Jillian R. Scheer, PhD
Cobb-Jones Professor of Clinical Psychology, Assistant Professor, Department of Psychology at Syracuse University.
Jillian R. Scheer, PhD, is a licensed counseling psychologist, the Cobb-Jones Professor of Clinical Psychology, and an Assistant Professor in the Department of Psychology at Syracuse University. Dr. Scheer is also a research affiliate at the Center for Interdisciplinary Research on AIDS at the Yale School of Public Health and at the VA Center for Integrated Healthcare Research Affiliate at the Syracuse VA Medical Center. Dr. Scheer’s externally-funded research program focuses on identifying biopsychosocial determinants, such as sexual and relationship violence, traumatic stress symptoms, and physiological stress reactivity, of alcohol and other drug use among sexual minority women and transgender and/or nonbinary people. Additionally, Dr. Scheer’s program of research seeks to understand help-seeking barriers and develop scalable and innovative telehealth and digital health interventions tailored to these populations.