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Elevate Celebrates Five Years of Impact on Maternal Mental Health

December 20, 2024

Surpassing the goal set at Elevate Policy Lab’s launch to scale the MOMS Partnership® Model to five sites in five years, Elevate charts direction to expand impact.

Elevate Policy Lab was established at the Yale School of Medicine in 2019, with an organizational mission to improve maternal mental health as a pathway to economic and social mobility. At that time, Elevate announced plans to build partnerships with social service agencies and community organizations to scale the Mental health Outreach for MotherS (MOMS) Partnership model to communities beyond New Haven. MOMS Partnership® is a recognized program model--with core principles, strategies, and interventions – that has consistently demonstrated positive mental health outcomes for participants. Elevate exceeded the goal of “five years, five sites” goal, scaling MOMS to seven communities, and providing training and technical assistance to an eighth community as part of a large randomized controlled trial designed to test economic mobility outcomes of the MOMS model.

Surpassing the scaling goal was an occasion to celebrate, but the Elevate team barely missed a beat. “We had a nice moment of recognition at our team retreat in December 2023, but then quickly turned our attention to our next set of goals,” reported Elevate’s Executive Director Hilary Hahn. “We’re focused on learning from our first round of scaling. We want MOMS to reach more mothers and have an even greater impact as we go forward.”

During 2024, the team at Elevate got down to the business of learning and improvement. Aggregating data and drawing out learning across the MOMS Partnership communities, the team studied the takeaways of five years of programming. Through cross-site analyses and learning projects, the team sought to identify areas of impact and the factors that maximized success across communities. The team applied--and continues to apply--these learnings toward improvement projects aimed at all phases of MOMS programming. This work is led by Dr. Rachel Ebling, Director of Research, Evaluation and Learning. Elevate will release a full report on the cross-site findings in March 2025; meantime, a brief look at some of the key results is captured in Elevate’s new infographic, presented below Elevate also looks forward to continuing its commitment to learning and improvement, a core principle of the MOMS Partnership Model.

Elevate’s cross-site analyses are supported by the Esther A. & Joseph Klingenstein Fund.

Elevate’s learning and continuous improvement efforts are supported in part by Apricus Principle.