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RULER Deep Dive

Funding Source: Primed Foundation
Former collaboration: St. Luke’s School (9/1/2021-8/31/2023)

Team Members: Jessica Hoffmann, Jennifer Seibyl, Craig Bailey, Maneeza Dawood, Christina Cipriano, Linda Torv

This project aims to follow a small set of middle and high schools through their adoption of RULER to more deeply understand what supports are necessary for quality implementation, and to track key outcomes that result. Schools receive training in RULER and access to RULER Online and RULER coaching, while participating in a series of qualitative and quantitative studies to best understand obstacles to RULER implementation, necessary adaptations and best practices, and impact on school climate and student and educator well-being. The recently developed suite of assessments by the YCEI, including the School Climate Walkthrough and Educator Well-being Toolkit, as well as the Student Emotion Regulation Assessment (housed at the Education Collaboratory at Yale) will be used in concert to best support schools with identifying areas for improvement and tracking progress over time.


Seibyl, J., Dawood, M., & Hoffmann, J. D. (2024, August). Educator well-being assessments and data-driven decision making: Two research-practice partnerships. In J. D. Hoffmann (Chair), Beyond self-care: Uncovering sources of true educator well-being [Symposium]. American Psychological Association Annual Convention, Seattle, WA.

Hoffmann, J. D. (2024, July). Understanding genuine sources of educator and staff well-being [Presentation]. Connecticut Teacher of the Year Council’s Empowered to Lead Symposium, Uncasville, CT.

Connection to Research Agenda: Intervention Evaluation

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