Depressive symptoms and anger and aggression in Russian adolescents
Ruchkin V, Stickley A, Koposov R, Sukhodolsky D, Isaksson J. Depressive symptoms and anger and aggression in Russian adolescents. Child And Adolescent Psychiatry And Mental Health 2023, 17: 130. PMID: 37974287, PMCID: PMC10652468, DOI: 10.1186/s13034-023-00677-w.Peer-Reviewed Original ResearchComorbid mental health problemsMental health problemsAnger ruminationComorbid problemsDepressive symptomsTypes of angerAggressive behaviorOvert aggressive behaviorLevel of depressionAggression variablesVerbal aggressionSocial aggressionRussian adolescentsAngerGeneral population sampleDepressive episodeAggressionInconsistent findingsAdolescentsHealth problemsCurrent major depressive episodeSubthreshold depressive symptomsRuminationMajor depressive episodeSignificant depressive episodeBulimia symptoms and anger and aggression among adolescents
Koposov R, Stickley A, Sukhodolsky D, Ruchkin V. Bulimia symptoms and anger and aggression among adolescents. BMC Public Health 2023, 23: 833. PMID: 37147644, PMCID: PMC10161674, DOI: 10.1186/s12889-023-15664-1.Peer-Reviewed Original ResearchConceptsAnger ruminationBulimia symptomsBN symptomsEating Disorder Diagnostic ScaleState-Trait Anger Expression InventoryAggressive behaviorTrait Anger Expression InventoryDisorder Diagnostic ScaleSelf-report scalesAnger Rumination ScaleCommunity-based adolescentsAnger Expression InventoryBulimia nervosa diagnosisTrait Anger ScaleSocial aggressionPhysical aggressionRumination ScaleHigh angerAngerAnger ScaleRuminationAggression scoresDiagnostic ScaleAggressionAdolescentsAggression Is Associated With Social Adaptive Functioning in Children With ASD and Anxiety
Kalvin C, Jordan R, Rowley S, Weis A, Ibrahim K, Sukhodolsky D. Aggression Is Associated With Social Adaptive Functioning in Children With ASD and Anxiety. Focus On Autism And Other Developmental Disabilities 2023, 38: 168-176. PMID: 38469453, PMCID: PMC10927274, DOI: 10.1177/10883576231165265.Peer-Reviewed Original ResearchAutism spectrum disorderSocial adaptive skillsAdaptive skillsSocial adaptiveAggressive behaviorSocial adaptive functioningSample of childrenAdaptive functioningASD diagnosisSpectrum disorderSocial functioningAge 8SkillsChildrenFunctioningAggressionAnxietyBehaviorParticipantsDisordersFindingsAdaptive
Posttraumatic Stress and Perceived Interpersonal Provocation in Adolescents
Saunderson JM, Stickley A, Sturidsson K, Koposov R, Sukhodolsky DG, Ruchkin V. Posttraumatic Stress and Perceived Interpersonal Provocation in Adolescents. Journal Of Interpersonal Violence 2022, 38: 3191-3214. PMID: 35613735, PMCID: PMC9850389, DOI: 10.1177/08862605221104525.Peer-Reviewed Original ResearchConceptsPosttraumatic stress symptomsPosttraumatic stressStress symptomsProvocation scenariosPosttraumatic symptomsAggressive responsesPhysical aggressionAttribution of intentionalityInterpersonal provocationPeer provocationHostile intentionsChoice of responseAggressive reactionsAdolescent boysAggressive situationsConflict situationsOpposite patternHigh levelsAdolescentsAggressive behaviorAggressionGirlsDaily lifeBoysDifferent patternsSex Differences and Similarities in Risk Factors of Physical Aggression in Adolescence
Henriksen M, Skrove M, Hoftun G, Lydersen S, Stover C, Kalvin C, Sukhodolsky D. Sex Differences and Similarities in Risk Factors of Physical Aggression in Adolescence. Journal Of Child And Family Studies 2022, 32: 1177-1191. DOI: 10.1007/s10826-022-02284-3.Peer-Reviewed Original ResearchPhysical aggressionAttention problemsTrauma exposurePTSD symptomsTraumatic eventsSubstance useSex differencesAlcohol intoxicationSelf-esteem problemsMental health concernsConcurrent associationsUnique associationAggressionRisk factorsAdolescenceYoung-HUNT3Percent of girlsCurrent studyInteraction effectsAnxietyPercent of boysGirlsBoysLonelinessTotal sample
The Role of Gender in the Associations Among Posttraumatic Stress Symptoms, Anger, and Aggression in Russian Adolescents
Isaksson J, Sukhodolsky DG, Koposov R, Stickley A, Ruchkin V. The Role of Gender in the Associations Among Posttraumatic Stress Symptoms, Anger, and Aggression in Russian Adolescents. Journal Of Traumatic Stress 2020, 33: 552-563. PMID: 32384585, DOI: 10.1002/jts.22502.Peer-Reviewed Original ResearchConceptsPosttraumatic stress disorderPTSD symptomsAnger ruminationSocial aggressionRussian adolescentsPosttraumatic stress symptomsAggressive behaviorFull path analysisMeasures of angerClinical levelSelf-reported dataInteraction effectsCognitive componentsRole of genderVerbal aggressionStress disorderStress symptomsAngerPath analysisAggressionAdolescentsRuminationDepressive symptomsBoysVeteran population
Anger Rumination is Associated with Restricted and Repetitive Behaviors in Children with Autism Spectrum Disorder
Ibrahim K, Kalvin C, Marsh CL, Anzano A, Gorynova L, Cimino K, Sukhodolsky DG. Anger Rumination is Associated with Restricted and Repetitive Behaviors in Children with Autism Spectrum Disorder. Journal Of Autism And Developmental Disorders 2019, 49: 3656-3668. PMID: 31144231, PMCID: PMC7035789, DOI: 10.1007/s10803-019-04085-y.Peer-Reviewed Original Research
An Exploratory Trial of Transdermal Nicotine for Aggression and Irritability in Adults with Autism Spectrum Disorder
Lewis AS, van Schalkwyk GI, Lopez MO, Volkmar FR, Picciotto MR, Sukhodolsky DG. An Exploratory Trial of Transdermal Nicotine for Aggression and Irritability in Adults with Autism Spectrum Disorder. Journal Of Autism And Developmental Disorders 2018, 48: 2748-2757. PMID: 29536216, PMCID: PMC6394231, DOI: 10.1007/s10803-018-3536-7.Peer-Reviewed Original ResearchConceptsAutism spectrum disorderSpectrum disorderTransdermal nicotineDouble-blind crossover trialAggressive behaviorPreliminary efficacyAggressive symptomsSleep ratingsAggressionSubscale changesNicotinic acetylcholine receptorsNAChR agonistsPrimary outcomeNicotine treatmentCrossover trialExploratory trialΑ7 nAChRsAcetylcholine receptorsNicotineAdultsDisordersPlaceboNAChRsFurther investigationTrials
Cognitive-Behavioral Therapy for a 9-Year-Old Girl With Disruptive Mood Dysregulation Disorder
Tudor ME, Ibrahim K, Bertschinger E, Piasecka J, Sukhodolsky DG. Cognitive-Behavioral Therapy for a 9-Year-Old Girl With Disruptive Mood Dysregulation Disorder. Clinical Case Studies 2016, 15: 459-475. PMID: 29081722, PMCID: PMC5658126, DOI: 10.1177/1534650116669431.Peer-Reviewed Original ResearchDisruptive mood dysregulation disorderCognitive behavioral therapyAttention deficit hyperactivity disorderCo-occurring attention deficit hyperactivity disorderCurrent case studyRelevant treatment studiesNon-episodic irritabilityDeficit hyperactivity disorderUnspecified anxiety disorderClinical presentationCBT sessionsHyperactivity disorderBehavioral therapyMood disruptionAffected youthAnxiety disordersChildhood-onset disordersBooster sessionsTemper outburstsUnique clinical presentationAngerProlonged displayAggressive behaviorAggressionIntake evaluationNeural Mechanisms of Cognitive-Behavioral Therapy for Aggression in Children and Adolescents: Design of a Randomized Controlled Trial Within the National Institute for Mental Health Research Domain Criteria Construct of Frustrative Non-Reward
Sukhodolsky DG, Vander Wyk B, Eilbott JA, McCauley SA, Ibrahim K, Crowley MJ, Pelphrey KA. Neural Mechanisms of Cognitive-Behavioral Therapy for Aggression in Children and Adolescents: Design of a Randomized Controlled Trial Within the National Institute for Mental Health Research Domain Criteria Construct of Frustrative Non-Reward. Journal Of Child And Adolescent Psychopharmacology 2016, 26: 38-48. PMID: 26784537, PMCID: PMC4779273, DOI: 10.1089/cap.2015.0164.Peer-Reviewed Original ResearchConceptsCognitive behavioral therapyReactive aggressionResearch Domain Criteria (RDoC) constructsSessions of CBTEmotional face perceptionEmotion regulation circuitryBrain-behavior associationsAggressive behaviorFunctional magnetic resonanceFace perceptionNon-RewardTraditional diagnostic categoriesNoGo taskFMRI scanningRDoC constructsElectrophysiological correlatesNeural mechanismsCriterion constructsFunctional neuroimagingBehavioral levelStrategic research prioritiesAge 8AggressionAdolescentsSupportive psychotherapyBehavioral Interventions for Anger, Irritability, and Aggression in Children and Adolescents
Sukhodolsky DG, Smith SD, McCauley SA, Ibrahim K, Piasecka JB. Behavioral Interventions for Anger, Irritability, and Aggression in Children and Adolescents. Journal Of Child And Adolescent Psychopharmacology 2016, 26: 58-64. PMID: 26745682, PMCID: PMC4808268, DOI: 10.1089/cap.2015.0120.Peer-Reviewed Original ResearchConceptsCognitive behavioral therapyParent management trainingAnger/irritabilityTransdiagnostic approachBehavioral interventionsDisruptive behaviorAggressive behaviorChild disruptive behaviorCallous-unemotional traitsDisruptive behavior disordersTreatment of irritabilityEmotion regulationAversive patternFamily interactionsBehavioral problemsAngerMental health referralsAggressionManagement trainingBehavior disorderMood disordersTreatment targetsIrritabilityChildrenPsychiatric diagnosis
Examination of Aggression and Self-injury in Children with Autism Spectrum Disorders and Serious Behavioral Problems
Carroll D, Hallett V, McDougle CJ, Aman MG, McCracken JT, Tierney E, Arnold LE, Sukhodolsky DG, Lecavalier L, Handen BL, Swiezy N, Johnson C, Bearss K, Vitiello B, Scahill L. Examination of Aggression and Self-injury in Children with Autism Spectrum Disorders and Serious Behavioral Problems. Child And Adolescent Psychiatric Clinics Of North America 2014, 23: 57-72. PMID: 24231167, PMCID: PMC4212264, DOI: 10.1016/j.chc.2013.08.002.Peer-Reviewed Original ResearchMeSH KeywordsAdolescentAggressionAnalysis of VarianceAntipsychotic AgentsChildChild Development Disorders, PervasiveChild, PreschoolChi-Square DistributionDouble-Blind MethodFemaleHumansIntelligence TestsMaleOutcome Assessment, Health CarePsychiatric Status Rating ScalesRandomized Controlled Trials as TopicRisperidoneSelf-Injurious BehaviorSeverity of Illness IndexConceptsAutism spectrum disorderSubtypes of aggressionSelf-injurious behaviorSpectrum disorderUnderstanding of aggressionSerious behavioral problemsParent interviewsBehavioral problemsSelf-InjuryAggressionStudy findingsChildrenRisperidone trialsChildren 2DisordersIndividualized treatmentPositive responseSubtypesFurther studiesBiological mechanismsHigh rateInterviewsFindingsNarrativesBehavior
Trial Design Challenges When Combining Medication and Parent Training in Children with Pervasive Developmental Disorders
Scahill L, Aman MG, McDougle CJ, Arnold LE, McCracken JT, Handen B, Johnson C, Dziura J, Butter E, Sukhodolsky D, Swiezy N, Mulick J, Stigler K, Bearss K, Ritz L, Wagner A, Vitiello B. Trial Design Challenges When Combining Medication and Parent Training in Children with Pervasive Developmental Disorders. Journal Of Autism And Developmental Disorders 2008, 39: 720-729. PMID: 19096921, PMCID: PMC4807607, DOI: 10.1007/s10803-008-0675-2.Peer-Reviewed Original ResearchMeSH KeywordsAdolescentAggressionBehavior TherapyChildChild Development Disorders, PervasiveCombined Modality TherapyDopamine AntagonistsFemaleHumansMaleOutpatientsParent-Child RelationsParentsPatient CompliancePersonality AssessmentPsychiatric Status Rating ScalesRisperidoneSelf-Injurious BehaviorTreatment OutcomeConceptsParent trainingAdaptive functioningPervasive developmental disorderMeasures of noncomplianceBehavioral interventionsSymptom reductionDevelopmental disordersTraining targetClinical treatment targetsTrial design challengesTreatment targetsFunctioningTrainingFunctional improvementLow doseTreatment groupsMedicationsClinical practiceTantrumsAggressionBeneficial effectsIrritabilityChildrenNoncomplianceDisorders
Association of Normative Beliefs and Anger with Aggression and Antisocial Behavior in Russian Male Juvenile Offenders and High School Students
Sukhodolsky DG, Ruchkin VV. Association of Normative Beliefs and Anger with Aggression and Antisocial Behavior in Russian Male Juvenile Offenders and High School Students. Research On Child And Adolescent Psychopathology 2004, 32: 225-236. PMID: 15164863, DOI: 10.1023/b:jacp.0000019773.86910.fe.Peer-Reviewed Original ResearchConceptsAntisocial behaviorNonaggressive antisocial behaviorPhysical aggressionHigh school studentsNormative beliefsJuvenile offendersAnger experienceSchool studentsEmotion regulation processesCognitive behavioral therapyMale juvenile offendersSpecificity of associationAntisocial beliefsConduct disorderAggressive actsAggressionAngerNonaggressive formsStrong beliefBeliefsOffendersHigh levelsStudentsExperienceBehavior