Post-traumatic stress disorder symptoms following exposure to acute psychological trauma in children aged 8–16 years in South Africa: protocol for the Sinethemba longitudinal study
Sharp T, Chideya Y, Giuliani A, Hunt X, Tomlinson M, Seedat S, Creswell C, Fearon P, Hamilton-Giachritsis C, Hiller R, Meiser-Stedman R, Du Toit S, Stewart J, Halligan S. Post-traumatic stress disorder symptoms following exposure to acute psychological trauma in children aged 8–16 years in South Africa: protocol for the Sinethemba longitudinal study. BMJ Open 2024, 14: e085129. PMID: 38991675, PMCID: PMC11624694, DOI: 10.1136/bmjopen-2024-085129.Peer-Reviewed Original ResearchConceptsMental health outcomesPost-traumatic stress disorderChildren aged 8Caregiver supportHealth outcomesAssociation of psychosocial factorsAdverse mental health outcomesAged 8Traumatic eventsChildren’s post-traumatic stress disorderDepartment of HealthMiddle-income countriesTrauma-related mental healthPsychological risk factorsHigh-income countriesStress disorder symptomsFollow-up assessmentPost-traumatic stress disorder symptomsCape TownMotor vehicle accidentsHealthcare clinicsPsychosocial factorsMental healthPsychological recoveryEthical approval
Developmental pathways from toddler difficult temperament to child generalized psychopathology and adult functioning
Wu T, Meehan A, Rijlaarsdam J, Maughan B, Fearon P, Barker E. Developmental pathways from toddler difficult temperament to child generalized psychopathology and adult functioning. Journal Of Affective Disorders 2022, 301: 14-22. PMID: 34990631, DOI: 10.1016/j.jad.2022.01.012.Peer-Reviewed Original ResearchConceptsEarly difficult temperamentLate childhood/early adolescenceChildhood/early adolescenceDifficult temperamentMental health symptomsPositive parentingEarly adolescenceChild mental health symptomsDepressive symptomsLater mental health difficultiesRisk community sampleLow-risk community sampleChild mental health problemsImpaired psychosocial functioningMother-child dyadsMental health difficultiesOwn depressive symptomsChild difficult temperamentMental health problemsNegative parentingChildhood/adolescenceGeneral psychopathology factorGeneralized psychopathologyPsychosocial functioningAdult functioning
Editorial: ‘The giant’s shoulders’: understanding Michael Rutter’s impact on science and society
Sonuga‐Barke E, Fearon P, Scott S. Editorial: ‘The giant’s shoulders’: understanding Michael Rutter’s impact on science and society. Journal Of Child Psychology And Psychiatry 2021, 63: 1-3. PMID: 34957560, DOI: 10.1111/jcpp.13558.Peer-Reviewed Original ResearchEarly manifestations of intellectual performance: Evidence that genetic effects on later academic test performance are mediated through verbal performance in early childhood
Austerberry C, Fearon P, Ronald A, Leve LD, Ganiban JM, Natsuaki MN, Shaw DS, Neiderhiser JM, Reiss D. Early manifestations of intellectual performance: Evidence that genetic effects on later academic test performance are mediated through verbal performance in early childhood. Child Development 2021, 93: e188-e206. PMID: 34783370, PMCID: PMC10861934, DOI: 10.1111/cdev.13706.Peer-Reviewed Original ResearchMaternal caregiving moderates the impact of antenatal maternal cortisol on infant stress regulation
Nazzari S, Fearon P, Rice F, Molteni M, Frigerio A. Maternal caregiving moderates the impact of antenatal maternal cortisol on infant stress regulation. Journal Of Child Psychology And Psychiatry 2021, 63: 871-880. PMID: 34787327, DOI: 10.1111/jcpp.13532.Peer-Reviewed Original ResearchConceptsInfant stress regulationInfant cortisol reactivityC-reactive proteinMaternal sensitive caregivingAntenatal stressMaternal cortisolCortisol responseInfant stress response systemsInfant cortisol regulationMaternal antenatal stressMaternal caregivingInfant cortisol responseCortisol reactivityGreater cortisol responseAntenatal exposureMaternal ageMaternal levelsInterleukin-6Late pregnancyMaternal stress signalsPostnatal depressionSensitive caregivingAnimal studiesStress regulationCortisol regulationA mediation meta‐analysis of the role of maternal responsivity in the association between socioeconomic risk and children’s language
Borairi S, Fearon P, Madigan S, Plamondon A, Jenkins J. A mediation meta‐analysis of the role of maternal responsivity in the association between socioeconomic risk and children’s language. Child Development 2021, 92: 2177-2193. PMID: 34664260, DOI: 10.1111/cdev.13695.Peer-Reviewed Original ResearchConceptsPreschool language abilitiesLanguage developmentChildren's language developmentChild languageLanguage abilityFamily homeLanguageMaternal responsivityMeta-analytic structural equation modelingEnglishSocioeconomic riskMediationRiskHomeParentingIndirect effectsAssociationSensitive parentingModerator analysesChild‐father attachment in early childhood and behavior problems: A meta‐analysis
Deneault A, Bakermans‐Kranenburg M, Groh A, Fearon P, Madigan S. Child‐father attachment in early childhood and behavior problems: A meta‐analysis. New Directions For Child And Adolescent Development 2021, 2021: 43-66. PMID: 34651413, DOI: 10.1002/cad.20434.Peer-Reviewed Original ResearchDevelopmental trajectories of autistic social traits in the general population
Pender R, Fearon P, St Pourcain B, Heron J, Mandy W. Developmental trajectories of autistic social traits in the general population. Psychological Medicine 2021, 53: 814-822. PMID: 34154678, DOI: 10.1017/s0033291721002166.Peer-Reviewed Original ResearchConceptsAutism spectrum disorderGrowth mixture modellingAutistic traitsSocial difficultiesCommunication Disorders ChecklistTrajectory groupsMajority-male groupsSCDC scoresAutistic peopleASD diagnosisSpectrum disorderDevelopmental trajectoriesCommunication traitsExternalising difficultiesAvon Longitudinal StudyTrait continuumGeneral population sampleAge 7Social traitsMental healthLongitudinal studyAdolescenceExternal validityPersistent lowYoung peopleDecision-making ability, psychopathology, and brain connectivity
Moutoussis M, Garzón B, Neufeld S, Bach D, Rigoli F, Goodyer I, Bullmore E, Consortium N, Fonagy P, Jones P, Hauser T, Romero-Garcia R, St Clair M, Vértes P, Whitaker K, Inkster B, Prabhu G, Ooi C, Toseeb U, Widmer B, Bhatti J, Villis L, Alrumaithi A, Birt S, Bowler A, Cleridou K, Dadabhoy H, Davies E, Firkins A, Granville S, Harding E, Hopkins A, Isaacs D, King J, Kokorikou D, Maurice C, McIntosh C, Memarzia J, Mills H, O’Donnell C, Pantaleone S, Scott J, Fearon P, Suckling J, van Harmelen A, Kievit R, Guitart-Masip M, Dolan R. Decision-making ability, psychopathology, and brain connectivity. Neuron 2021, 109: 2025-2040.e7. PMID: 34019810, PMCID: PMC8221811, DOI: 10.1016/j.neuron.2021.04.019.Peer-Reviewed Original ResearchMeSH KeywordsAdolescentAffectAntisocial Personality DisorderAnxietyBrainCognitionDecision MakingDepressionDepressive Disorder, MajorFactor Analysis, StatisticalFemaleFunctional NeuroimagingHumansIntelligence TestsMagnetic Resonance ImagingMaleNeural PathwaysNeuropsychological TestsPsychosocial FunctioningSelf ConceptSocial InteractionYoung AdultConceptsDecision-making abilityFunctional connectivityResting-state functional connectivityGeneral social functioningDecision-making measuresPoor social functionCognitive constructsCognitive processesBrain signaturesSocial functioningThought patternsBrain connectivityMental healthMultiple domainsSocial functionIQBrain dataCommon factorsYoung peopleConstructsIndividuals 18Neural networkConnectivityAbilityPsychopathologyAn expanding manifold in transmodal regions characterizes adolescent reconfiguration of structural connectome organization
Park B, Bethlehem R, Paquola C, Larivière S, Rodríguez-Cruces R, de Wael R, Bullmore E, Dolan R, Goodyer I, Fonagy P, Jones P, Moutoussis M, Hauser T, Neufeld S, Romero-Garcia R, St Clair M, Vértes P, Whitaker K, Inkster B, Prabhu G, Ooi C, Toseeb U, Widmer B, Bhatti J, Villis L, Alrumaithi A, Birt S, Bowler A, Cleridou K, Dadabhoy H, Davies E, Firkins A, Granville S, Harding E, Hopkins A, Isaacs D, King J, Kokorikou D, Maurice C, McIntosh C, Memarzia J, Mills H, O’Donnell C, Pantaleone S, Scott J, Kiddle B, Polek E, Fearon P, Suckling J, van Harmelen A, Kievit R, Chamberlain S, Bullmore E, Bernhardt B. An expanding manifold in transmodal regions characterizes adolescent reconfiguration of structural connectome organization. ELife 2021, 10: e64694. PMID: 33787489, PMCID: PMC8087442, DOI: 10.7554/elife.64694.Peer-Reviewed Original ResearchMeSH KeywordsAdolescentAdolescent BehaviorAdolescent DevelopmentAdultAge FactorsBrainCognitionConnectomeFemaleGene Expression ProfilingGene Expression Regulation, DevelopmentalHumansLongitudinal StudiesMagnetic Resonance ImagingMaleModels, NeurologicalNerve Tissue ProteinsNeural PathwaysNeurogenesisTranscriptomeYoung AdultConceptsTransmodal regionsHigher-order association networksStructural connectome organizationMeasures of intelligenceLarge longitudinal sampleAdolescent developmentCognitive outcomesConnectome developmentBrain networksLongitudinal sampleStatistical learningConnectome organizationYoung adulthoodModule connectivityConnectivity patternsStructural connectomeEmpirical gapMaturational changesAdolescence
Antisocial cognition as a mediator of the peer influence effect and peer selection effect in antisocial adolescents
Brewer A, Saunders R, Fearon P, Fonagy P, Cottrell D, Kraam A, Pilling S, Simes E, Anokhina A, Butler S. Antisocial cognition as a mediator of the peer influence effect and peer selection effect in antisocial adolescents. European Child & Adolescent Psychiatry 2020, 31: 177-187. PMID: 33330952, PMCID: PMC8816781, DOI: 10.1007/s00787-020-01695-1.Peer-Reviewed Original ResearchConceptsPeer selection effectsDelinquent peer associationPeer conflictAntisocial behaviorPeer influenceSerious antisocial behaviorPeer associationAntisocial cognitionSelf-reported antisocial behaviorPeer influence effectsAntisocial adolescentsBritish adolescentsInfluence effectsPredictive relationshipAdolescentsCognitionCriminological literatureBeliefsAttitudesSelection effectsTotal effectCausal mechanismsConflictBehaviorFindingsPTSD symptoms and cortisol stress reactivity in adolescence: Findings from a high adversity cohort in South Africa
Zimmerman A, Halligan S, Skeen S, Morgan B, Fraser A, Fearon P, Tomlinson M. PTSD symptoms and cortisol stress reactivity in adolescence: Findings from a high adversity cohort in South Africa. Psychoneuroendocrinology 2020, 121: 104846. PMID: 32919210, DOI: 10.1016/j.psyneuen.2020.104846.Peer-Reviewed Original ResearchConceptsPost-traumatic stress disorderCortisol stress reactivityTrier Social Stress TestPTSD symptomsTrauma exposureStress reactivityHPA axis stress reactivitySmall inverse associationHPA stress reactivitySex-specific associationsTotal cortisol outputElevated PTSD symptomsImpoverished South African communityMiddle-income countriesAdrenal axisInverse associationSocial Stress TestMiddle-income country contextCortisol responsePsychosocial stressCortisol outputCortisol increaseSalivary cortisolStress disorderSouth African communityChildhood socio‐economic disadvantage predicts reduced myelin growth across adolescence and young adulthood
Ziegler G, Moutoussis M, Hauser T, Fearon P, Bullmore E, Goodyer I, Fonagy P, Jones P, Lindenberger U, Dolan R. Childhood socio‐economic disadvantage predicts reduced myelin growth across adolescence and young adulthood. Human Brain Mapping 2020, 41: 3392-3402. PMID: 32432383, PMCID: PMC7375075, DOI: 10.1002/hbm.25024.Peer-Reviewed Original ResearchConceptsSocio-economic disadvantageMyelin growthEarly socioeconomic disadvantageYoung adulthoodBody mass indexChildhood socio-economic disadvantageLife stressorsYears of ageEarly life stressorsPotential translational implicationsEarly life disadvantageWhite matter regionsParental educationMass indexSubcortical nucleiBrain developmentAlcohol useMatter regionsTranslational implicationsSocioeconomic disadvantageAge 12Life disadvantagePositive parentingProtective mannerNormal trajectoryDoes 5-HTTLPR moderate the effect of the quality of environmental context on maternal sensitivity? Testing the differential susceptibility hypothesis.
Baião R, Fearon P, Belsky J, Teixeira P, Soares I, Mesquita A. Does 5-HTTLPR moderate the effect of the quality of environmental context on maternal sensitivity? Testing the differential susceptibility hypothesis. Psychiatric Genetics 2020, 30: 49-56. PMID: 31842059, DOI: 10.1097/ypg.0000000000000247.Peer-Reviewed Original ResearchNeuroendocrine and immune markers of maternal stress during pregnancy and infant cognitive development
Nazzari S, Fearon P, Rice F, Ciceri F, Molteni M, Frigerio A. Neuroendocrine and immune markers of maternal stress during pregnancy and infant cognitive development. Developmental Psychobiology 2020, 62: 1100-1110. PMID: 32232990, DOI: 10.1002/dev.21967.Peer-Reviewed Original ResearchConceptsInfant cognitive developmentEarly cognitive developmentCognitive developmentAnxiety symptomsCognitive outcomesInfant cognitive outcomesMaternal depressiveC-reactive proteinCognitive development scoresMaternal stressHierarchical linear regressionInterleukin-6Maternal caregivingMaternal IQMaternal antenatal stressConcurrent anxietyAlpha-amylase concentrationsDiurnal cortisolSerum interleukin-6Healthy pregnant womenSalivary cortisolDevelopment scoresDepressive symptomsCurrent studyAntenatal exposureConservative and disruptive modes of adolescent change in human brain functional connectivity
Váša F, Romero-Garcia R, Kitzbichler M, Seidlitz J, Whitaker K, Vaghi M, Kundu P, Patel A, Fonagy P, Dolan R, Jones P, Goodyer I, Vértes P, Bullmore E, Bullmore E, Dolan R, Goodyer I, Fonagy P, Jones P, Moutoussis M, Hauser T, Neufeld S, Romero-Garcia R, St Clair M, Vértes P, Whitaker K, Inkster B, Prabhu G, Ooi C, Toseeb U, Widmer B, Bhatti J, Villis L, Alrumaithi A, Birt S, Bowler A, Cleridou K, Dadabhoy H, Davies E, Firkins A, Granville S, Harding E, Hopkins A, Isaacs D, King J, Kokorikou D, Maurice C, McIntosh C, Memarzia J, Mills H, O’Donnell C, Pantaleone S, Scott J, Fearon P, Suckling J, van Harmelen A, Kievit R. Conservative and disruptive modes of adolescent change in human brain functional connectivity. Proceedings Of The National Academy Of Sciences Of The United States Of America 2020, 117: 3248-3253. PMID: 31992644, PMCID: PMC7022153, DOI: 10.1073/pnas.1906144117.Peer-Reviewed Original ResearchConceptsFunctional connectivityAdolescent changesFunctional MRIMaturational indexAutobiographical memory taskHuman brain organizationSubcortical regionsResting-state oscillationsHuman brain functional connectivityHuman brain functionBaseline functional connectivityCortical surface expansionBrain functional connectivitySocial cognitionMemory taskAge-related changesBrain organizationAssociation cortexHealthy adolescentsDevelopmental changesCortical regionsBrain functionConservative developmentAerobic glycolysisSubcortical areas
The Herts and Minds study: feasibility of a randomised controlled trial of Mentalization-Based Treatment versus usual care to support the wellbeing of children in foster care
Midgley N, Besser S, Fearon P, Wyatt S, Byford S, Wellsted D. The Herts and Minds study: feasibility of a randomised controlled trial of Mentalization-Based Treatment versus usual care to support the wellbeing of children in foster care. BMC Psychiatry 2019, 19: 215. PMID: 31291923, PMCID: PMC6617562, DOI: 10.1186/s12888-019-2196-2.Peer-Reviewed Original ResearchConceptsEfficacy effect sizeUsual clinical careMentalization-based therapyMental health practitionersAppropriate primary outcome measureHealth practitionersPsychological therapiesPrimary outcome measureMental health servicesTiming of assessmentEffect sizeUsual careFeasibility RCTClinical trialsOutcome measuresStudy uptakeClinical careRCTsHealth servicesTherapyFoster careTrialsCareDifficulties QuestionnairePhase IIA Longitudinal Examination of Heart-Rate and Heart Rate Variability as Risk Markers for Child Posttraumatic Stress Symptoms in an Acute Injury Sample
Haag K, Hiller R, Peyk P, Michael T, Meiser-Stedman R, Fearon P, Ehlers A, Halligan S. A Longitudinal Examination of Heart-Rate and Heart Rate Variability as Risk Markers for Child Posttraumatic Stress Symptoms in an Acute Injury Sample. Research On Child And Adolescent Psychopathology 2019, 47: 1811-1820. PMID: 31073881, PMCID: PMC6805807, DOI: 10.1007/s10802-019-00553-2.Peer-Reviewed Original ResearchConceptsPost-traumatic stress symptomsPosttraumatic stress disorderStress symptomsChildren's post-traumatic stress symptomsAdolescent posttraumatic stress disorderChildren's posttraumatic stress symptomsHigher post-traumatic stress symptomsPosttraumatic stress symptomsLong-term distressConcurrent markersTraumatic eventsTrauma narrativesStress disorderParent-child pairsTraumatic experiencesLongitudinal examinationInjury samplePredictive validityAdult literatureHR variabilityPost traumaChildrenHR indexHeart rate variabilityHospital emergency departmentPersonality and Outcome in Individuals With Treatment-Resistant Depression—Exploring Differential Treatment Effects in the Tavistock Adult Depression Study (TADS)
Rost F, Luyten P, Fearon P, Fonagy P. Personality and Outcome in Individuals With Treatment-Resistant Depression—Exploring Differential Treatment Effects in the Tavistock Adult Depression Study (TADS). Journal Of Consulting And Clinical Psychology 2019, 87: 433-445. PMID: 30998046, DOI: 10.1037/ccp0000391.Peer-Reviewed Original ResearchConceptsTreatment-resistant depressionTavistock Adult Depression StudyLong-term psychoanalytic psychotherapyDepression StudyLong-term treatmentHamilton Rating ScaleDifferential treatment effectsChronic formTreatment outcomesTreatment periodDepression severityTailor treatmentPatientsLarge effect sizesRating ScaleInfluence responsivenessDepressionTreatment effectsTreatmentEffect sizeTauPresent studySignificant changesOutcomesGrowth curvesTrajectories of depression and anxiety symptom change during psychological therapy
Saunders R, Buckman J, Cape J, Fearon P, Leibowitz J, Pilling S. Trajectories of depression and anxiety symptom change during psychological therapy. Journal Of Affective Disorders 2019, 249: 327-335. PMID: 30802698, PMCID: PMC6428692, DOI: 10.1016/j.jad.2019.02.043.Peer-Reviewed Original Research