- 46:32We're in now.
- 46:34And we're randomizing people
- 46:36to 5 milligrams a day for week.
- 46:38One of tRNA been all up to 10 milligrams
- 46:40a day. It's a three week trial.
- 46:43We started inpatient.
- 46:44We've now expanded to long term care
- 46:47and outpatient settings as well.
- 46:50We're looking at Alzheimer's
- 46:52disease predominantly and severe
- 46:54agitation using the IPA criteria.
- 46:56And we do have rescue medicines
- 46:58and we're allowing people to stay
- 46:59on their concomitant medications.
- 47:01And even with all of that,
- 47:02this is a very hard study to recruit for.
- 47:04But I guess the good news is we are now
- 47:07almost 60 patients into our our goal of 80.
- 47:10You can see our demographics here,
- 47:13weighted towards around 78 years old,
- 47:17about 65% women, which is pretty common.
- 47:19And like unfortunately,
- 47:20as I mentioned in the beginning,
- 47:21most of these studies,
- 47:23despite one of our sites being in
- 47:25Baltimore and one of our sites being
- 47:27in Miami where they have a very,
- 47:29very high Cuban American but
- 47:31essentially Latino population,
- 47:33we're still struggling with our
- 47:35demographics in terms of race and ethnicity.
- 47:38So hopefully we will have data on
- 47:40this within the next year or so.
- 47:42Finally, on the cannabinoid realm of things,
- 47:45my colleague at McLean, Stacy Gruber,
- 47:46and I have been collaborating together
- 47:48on a trial of cannabidiol CBD,
- 47:51mostly CBD.
- 47:51This is a plant based compound for
- 47:54anxiety in Alzheimer's disease,
- 47:56and again anxiolytic effects of this
- 47:59drug may be may be helpful specifically
- 48:02and may not induce psychosis like THC could,
- 48:07so this is a sublingual solution
- 48:09that is by weight,
- 48:11it's you know.
- 48:13.3% THC so it's predominantly
- 48:16CBD, 45 milligrams,
- 48:17with only a milligram of THC,
- 48:19and so we're now in them,
- 48:20and this is only an open label.
- 48:21Proof of concept Spiral Family
- 48:23Foundation funded study.
- 48:27So many reasons why not to use
- 48:30benzodiazepine's, the cholinesterase
- 48:31inhibitors and memantine do have some
- 48:34effects on anxiety and agitation.
- 48:36I'll just mention that the cholinesterase
- 48:39embitters may specifically address
- 48:41apathy and visual hallucinations and
- 48:43memantine may may also address agitation.
- 48:46But none of those effects are acute.
- 48:47You're not going to use these drugs and
- 48:50expect to see a response in a few days.
- 48:52So if you've got a patient who's mildly
- 48:54anxious and nonspecifically agitated,
- 48:56and by the way all of this presumes
- 48:58an adequate work up like we talked
- 49:00about and behavioral interventions.
- 49:01But if you've got a nonspecific
- 49:04agitation syndrome without aggression,
- 49:05without psychosis, without depression,
- 49:07based on the site at trial, you might.
- 49:10You might consider SSRI's, or,
- 49:12if they're not sleeping or eating well,
- 49:13mirtazapine, or if it's only intermittent,
- 49:16you might consider trazadone.
- 49:18If, on the other hand,
- 49:19there on the other side of the spectrum,
- 49:21they're physically aggressive and agitated.
- 49:23And they have psychosis.
- 49:24That's where the experts would agree
- 49:26that the atypical antipsychotics
- 49:27are a good first line of treatment.
- 49:29If they are aggressive and
- 49:31agitated with depression,
- 49:32again agitated and aggressive
- 49:34with depression,
- 49:35that's where you may want to
- 49:36start with S rise or rise,
- 49:37or even mirtazapine.
- 49:39But it's this fourth group that
- 49:41really is the challenging group.
- 49:42This is the group that I think
- 49:44winds up in hospitals difficult
- 49:45to treat in nursing homes.
- 49:47Why family members burnout?
- 49:48It's when you've got aggression
- 49:50without psychosis, we often will not.
- 49:51We don't really have a first line treatment.
- 49:54This is where we often use
- 49:56combination therapies,
- 49:57which may include anticonvulsants
- 49:59in atypical antipsychotics.
- 50:01Alright, so the last part of this talk.
- 50:05Before we do Q&A is I I wanna
- 50:07bring up the concept that we will
- 50:10never have enough specialists,
- 50:12not just in geriatric psychiatry,
- 50:13but in any psychiatry subspecialty
- 50:15to treat the mental health
- 50:17challenges of our population.
- 50:18And we all know this in our field and
- 50:20we're seeing it now highlighted by the
- 50:21pandemic in ways we couldn't have even
- 50:23imagined a few years ago in some ways.
- 50:25But some of what's driving the potential
- 50:27for optimism is really a transformation,
- 50:30and the way we organize health
- 50:32care and the way we pay for health
- 50:34care and so back in the old days,
- 50:36which is not that old and frankly,
- 50:38still dominates in many parts
- 50:39of the country we built,
- 50:41care around institutional settings,
- 50:43payments incentivized, more care.
- 50:45This is very true in our specialty arenas.
- 50:47You know, the more you do,
- 50:48the more you build, the more money you make.
- 50:52And again, this is often driven
- 50:54by procedural based specialties
- 50:55and in our old way of doing things
- 50:57and yesterday's healthcare system.
- 50:59Traditional fee for service Healthcare
- 51:00is really what this is is that we were
- 51:03responsible for getting people better
- 51:05now is immediate outcomes and we were
- 51:08grudgingly accepting and increasing costs
- 51:09which we no longer will do well with.
- 51:11The Affordable Care Act of 2010 and
- 51:14and population based approaches which
- 51:16have been taking hold in certain parts
- 51:18of the country with risk contracts
- 51:20where we're basically now being.
- 51:22Asked to build care around a patient,
- 51:25not around an institution,
- 51:27and instead of just trying
- 51:28to incentivize more care,
- 51:30we're incentivizing better care so that
- 51:33the reimbursement isn't just about volume,
- 51:35it's about value.
- 51:36It's about quality and addition to just,
- 51:38you know, doing,
- 51:39doing what you need to do and
- 51:41and we're not just responsible
- 51:42for how someone is doing today,
- 51:44but also over a longer period of time.
- 51:45And,
- 51:46and we're doing this in part because
- 51:47we just can't sustain the cost burden.
- 51:50These are the principles of value based care.
- 51:53And the triple aim of health care
- 51:55that Don Berwick talked about,
- 51:57which is trying to improve quality
- 51:59of care patient outcomes while
- 52:00reducing overall costs and a very
- 52:02important fourth part of the game,
- 52:04which is often not mentioned,
- 52:05which is our own quality of life, right?
- 52:07What about the health care?
- 52:09I mean,
- 52:09the mental health well being and
- 52:11the burnout in the health care
- 52:12providers which we're now seeing.
- 52:14Of course becoming tremendously challenged.
- 52:17And for those of you in geriatric psychiatry,
- 52:20I want you to know that there's a huge
- 52:22opportunity for us in this population.
- 52:24Health based landscape.
- 52:25And I would argue it's true
- 52:27for all of psychiatry.
- 52:29If anything value based care,
- 52:32I think has an opportunity to elevate
- 52:33psychiatry and to put us in a real
- 52:36leadership role in healthcare systems.
- 52:37Because if you really want to improve
- 52:40quality of life and reduce costs,
- 52:42you got to,
- 52:43you got to address mental health care
- 52:45and luckily we've got two decades of.
- 52:47Data suggesting that collaborative
- 52:49care approaches for depression in
- 52:51primary care incredibly effective,
- 52:53and we're now starting to see similar
- 52:55data in terms of Alzheimer's disease
- 52:57as one model for how geriatric
- 52:59mental health can be evolved or
- 53:02involved in a meaningful way in
- 53:04in this evolving landscape.
- 53:06This is a very busy slide,
- 53:08but I want to let you know that we're not
- 53:10the only ones that are doing this work.
- 53:12In mass General Brigham I would.
- 53:14I would point to two groups that
- 53:15have really three groups that
- 53:16have really led the way there.
- 53:18I would say anyone on this slide
- 53:19has really been leading the way,
- 53:20but David Rubin at UCLA geriatrician with
- 53:24his ADC program Alzheimer's Dementia
- 53:26Care and and the aging Braid Care program.
- 53:29Chris Callahan and Melos Boustani,
- 53:31all of these people are geriatricians
- 53:35and linking in with geriatric
- 53:36psychiatry is is they,
- 53:37they realize, is critical.
- 53:39UCSF developed the care ecosystem model
- 53:41in their memory and aging center,
- 53:43and then there are others as well.
- 53:44So there are a number of these programs
- 53:46that mind at home program at at Hopkins,
- 53:48for example, are trying to improve
- 53:51clinical outcomes like behavioral
- 53:52symptoms that dementia like caregiver
- 53:54stress while also reducing cost and
- 53:57doing it without the traditional,
- 53:59you know, 11 specialist doctor and one
- 54:01patient and family in a room together.
- 54:04So about three years ago we four years ago.
- 54:07Now we put together a bunch of experts
- 54:08across our health care system and we said,
- 54:10well, if we could do something
- 54:12for dimension primary care,
- 54:13what would it look like?
- 54:14How would we assess people who
- 54:15would be the target population?
- 54:17What would the model look like?
- 54:18We eventually decided to implement
- 54:20David Rubins UCLA model,
- 54:22which is seen here on the right
- 54:24side of the slide,
- 54:25which is pairing a dementia care
- 54:27manager who's a social worker with a
- 54:29geriatric NP and a supervising physician
- 54:32could be a geriatric psychiatrist.
- 54:33Could be a geriatrician.
- 54:34But someone who's expert in dementia care?
- 54:37The patient and the caregiver
- 54:39in the middle of this.
- 54:40Diagram and LinkedIn very closely
- 54:42with the primary care doc and
- 54:45using all available technology,
- 54:47including electronic records for developing
- 54:49registries and following people overtime.
- 54:51Our goal was to develop this high
- 54:53quality care program for individuals
- 54:55with cognitive impairment by
- 54:57facilitating evidence based assessment
- 54:59and treatment in primary care over
- 55:01the entire illness trajectory and for
- 55:03both the patient and their caregiver.
- 55:05So we targeted individuals who
- 55:07were members of our Medicare ACO.
- 55:10And had a known diagnosis of dementia
- 55:13based on codes in the EHR or were
- 55:15suspected to have cognitive impairment
- 55:18based on the clinician or family concern.
- 55:21And we have a whole series of
- 55:23services that we utilize and now
- 55:24that we've been doing this,
- 55:26we launched it timing wise about a month
- 55:28before the pandemic really took off.
- 55:31But this is essentially an
- 55:33embedded specialty care model.
- 55:35It's not very scalable, it's too costly.
- 55:38The outcomes that we're looking
- 55:39at now are promising David Rubins
- 55:41outcomes are very promising,
- 55:42but to scale it you actually have to
- 55:44do a lot of fee for service billing,
- 55:47using care management and E&M codes.
- 55:50Which is fine,
- 55:51but it's not going to be paid for alone
- 55:55by reducing the overall costs of care.
- 55:59So we then looked into other models
- 56:01and this is the UCSF model and we
- 56:03got a grant from the NIH impact
- 56:05Collaboratory couple years ago,
- 56:07and the idea here was to take the care
- 56:12ecosystem model developed at UCSF,
- 56:14which is originally implemented
- 56:15not with a nurse and social worker
- 56:18and and physician team,
- 56:20but with a health care navigator
- 56:22who's a non clinician who gets
- 56:24trained in basic dementia assessment.
- 56:27Two tools, one for the patient.
- 56:28For the caregiver and seven protocols
- 56:30that address the gold standard dementia.
- 56:33101 principles like medication
- 56:35deprescribing and reducing
- 56:36behavioral symptoms of
- 56:38dementia and supporting caregivers,
- 56:39and connecting people to
- 56:41resources and so forth.
- 56:42And so we decided.
- 56:44Instead of building a new
- 56:45siloed program in our system,
- 56:47we would take nurses who were part
- 56:49of our high risk care management
- 56:51program and we're following like
- 56:53180 patients on their caseload
- 56:55and we would train 20 of you know,
- 56:57train 15 nurses in our first
- 56:59wave and 15 in our second wave.
- 57:01But train them to manage in this
- 57:03evidence based way their dementia
- 57:05population on their care on their caseload,
- 57:08so maybe 10 or 15 of their
- 57:10180 would have dementia,
- 57:11so we're now in the midst of wave
- 57:13two and I would say my lesson
- 57:16learned from this is implementation
- 57:18is very very challenging.
- 57:19Nurses are overwhelmed with 180 very
- 57:21complex patients and even though
- 57:23they knew these dementia patients
- 57:25had been following them for years,
- 57:27we then asked them to do more
- 57:28than they would normally do,
- 57:30even though it's gold standard care.
- 57:32And they got quickly overwhelmed,
- 57:34so we're now trying to figure out
- 57:36ways to modify their caseload.
- 57:37So they can give these patients
- 57:39and caregivers the attention
- 57:40they need and deserve.
- 57:41But I do think and we'll be
- 57:43looking at our data soon it.
- 57:45I think this is a very interesting model,
- 57:47though that could potentially be
- 57:49scaled along with other resources.
- 57:51So just in summary.
- 57:54The behavioral symptoms that
- 57:55dementia part of this talk.
- 57:57It's really important to remember
- 57:58that these are symptoms.
- 57:59They're not diagnosis,
- 58:00they beg a need then to dig deep and
- 58:02find the underlying cause that's driving.
- 58:04The behavioral problem will
- 58:06always intervene no matter what.
- 58:07With these non pharmacological
- 58:09treatments and then,
- 58:10when needed,
- 58:11think about various evidence based
- 58:13pharmacotherapy strategies we
- 58:15talked about always monitoring,
- 58:17tolerability and and side effects
- 58:19and giving informed consent.
- 58:21At the end of the day,
- 58:22you know when you've got a really
- 58:23challenging patient like some
- 58:24of the ones that I mentioned.
- 58:25If you break it down to the basics of,
- 58:28you know what we're trying to do here.
- 58:29Our goals are pretty much
- 58:31always aligned with families.
- 58:32If we break it down to enhancing quality
- 58:34of life in keeping someone safe.
- 58:37And sometimes it's very complicated to
- 58:38figure out the right pathway forward,
- 58:40but that often will take a lot of
- 58:42the stress out of the room and
- 58:44allow people to develop a plan.
- 58:45And then finally there,
- 58:46there's going to be a lot more
- 58:48information about novel integrated
- 58:49care models, not just for dementia.
- 58:51But for all sorts of psychiatric
- 58:53care and primary care settings.
- 58:54I know many of you do this.
- 58:56I mean the VA, by the way,
- 58:57has been doing most of this than
- 58:58the rest of the health care systems
- 59:01because they essentially had these
- 59:03integrated care models going on
- 59:04way longer than the rest of
- 59:06traditional health care.
- 59:07But you're going to be seeing
- 59:08more and more of this,
- 59:09and I'm hopeful that it
- 59:11really allows those of us
- 59:12in psychiatry to really make a
- 59:14big impact and take a leadership
- 59:16role in caring for patients
- 59:17in primary care settings.
- 59:19So I'm going to stop there.
- 59:21And welcome any questions.
- 59:24So Brent first of all, let me just
- 59:28thank you for a wonderful talk.
- 59:30Couldn't couldn't thank you enough.