Yale Psychiatry Grand Rounds: "The NIH Brain Initiative: Accelerating Discovery Toward Cures"
December 15, 2023December 15, 2023
"The NIH Brain Initiative: Accelerating Discovery Toward Cures"
John Ngai, PhD, Director, National Institutes of Health Brain Initiative, National Institute of Neurological Disorders and Stroke.
- ID
- 11095
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- DCA Citation Guide
- 00:00Is to I got it. OK And then
- 00:05we got it. Got it here.
- 00:10All right. Sorry everybody.
- 00:12This is me doing this so that
- 00:14Doctor Nye doesn't have to.
- 00:16And that's important.
- 00:18Chemistry and biology, remember,
- 00:19because the one of the primary
- 00:21goals of the BRAIN Initiative is
- 00:24to develop new tools so that we can
- 00:27push forward the ideas with the
- 00:29technology that supports those ideas.
- 00:31And of course we don't want
- 00:33to be limited by technology.
- 00:34So the development of new
- 00:36technologies is a way to basically
- 00:38free us up to be more creative.
- 00:40And the
- 00:44his career then went on to get
- 00:46a PhD in biology from Caltech.
- 00:48He was a post doc at both Caltech
- 00:50and then at Columbia and then he
- 00:52started his faculty position at
- 00:54Berkeley and he there his lab was
- 00:58involved in olfactory neurobiology.
- 01:01He in his own work was pushing the boundaries
- 01:05particularly of molecular technologies.
- 01:07He had published you know way back,
- 01:09way back in the days and
- 01:12when we did microarrays,
- 01:14I don't know if any of you remember
- 01:15that he was already in this space
- 01:17and now of course has moved forward
- 01:19in that space towards the really
- 01:21cutting edge single cell technologies
- 01:22and so on that we use today.
- 01:24And he brings that knowledge to to his
- 01:27role as Director of the of the institute.
- 01:30He also served as director of Berkeley's
- 01:32Neuroscience Graduate program and of
- 01:34the Helen Wells Neuroscience Institute.
- 01:36So he comes into this with a lot
- 01:40of experience with students.
- 01:41So today he will be meeting
- 01:43with students for lunch.
- 01:44So I hope if any of you students
- 01:46are in the audience that are going
- 01:48to be having lunch with Doctor Nye
- 01:50after this that you take advantage
- 01:52of his of his experience.
- 01:55He's also served as Co Chair
- 01:58of the Brain Initiative,
- 02:00Cell Senses Consortium Steering Group
- 02:03and now he overseas the long term
- 02:05strategy and day-to-day operations of
- 02:06the NIH Brain Initiative as it strives
- 02:08to revolutionize our understanding of
- 02:10the brain and both health and disease.
- 02:12So I would like to welcome Doctor
- 02:15Nye and thank him very much
- 02:16for making the trip today.
- 02:24Thanks, Marina.
- 02:24I thank you all for being here.
- 02:27It's really a pleasure to get out of the.
- 02:28Get out of the house every now
- 02:30and then and see real folks.
- 02:33Yeah. Thank you, Marina,
- 02:34for the for organizing and John as
- 02:36well for the invitation to be here.
- 02:38It's really a delight.
- 02:40And just a touch screen.
- 02:41Do I dare? No, don't.
- 02:43Don't touch it.
- 02:44Don't touch it. OK,
- 02:47that so far. I had a wonderful visit.
- 02:49Really looking forward to meeting the
- 02:51students and other faculty as well
- 02:52later today. From what I can see,
- 02:54what's going on here really does align
- 02:56with what I'm going to tell you about what
- 02:58in our mission in the brain Initiative,
- 03:00as Marina said, to revolutionize our
- 03:02understanding of the human brain.
- 03:04So let me just see if this will work.
- 03:08OK, That works, right?
- 03:11We're good. OK, great.
- 03:14Do. What am I supposed to do?
- 03:17Oh, move my face out of the way.
- 03:20Is this of the mouse?
- 03:23You can see this is a technology
- 03:25initiative, and I'm the director.
- 03:27It's really, it's like you should
- 03:29all really be kind of worried.
- 03:34OK. How's that? Cool. Oh, but this,
- 03:36this this thing's still in the way.
- 03:38OK, yeah, great.
- 03:39I've only been doing this for three years.
- 03:41OK. So it's really a delight to be here,
- 03:43I think. And this audience doesn't
- 03:45need to be reminded of the vast
- 03:47complexity of the human brain and
- 03:49other other brains couple 100 billion
- 03:51cells making trillions of connections.
- 03:53It's the most powerful computer,
- 03:55I think, that we know of and certainly
- 03:57the most complex organ in the body,
- 03:59which also makes it most
- 04:01vulnerable to disease.
- 04:02So we the goal here is to develop new and
- 04:04better tools to understand this remarkable
- 04:07organ and eventually to understand
- 04:08how it works in health and disease.
- 04:11So we can start thinking about actual
- 04:13cures and not just ineffective treatment.
- 04:14So that's kind of the gist of what I'm
- 04:17going to get at to with you today.
- 04:19OK, so the mission of the
- 04:22US Brain Initiative,
- 04:23let me minimize my window here too,
- 04:25is to revolutionize our understanding
- 04:27of the human brain by accelerating
- 04:29the development and application
- 04:31of innovative technologies,
- 04:32Brain research through advancing
- 04:34innovative neuro technologies.
- 04:38It was announced as an initiative
- 04:39by the White House in 2013,
- 04:41with the first awards being made in 2014.
- 04:44And really the kind of the cool
- 04:45vision here was that it came at a
- 04:47time when there were advances and
- 04:49fields adjacent to biology and
- 04:50neuroscience that people recognize
- 04:52would actually help us in our quest
- 04:54to develop better tools to understand
- 04:56how this thing works and engineering,
- 04:59physics, chemistry,
- 05:00computer science and so and and
- 05:02and also in the social sciences.
- 05:04And this is really just a great a time
- 05:06of confluence to really leverage this,
- 05:08this, this huge,
- 05:10huge development in knowledge across
- 05:12across different and diverse fields.
- 05:15The BRAIN Initiative,
- 05:16the US BRAIN Initiative represents
- 05:17a partnership between five U.S.
- 05:19Federal agencies and private foundations.
- 05:21And our efforts at the NIH have
- 05:23been guided by two strategic plans.
- 05:24The first was the so-called
- 05:26BRAIN 2025 report.
- 05:27This was a report commissioned by then NIH,
- 05:31Director of Francis Collins,
- 05:33Advisor Counsel to the Director of
- 05:35Working group of that ACD we call
- 05:37it and that was chaired by Corey
- 05:39Bargman from Rockefeller University.
- 05:40I'm Bill Newsom at Stanford
- 05:41University and it really laid out
- 05:43the 1st 10 years of where they
- 05:45thought this thing could be going.
- 05:47An update to to the strategic plan was
- 05:49made in the brain two point O reports
- 05:51that was released in October of 2019.
- 05:53That kind of took a look at where
- 05:55things stood at the five years in and
- 05:57and a kind of a refreshed look at
- 05:58where things should go in the future.
- 05:59And everything we're doing is kind
- 06:01of based on these two visionary
- 06:04documents Now at the NIH.
- 06:06Our goal is to develop a new and
- 06:09apply new tools for understanding
- 06:11how neural circuits underlie complex
- 06:13behaviors in both health and disease.
- 06:15The initiative spans 10 of the
- 06:1827 NIH institutes or centers,
- 06:20I'll refer to those as ICS.
- 06:21And in order to achieve this goal,
- 06:24we feel it's important to leverage
- 06:26emerging technologies from across the
- 06:27scientific disciplines to enable new
- 06:29discoveries about neural circuit function,
- 06:31to use these discoveries as a
- 06:33foundation for new therapies for
- 06:35human brain disorders and very
- 06:37importantly to disseminate and
- 06:38democratize these technologies.
- 06:40We're both for discovery as well As
- 06:42for clinical applications and very
- 06:43importantly for the benefit of all.
- 06:45Now with the NIH BRAIN Initiative,
- 06:47we we've,
- 06:47we've mapped out what we're doing based
- 06:49on the BRAIN 2025 report in nine main areas.
- 06:54We study,
- 06:55we,
- 06:56we we fund studies looking at tools,
- 06:59tools that allow us to better
- 07:02understand cell and circuit functions,
- 07:04invasive and other non invasive neuro
- 07:06recording and modulation technologies.
- 07:08I'm going to touch on examples
- 07:09of all these as they go along.
- 07:10Newer neuro imaging technologies
- 07:13across different scales.
- 07:14We have a very robust portfolio
- 07:17in systems neuroscience where
- 07:19our program is designed to use,
- 07:21develop and use the latest tools for
- 07:23dissecting neuro circuit function.
- 07:25And very importantly,
- 07:26we have a robust program in human
- 07:28neuroscience which touches not
- 07:29only on developing first and human
- 07:32treatments for various disorders,
- 07:33but also to use the human brain as a
- 07:36model system for understanding neuro
- 07:38circuit function and kind of interleaves.
- 07:40Across these different programs
- 07:41we are supporting various efforts
- 07:43in data science and informatics,
- 07:45very important training,
- 07:46inclusion and equity.
- 07:47We need to make sure that this is a
- 07:50sustainable enterprise with bringing
- 07:51in new talent into the into the fold.
- 07:54Neuroethics, you know what we're
- 07:55doing matters for society,
- 07:56it matters for individuals and again,
- 07:58as I mentioned before, dissemination,
- 08:01democratization and commercialization.
- 08:04OK, just a very brief history of the
- 08:06funding of the BRAIN Initiative.
- 08:08It started in 2014 at NIH with a
- 08:11very modest $46 million investment.
- 08:13And you can see it's grown quite a bit.
- 08:16And the last fiscal year, FY23,
- 08:17which just ended in September of this year,
- 08:20we made it,
- 08:21we had $680 million to invest
- 08:24in in these studies.
- 08:25Our funding comes from 2 main sources.
- 08:27Well,
- 08:27two sources and dark blue
- 08:29is the base funding.
- 08:30So this represents funds that are allocated,
- 08:33appropriated by Congress to
- 08:35the NIH to these ten ICS.
- 08:37It's a line item in these ten IC budgets.
- 08:40On top of that in the light blue are
- 08:42funds from the 21st Century Cures Act,
- 08:43which was passed in 2016 that
- 08:46started in 2017.
- 08:46You can see it's a variable
- 08:48amount of funding.
- 08:49It runs through 2026 and it's
- 08:52really allowed us to pursue this
- 08:54robust growth of investments that
- 08:57really has catalyzed the field in
- 08:59terms of developing these tools
- 09:00for doing really cool stuff.
- 09:02OK,
- 09:03So what have we done since then since 2014?
- 09:05So these are the numbers we
- 09:07have since up through 2022.
- 09:08We funded by now actually over 1200
- 09:12PIS across over 230 institutions
- 09:14and they've they've been supported
- 09:16by now by over 1100 Brain Awards,
- 09:19they've published a bunch and
- 09:21they've published in journals
- 09:23covering different areas.
- 09:24So this reflects the multidisciplinary
- 09:26nature of what we're supporting.
- 09:28Here's a word cloud showing
- 09:31the common themes.
- 09:32One day I expect to see non
- 09:33rental cells better represented,
- 09:35but we're we're working on that and
- 09:37quite a few really nice publications. OK.
- 09:40So that's kind of brain by the numbers.
- 09:43Today I'd like to leave you
- 09:45with three key takeaways.
- 09:46The 1st is that brain funded
- 09:48advancements in tools and technology.
- 09:50They're already making their
- 09:51way into the clinic.
- 09:52So we see we're already seeing big
- 09:54potential to impact humans today,
- 09:56not just sometime in the future,
- 09:59but in the meantime,
- 10:00as I mentioned before,
- 10:01we really do need to understand more
- 10:03about the brain in order to to come
- 10:05up with some actual cures and preventions.
- 10:07And here our teams are developing
- 10:09new resources and technologies
- 10:10that are laying the foundation
- 10:12for these future cures.
- 10:13And in the process,
- 10:14of course generating in a lot of great
- 10:16information about how the brain works.
- 10:18And then finally,
- 10:19kind of part of all this is
- 10:21that we're creating a new
- 10:23way of doing science that we feel is and
- 10:25will accelerate the pace of discovery.
- 10:28OK. So I'm just going to go through
- 10:30each of these three points and
- 10:32give you some examples and little
- 10:34vignettes to support these claims. OK.
- 10:37So what's going on in the clinic today?
- 10:40Well, I'm sure a lot of you are aware
- 10:43or almost all of you are aware of deep
- 10:45brain stimulation that's been used for
- 10:47over 2 decades now to treat the symptoms,
- 10:50the motor symptoms of Parkinson's
- 10:51disease and other movement disorders.
- 10:54And it's kind of been great for that.
- 10:55It's the gold standard for treating
- 10:57patients with these conditions.
- 10:58But applying it to other arguably more
- 11:01complex conditions like treatment,
- 11:02refractory depression, OCDPTSD,
- 11:06things like this has been not really
- 11:09been going so well until very recently.
- 11:11And we're now we're seeing kind of a
- 11:14whole bumper crop of papers and studies
- 11:16showing the application to these more
- 11:18complex neuropsychiatric conditions.
- 11:20So what's changed?
- 11:21Well, a couple things has changed.
- 11:23One is that we are seeing in addition to
- 11:25these devices in addition to stimulating
- 11:27that can now record neural activity.
- 11:29So there's a possibility of recording
- 11:32activity in the brains of patients
- 11:35and identifying neural activity
- 11:37biomarkers for the conditions that
- 11:39could be stimulated back into,
- 11:41we might think,
- 11:42a better space.
- 11:43Another big advance has been the
- 11:46the development of these really cool
- 11:49artificial intelligence algorithms
- 11:50that can actually deconvolve and
- 11:52interpret that information to
- 11:54kind of give give us actionable
- 11:57biomarkers for the stimulation.
- 11:58And then finally better mapping on
- 12:01an individual basis of patients of
- 12:03their actual pathways and circuits
- 12:05so that the electrodes can be placed
- 12:07in the ideal location and record
- 12:10and stimulate in such a way that
- 12:12can give an effective treatment.
- 12:13So this has been going on for a while.
- 12:14Here's just one example of one of these
- 12:17studies published just this past fall
- 12:21from Helen Mayberg and Chris Rozell's Group,
- 12:23A really great collaboration between
- 12:25neurologist Helen Mayberg's been been
- 12:26been pushing this for about two decades
- 12:29and Chris Rizzell who's an engineer.
- 12:31So again embodying the ethos
- 12:33of the brain initiative using
- 12:34multidisciplinary approaches.
- 12:36So here they had about,
- 12:37I think it was 12 patients that
- 12:39had we're suffering,
- 12:40we're living with chronic and
- 12:44treatment resistant depression and
- 12:47placing the electrodes in the singlet
- 12:49very precisely and being able to
- 12:52record activity from these patients.
- 12:54They were actually able to derive
- 12:56using AI really cool AI techniques
- 12:58biomarkers for the patient state.
- 13:00So they would implant these patients,
- 13:02they stimulate them.
- 13:04I think 3/4 of them actually either
- 13:06showed a great response to the
- 13:09stimulation if not remission and they
- 13:11can actually use the this biomarker
- 13:14activity to predict how they were doing.
- 13:17And in fact in in in one or a few cases,
- 13:20they could predict a month in advance when
- 13:21the patient was getting into trouble.
- 13:23So this is a great way to not only
- 13:25understand what's going on over time,
- 13:28but actually as a way of of
- 13:30tuning the the therapy before
- 13:31the patient gets into trouble.
- 13:33So this is really kind of cool stuff
- 13:35and now the challenge with all these DBS
- 13:36technologies is how do you scale it.
- 13:38These are again our small case
- 13:40or small patient studies,
- 13:41but it really does pave the way for
- 13:44for thinking about how we can treat
- 13:47these otherwise debilitating disorders.
- 13:49Treatment resistant depression,
- 13:51OCDPTSD, Bingeing eating disorder.
- 13:53Eddie Chang's group at UCSF has
- 13:55now been able to record activity
- 13:57by markers associated with chronic
- 13:59pain and now they're really working
- 14:01hard to see if they can't use DBS
- 14:03to alleviate those those symptoms,
- 14:05which has great implications not
- 14:07only for treating the pain,
- 14:08but also adjacently for for avoiding the
- 14:12consequences of substance use disorder.
- 14:15OK, here's a somewhat different study.
- 14:18This is from Kappa Kappa GROSSA
- 14:20Group and Pittsburgh,
- 14:22where they're looking at now
- 14:23not deep brain stimulation,
- 14:24but epidural stimulation of the spinal cord.
- 14:28So here we have patients that
- 14:29suffered stroke.
- 14:30And in fact,
- 14:31the case study that I'll show you here
- 14:33was a woman who suffered a stroke,
- 14:35I believe,
- 14:36nine years before the study was conducted.
- 14:39And the idea here is that there's
- 14:42a stroke thinks,
- 14:43I think it was a thalamic stroke
- 14:45affecting the transmission of
- 14:47information down the cortical spinal
- 14:50tract to move the upper limbs.
- 14:52OK.
- 14:53And as it turns out,
- 14:54there are local circuits in the spinal
- 14:56cord that control this movement.
- 14:58So it's not just like you're you're
- 15:00flipping a switch that goes right
- 15:01to your hands or your fingers,
- 15:03but you're actually engaging the
- 15:06local surface in the spinal cord.
- 15:07So the idea here is that if the signal
- 15:10traveling to the spinal cord is diminished,
- 15:12maybe one can get some recovery
- 15:14of function by amplifying the
- 15:16output in the spinal cord.
- 15:18So here in a less invasive technique,
- 15:20they've laid electrodes epidurally
- 15:22over the spinal cord in the cervical
- 15:25spinal cord and stimulation was
- 15:27optimized for each patient.
- 15:29I'm not going to bother going through
- 15:30these these graphs because I have
- 15:31a much better video to show you
- 15:33what's going on and the really cool,
- 15:34there are two really cool things.
- 15:35One is that the benefits once
- 15:37they turn the stimulator on were
- 15:40immediate in terms of giving,
- 15:41functional recovery of the arm
- 15:43and it lasted at least four weeks
- 15:44after they stopped the study.
- 15:46So that tells us two things.
- 15:48One is that the circuits are there to
- 15:52be engaged and you just have to engage them.
- 15:54And the other is there's probably
- 15:56some plasticity going on as well.
- 15:58OK, so a picture is worth 1000 words.
- 16:01A video's worth,
- 16:02I think 1,000,000 here is just
- 16:05this patient in the clinic,
- 16:08and the task here is to feed herself
- 16:11something that most of us take for granted.
- 16:13And so she is supposed to pick up this,
- 16:16I think it's a chicken nugget.
- 16:19Dip it in the sauce and put it in her
- 16:21mouth and you can see she's struggling
- 16:24with this. But she's a good sport.
- 16:25She's really kind of working at it.
- 16:29This was done during COVID
- 16:32times, hence the masks.
- 16:36She can barely lift her arm up
- 16:40and and she needs a little
- 16:44help at the end to get there.
- 16:50OK, so the next clip,
- 16:54the stimulator is turned on.
- 16:55So just an epidural stimulator.
- 16:59Still fine.
- 17:00Motor skills are still impacted,
- 17:03but she's doing a bit better,
- 17:04A little bit of help getting
- 17:06her fork in her hand,
- 17:06but she's holding the
- 17:08fork pretty well. Dip
- 17:13and there you go.
- 17:14Really quite remarkable.
- 17:15No physical therapy involved.
- 17:17This is just turning the stimulator
- 17:19on and it happens immediately and
- 17:21it lasts for weeks afterwards.
- 17:23And this parallels other studies
- 17:25done by this group as well as Greg
- 17:28Cortine in Switzerland where they've
- 17:30done similar epidural stimulation
- 17:31in spinal cord injury patients.
- 17:33Again, re engaging or amplifying the
- 17:36signal in the lumbar spinal cord to
- 17:39help movement of the lower limbs.
- 17:41And they've actually been able
- 17:43to identify and map the cells and
- 17:45circuits that show the plasticity
- 17:47using various techniques.
- 17:48So this is really showing great promise
- 17:51for how to assist patients recover
- 17:53function after these traumatic events.
- 17:56OK.
- 17:57So these are just two examples.
- 17:58There's a lot of other cool stuff
- 18:00going on in this space,
- 18:01including with deeper in stimulation
- 18:02for motor recovery.
- 18:03But just thought I'd give you 2
- 18:06brief vignettes for how we're taking
- 18:09technologies and pushing them into the
- 18:10clinic in these first in human trials.
- 18:12And now,
- 18:13of course,
- 18:13the challenge is to expand these studies,
- 18:15to validate them in randomized trials
- 18:18and then to disseminate it more broadly.
- 18:21OK.
- 18:22So the second key,
- 18:23key take away is that our teams are
- 18:26developing new resources that are laying
- 18:28down the foundation for future cures.
- 18:30We need more information about
- 18:32how brain cell types and circuits
- 18:35work to underpin behavior,
- 18:37so here are just a couple
- 18:38of examples I'll give you,
- 18:39some of which was done locally.
- 18:43One of the goals of systems
- 18:46in circus neuroscience is to
- 18:49understand how activity patterns Dr.
- 18:51downstream,
- 18:52other downstream units or
- 18:55ultimately behavior.
- 18:56We've seen a lot of progress
- 18:58in studying this using optical
- 19:00methods with genetically encoded
- 19:02calcium sensor sensors.
- 19:03But calcium is just a proxy for
- 19:06neural activity in most cases.
- 19:08And what what the field has
- 19:10really been driving at is to get
- 19:12direct sensors of voltage membrane
- 19:13voltage because that's really
- 19:15the currency in in most cases.
- 19:17Sorry for the pun of how
- 19:18circuits are functioning, right.
- 19:19So there have been a number
- 19:21of genetically encoded voltage
- 19:23sensors out there and also some
- 19:25chemical voltage sensors,
- 19:26but they've they've suffered
- 19:27from a couple of key things.
- 19:29One is that you don't,
- 19:32you don't get a very high signal,
- 19:33so you really have to put a lot of energy,
- 19:36a lot of light energy into the cells,
- 19:38into your tissue in order to
- 19:40get a reasonable signal out.
- 19:42So this is a problem in terms
- 19:44of tissue damage.
- 19:44Another is that up until recently,
- 19:47all these probes,
- 19:48they'd respond to changes in
- 19:49voltage into to depolarizations by
- 19:52decreasing their signal intensity,
- 19:53decreasing the fluorescence.
- 19:55So I think you can imagine
- 19:57intuitively that this this is becomes
- 20:00problematic for small changes.
- 20:01You're looking at a decrease in
- 20:03signal so you get into problems
- 20:04with Singleton noise.
- 20:05So sensitivity and you really want
- 20:07sensitivity is an issue to be solved
- 20:09and you also would rather have what
- 20:11we call a positive going sensor.
- 20:13So here are the really cool
- 20:15developments along these lines.
- 20:16So the Pure Bone and Chen groups.
- 20:20Developed a new spike detection through
- 20:22these so-called positive going sensors.
- 20:24These ASAP generally encoded
- 20:26voltage indicators called spiky,
- 20:28spiky and spiky 2 and they've also
- 20:31in parallel developed so that's the
- 20:33the chemistry of the actual sensor.
- 20:36But they've also developed low power
- 20:38two photon imaging that actually
- 20:40allows them to detect the smaller
- 20:42signals and you can see here on the
- 20:44right these little spike signals
- 20:45that they can detect this way in
- 20:48response to changes of voltage.
- 20:50So Michael Lynn's team who developed
- 20:52the so-called who developed the
- 20:55original ASAP sensors also developed
- 20:57these ultra fast sensors that
- 20:59now are also positive going.
- 21:01The upper trace here shows responses
- 21:04of the cell to to to calcium these
- 21:08you can see these fairly slow slow
- 21:11wave forms that in relation to the
- 21:12bottom where you can see the actual
- 21:14spiking of the cells really quite
- 21:16remarkable and it's it's sustainable.
- 21:17So the this gets to the issue of not frying
- 21:20the cell before your experiment is over.
- 21:22OK.
- 21:23And then finally Adam Collins Group utilized
- 21:26a novel screening strategy to identify
- 21:28these new archaeohodopsin based sensors.
- 21:30And here you can see two cells
- 21:33in a preparation that are
- 21:35that are electric connected,
- 21:37you can see them spiking together.
- 21:38So this now can be applied more broadly.
- 21:41These three types of new Gabbys can
- 21:44be applied more broadly to look at
- 21:46activity patterns across areas in vivo,
- 21:50so really to push the boundaries
- 21:52of understanding the function in
- 21:55neural circuits. So one example.
- 21:58So another example I'm showing you here
- 22:00is from Lynn Tian's lab at UC Davis
- 22:02and now she's about about to or just
- 22:04moved to the Mount Splunk in Florida.
- 22:06So the back story of this is,
- 22:07if we look at drugs used to treat,
- 22:09for example, depression,
- 22:10it's been about 5.
- 22:12It's been literally 5 decades since the
- 22:15introduction of philosophy or Prozac.
- 22:17And since then there hasn't been a
- 22:19whole lot done in terms of finding new
- 22:22classes of antidepressants until recently
- 22:24with this research interest in psychedelics,
- 22:27right.
- 22:27And the psychedelics fall
- 22:29into different classes.
- 22:30There's the ketamine,
- 22:31there's ketamine,
- 22:31but there's also these five HT,
- 22:342C serotonin receptor agonist.
- 22:36Now they seem to be quite promising,
- 22:38but of course one of the issues is
- 22:40the side effect of hallucinations.
- 22:42So what Linton's lab has done is
- 22:45they've developed this biosensor
- 22:47for serotonin based on the
- 22:5155 HT 2A2A. Sorry about that.
- 22:53Did I say 2C? And I meant 2A,
- 22:55which actually it gives different
- 22:58readouts based on conformational
- 23:00changes and they can deliver this
- 23:02into a mouse using AAV techniques to
- 23:06look at to monitor 5 HT release and
- 23:10expression and what was really cool here.
- 23:13Using Cyclite in a vivo screening platform,
- 23:16they could identify various 5 HT 2A
- 23:19agonist and actually parse them out
- 23:22depending on whether they might or
- 23:24might not have hallucinogenetic,
- 23:25hallucinogenic activity and actually
- 23:27use this potentially as a screen for
- 23:30identifying new drugs that could
- 23:31be used to treat depression but
- 23:33without these unwanted side effects.
- 23:35So this is just and there's a lot
- 23:37of work going on in this space,
- 23:38but it's just showing you the idea
- 23:42that with these new techniques,
- 23:44these new technologies,
- 23:45screening technologies,
- 23:46we might have a way of getting at
- 23:48a new class of therapeutics in
- 23:50the in the pharmacologic domain.
- 23:52OK. So the third key,
- 23:55key take away I'd like to leave you
- 23:57with is that we're creating a new way
- 24:00of doing science that I think will is
- 24:02and will accelerate the pace of discovery.
- 24:05So in 2022, we launched what
- 24:07we call the BRAIN initiative,
- 24:08transformative projects,
- 24:09kind of a bold statement.
- 24:11And the idea here is that in
- 24:13order to fully understand how
- 24:15Brain Circus actually work,
- 24:17we need ground truth information
- 24:19about the cell types and the
- 24:20connections they make with each other,
- 24:22and also a way of interrogating
- 24:24this information to test,
- 24:26to develop and test hypothesis about their
- 24:29roles in different types of behavior.
- 24:31So the first project I'll tell you
- 24:33about is the Brain Initiative,
- 24:34Cell Atlas Network or Bican.
- 24:36And the goal here is to map,
- 24:38map out all the brain cell types and
- 24:40circuits across multiple species,
- 24:42with an emphasis on big brands,
- 24:43particularly in humans.
- 24:45So that's the parts list.
- 24:47The second is the wiring diagram
- 24:49and we just launched this what
- 24:50we call the BRAIN initiative,
- 24:51connectivity across scales or
- 24:53brain Connects program,
- 24:54which will provide the tools that
- 24:56we'll need to develop a wiring
- 24:59diagram for entire mammalian brains,
- 25:01whole brains.
- 25:02And then finally,
- 25:03we're developing an armamentarium
- 25:05or just a big toolkit for precision
- 25:08brain cell access,
- 25:09which will leverage the information
- 25:10coming from the other two big
- 25:12projects to allow researchers to
- 25:15test hypothesis about the roles of
- 25:18specific cell types and circuits
- 25:20in underpinning behavior both
- 25:22in health and disease.
- 25:24And ultimately,
- 25:24I see these three projects working in
- 25:26a mutually reinforcing way that will
- 25:29lead us to precision circuit therapies.
- 25:31And I think the blue sky scenario in
- 25:33my mind is developing precision gene
- 25:35therapies for human brain disorders.
- 25:37So a tall order,
- 25:39but I I hope to to share with you
- 25:41some evidence that I think we're
- 25:43going along on the right track.
- 25:45OK.
- 25:45So let's start with the cell
- 25:48atlasing project.
- 25:49This effort actually started back in 2014.
- 25:52It was one of the first
- 25:53programs launched by the
- 25:55BRAIN initiative in 2014.
- 25:56I was actually a member
- 25:58of this BRAIN initiative,
- 25:59Cell Sensors Consortium and
- 26:00here the idea was to identify,
- 26:02validate scalable technologies that
- 26:05could be used to create an inventory of
- 26:08all the cell types in a mammalian brain.
- 26:10So that was back in 2014.
- 26:13It was rapidly scaled up in 2017 into
- 26:17a larger group known as the BRAIN
- 26:19Initiative Cell Sensors Network.
- 26:21And here the idea was to actually
- 26:24implement these tools to no small order,
- 26:27no small order to revolutionize
- 26:29our ability to classify brain cell
- 26:31types based on a multimodal or an
- 26:34integrated analysis of their molecular,
- 26:36anatomical and physiological property.
- 26:37So not just looking at transcriptomics,
- 26:39but really getting a full picture
- 26:41of what constitutes a cell type.
- 26:43So this program meant for five years,
- 26:44we're just kind of wrapping it up right now.
- 26:47And it serves as a basis for BICAN,
- 26:49the BRAIN Initiative, Cell Atlas Network,
- 26:51which now is placing our emphasis
- 26:53on the human brain.
- 26:55OK.
- 26:56So let me just go over with you what
- 26:58we've accomplished with the BRAIN
- 27:00Initiative Cell Senses Network.
- 27:02It started out with the BICCC and the BICCN.
- 27:07In October of 2021,
- 27:09the group and I was still involved
- 27:12with this group published 17 papers
- 27:14in Nature and 10 papers in Nature's
- 27:16sister journals characterizing the cell
- 27:19types in the primary motor cortex of mice,
- 27:23non human primates in humans.
- 27:25This was started out as a pilot project.
- 27:27It's kind of hysterical as a small
- 27:29project just to make sure we could
- 27:31all kind of come up with a common
- 27:33picture across this very large group
- 27:35that can integrate information
- 27:37across these different techniques.
- 27:38It wasn't a given that you could do it.
- 27:40In fact,
- 27:40many of the techniques to integrate
- 27:42the information were were developed
- 27:44through this project just published 2
- 27:46days ago or were series of 10 papers in
- 27:49nature characterizing the entire mouse brain.
- 27:52And I'll go over that with you in a
- 27:54moment really I think a monumental effort
- 27:56and a really a landmark series of studies.
- 27:58And then just back in October the BICCN
- 28:01non human primate and human groups
- 28:03published 21 papers and three science
- 28:06journals giving us a draft cell Atlas of
- 28:09the human brain and non human primate brain.
- 28:11So let me just go through
- 28:13with these with you in order.
- 28:15So the the primary motor cortex
- 28:17paper gave us a multimodal census and
- 28:20Atlas of the primary motor cortex.
- 28:22As I as I said,
- 28:23across 33 species,
- 28:24it really was a triumph of team science.
- 28:28This really hadn't been done before
- 28:30neuroscience to my knowledge.
- 28:31There were over 250 of us from over
- 28:3445 institutions across 3 continents.
- 28:37It wasn't easy in the beginning,
- 28:38but we learned how to work
- 28:40together collaboratively.
- 28:41A lot of great science was done.
- 28:42A lot of junior faculty careers
- 28:44were launched through these efforts
- 28:46and it's really set the stage for
- 28:48the larger and more comprehensive
- 28:50atlases of both mice as well as the
- 28:52big brains.
- 28:55So again, just published 2 days ago
- 28:58this huge effort to map the entire mouse
- 29:01brain over 32,000,000 cells were analyzed
- 29:04here with a variety of techniques.
- 29:08The group came up with over 5000
- 29:10neuronal and non neuronal cell types
- 29:13that were identified and it really
- 29:15started giving us insights into the
- 29:17organizational principles underlying the
- 29:18diversification of cell types in the brain.
- 29:21Let me just go through this with you very,
- 29:23very quickly.
- 29:23So the bedrock of all these studies
- 29:25has been transcriptomics.
- 29:27So single cell transcriptomics
- 29:29identified over 5000 clusters that
- 29:31one could identify statistically.
- 29:34What was really cool was throughout
- 29:35this effort there was this revolution,
- 29:37mini revolution in spatial
- 29:39transcriptomics that was a what?
- 29:41That allowed researchers to actually
- 29:44ask whether a cell type identified
- 29:46by transcriptomics could actually,
- 29:48did it actually exist distinct
- 29:49from say a cluster next door?
- 29:51And the answer is yes,
- 29:52in many cases we could the the,
- 29:54the group could see distinct
- 29:57spatially restricted cell types that
- 29:59corresponded to what was identified
- 30:02with single cell transcriptomics.
- 30:04So really really quite remarkable and very,
- 30:07very importantly the group
- 30:09used this information,
- 30:10this information plus epigenomic profiling
- 30:12to really look at the regulation of
- 30:14what actually gives you a cell type.
- 30:17And what they showed was that one
- 30:18could classify these cell types
- 30:20pretty well based just based on
- 30:22the transcription factors alone.
- 30:23And that together with the epigenetic
- 30:25profile really started giving us an idea
- 30:28of what what happens developmentally
- 30:29as well as over aging as well as evil
- 30:31and evolutionary terms in terms of
- 30:33what makes a cell type A cell type.
- 30:35So this is really quite,
- 30:37quite beautiful work.
- 30:37It gives us a basis now for
- 30:39functionalizing this information to
- 30:41really get deeper into what how you
- 30:44construct A neural circuit but also
- 30:45how these neural circuits function.
- 30:47OK.
- 30:49And then back in October again these
- 30:5221 joint publications across 3 science
- 30:54family journals were published.
- 30:56Really just a draft Atlas of the human
- 30:58brain and non human primate brains.
- 31:00And this is this effort really was
- 31:04is unprecedented and it paves the way
- 31:06for a greater understanding of the
- 31:08human brain at the cellular level and
- 31:10gives us tools for understanding disease
- 31:12processes using this information.
- 31:15Let me just walk you through this
- 31:17very quickly.
- 31:17The group characterized these many
- 31:20thousands identified cell types across space,
- 31:22again using single cell techniques as
- 31:25well as spatial techniques across species.
- 31:28So their group looked at these maps,
- 31:31these inventories across different
- 31:32non human primate species.
- 31:34Not too surprisingly,
- 31:35the cell types identified on humans are
- 31:37most similar to the ones in the great apes.
- 31:39What was really cool is that the
- 31:42gene showing the highest differential
- 31:44expression between chimpanzees and
- 31:46us tended to localize in areas known
- 31:48to be in the so-called accelerated
- 31:51genomic regions,
- 31:52but also very importantly to
- 31:54encode proteins in the synapse.
- 31:56So this really started to tell
- 31:58us what makes us different from
- 32:00our nearest relatives.
- 32:01And then also across time,
- 32:03very importantly, looking at studies
- 32:05during development as well as aging
- 32:08and again giving us insights into
- 32:10what it takes to construct a neural
- 32:12circuit based on the cell types.
- 32:15OK. So this really sets the stage
- 32:17for this larger brain initiative,
- 32:19Cell Atlas Network,
- 32:20which now we'll actually dive in and
- 32:22get a deep dive into all the cell types
- 32:25in the human brain and also starting
- 32:27to look at the the variability in these
- 32:31parameters across multiple individuals.
- 32:34So our goal is not just to get
- 32:35information on one or a few individuals,
- 32:37but really to understand the basis of
- 32:40variation among humans at the cellular level.
- 32:42OK, so we've come a long way
- 32:46in the last number of years.
- 32:47And now the key to is to disseminate
- 32:50and democratize this information.
- 32:52The group is working very,
- 32:53very hard to develop knowledge bases that
- 32:56can be queried by researchers anywhere
- 32:58in the world who are interested in
- 33:00their particular cell type or circuit.
- 33:02And to put this in the context
- 33:03of a larger map or inventory.
- 33:05And another purpose here is
- 33:07to use this information,
- 33:09as I said,
- 33:10to understand the cellular basis of
- 33:11disease and disease progression.
- 33:13Already we're seeing advances in this area.
- 33:15This is just one figure from the Seattle
- 33:18Alzheimer's Disease Brain Cell Atlas.
- 33:20It's a group led by Ed Lean at the
- 33:22Allen Institute and Dirk Keane at
- 33:24University of Washington together as a
- 33:26collaboration with with Kaiser Permanente.
- 33:29And here they've looked at I think 90
- 33:31some odd human brain samples from mid,
- 33:34mid,
- 33:35temporal gyrus from patients at
- 33:39different stages of Alzheimer's.
- 33:41And what they're seeing is either
- 33:42under representation or over
- 33:44representation of different cell types.
- 33:45And this might start giving us some
- 33:47really good clues about what's
- 33:48going on not just at the very end
- 33:50stage of the disease but what what
- 33:51could be going on in the early
- 33:54stages to identify the drivers from
- 33:56a cell biological basis that could
- 33:58give us mechanistic insight about
- 34:00how to actually intervene with
- 34:02with prevention or cures.
- 34:03So we're just getting started on this
- 34:05but again the idea here is to lay the
- 34:07groundwork for future therapies and cures.
- 34:09So the second project here is how
- 34:12to develop tools to to give us a
- 34:15wiring diagram of organisms brains.
- 34:17Now as Biga left us,
- 34:21creating these human cell type atlases
- 34:24has been the connectivity analysis is
- 34:26orders of magnitude I think more complex.
- 34:28We don't yet have the tools to do
- 34:30this for home mammalian brains and
- 34:32one of the problems is of scale
- 34:34and resolution and frankly just
- 34:36handling all the data.
- 34:37So there's been a lot of work and
- 34:39model systems that we feel that are
- 34:42helping us get there step by step.
- 34:43So a lot has been done in the fruit fly
- 34:46starting with the larval connectome.
- 34:49Here a collaboration between various groups,
- 34:51Hopkins,
- 34:51Hughes and Cambridge has led to the
- 34:54generation of a full connectomer for
- 34:56larval fly that contains just 3000
- 34:58neurons with about half a million synapses
- 35:01and they can be categorized as input,
- 35:03output or inter neurons and cluster.
- 35:05You can cluster these based based on
- 35:08their connectivity into about 93 types.
- 35:10And what was one cool insight here
- 35:13is that they could they identified
- 35:16connections in about 40% of the
- 35:19neurons that were were recurrent.
- 35:20And these happened in areas
- 35:22of learning and action.
- 35:24So we we hear a lot about
- 35:26recurrent neural networks that
- 35:27are being used in AI algorithms.
- 35:28Mother evolution has figured
- 35:29a lot of this out.
- 35:31We can learn a lot about how
- 35:32to develop better algorithms,
- 35:34better computers,
- 35:35based on looking at how
- 35:37neural circuits functions.
- 35:38So this is from the larval fruit fly.
- 35:41Just very recently the the whole adult
- 35:44Drosophila brain has been characterized
- 35:47the connectivity has been characterized
- 35:49by the flywire group led by Sebastian
- 35:51Son and Mala Murthy at Princeton.
- 35:53They used citizen science,
- 35:54many,
- 35:55many hundreds of researchers
- 35:56to proofread these maps.
- 35:58They've they've launched
- 35:59this out on public websites.
- 36:00Really cool stuff.
- 36:01And now maps like this allow
- 36:03researchers interested in the
- 36:05neuro circuit basis of behavior
- 36:07to formulate their hypothesis
- 36:08based on the ground truth of the
- 36:11connectivity diagrams they can do.
- 36:12You can do your experiments,
- 36:14you can go back and either falsify
- 36:17or truthify your your results
- 36:19based on what is or isn't there,
- 36:21at least in terms of the anatomical
- 36:23basis of these circuitry.
- 36:25So it really opens up a really big
- 36:28domain where of investigation that can
- 36:31really be constrained by biological reality.
- 36:35So this is a family brain.
- 36:37One has to scale this up 1000 fold,
- 36:403 hours of magnitude to get similar
- 36:43information from a mouse brain.
- 36:45So here's a paper from 2015
- 36:47Bobby Kasturi when he was in Jeff
- 36:49Lichtman's lab and here they analyzed.
- 36:51They reconstructed all the connections
- 36:53in a 1500 cubic Micron volume
- 36:56of the mouse neocortex.
- 36:58Since then it's been the
- 36:59effort's been scaled up.
- 37:00Here's some images from a preprint
- 37:03from Jeff Lichtman's lab in a
- 37:05cubic millimeter of human cortex.
- 37:07So they've scaled this up 500,000 fold.
- 37:11So lots of orders of magnitude,
- 37:135 orders of magnitude,
- 37:14almost almost six orders of magnitude.
- 37:17And they've reconstructed about 50,000
- 37:19cells with 130 million synapses.
- 37:21This data set,
- 37:23which gives us beautiful pictures like this,
- 37:26takes up a petabyte of data.
- 37:29And to scale up to whole mouse
- 37:30brain is another 500 fold.
- 37:32Let's call it 1000 fold.
- 37:33So that means that a synapse level
- 37:36reconstructed entire mouse brain is
- 37:38going to occupy an exabyte of data.
- 37:40That's a lot,
- 37:41OK.
- 37:41Similar studies have been done by
- 37:43the IRPA Fund and Microns project,
- 37:46where they've also looked at about
- 37:48a cubic millimeter of cortex in
- 37:49the mouse brain, in visual cortex.
- 37:53In addition,
- 37:53they've actually acquired
- 37:55functional data on these, on these,
- 37:57on the sample, which kind of it.
- 37:59It's the beginnings of functionalizing
- 38:01the static anatomical studies.
- 38:03But again that we're
- 38:04looking at over an exabyte
- 38:06of data. So this is the big
- 38:07challenge for the field.
- 38:08How do we develop,
- 38:10develop tools where we can scale this up.
- 38:12The bad news is we we have 1000 fold
- 38:15scale up to accomplish the good news,
- 38:17it's only 1000 fold.
- 38:19OK, so we've launched this
- 38:22brain connects project.
- 38:23The first five year phase is to
- 38:25develop tools where we can do
- 38:26this not on one mouse brain but
- 38:28on multiple mouse brains and also
- 38:30develop tools for looking at
- 38:32big brains at less resolution.
- 38:33We just funded 11 grants from 40
- 38:36universities and research institutions
- 38:38across the globe and over the next
- 38:41five years they're going to help us
- 38:43identify scalable technologies that
- 38:45can do in the connectomics world
- 38:47what the Cell Cell Census Group has
- 38:49done in the cell Atlassian world.
- 38:52And the projects fall into three
- 38:54complementary core technologies.
- 38:56One is using high throughput
- 38:57electron microscopy.
- 38:58Here's just an example reconstruction
- 39:00from the Microns group using
- 39:02pretty cool molecular sequencing
- 39:04tools to map out on a large scale
- 39:07connectivity patterns as well as
- 39:09optical and X-ray tomography to map
- 39:11out the these broader connections.
- 39:14So we're very excited about this.
- 39:15The project just launched this past
- 39:17year and we're looking forward to
- 39:19seeing progress that will get us
- 39:20to the second phase where we could
- 39:22actually Start learning about whole brains.
- 39:24But in the meantime,
- 39:25the groups are charged with getting
- 39:28us some good biological information
- 39:30about cell significant cell volumes
- 39:32of the brain.
- 39:33And right now one of the key
- 39:35projects is on hippocampus and
- 39:36another one is on basal ganglia.
- 39:37So stay tuned for that.
- 39:40OK.
- 39:40So once we start having in hand
- 39:44this inventory of cell types
- 39:46and their connectivity patterns,
- 39:47we want to be able to test hypothesis of
- 39:50what these cells and circuits are doing.
- 39:52And this is where the armamentarium
- 39:54or toolkit for accessing these
- 39:56cell types comes in.
- 39:58The main the workhorse for these studies
- 40:00so far has been Adeno associated virus
- 40:02which has been developed for years.
- 40:04It's already been used in gene
- 40:05therapies that we've been reading
- 40:07about and right now it's it's
- 40:09kind of the the the standard and
- 40:12we're hoping to develop develop
- 40:14this with other viral vectors as
- 40:15well as non non viral methods.
- 40:18The the strategy here is there
- 40:20are two complementary strategies
- 40:21for gaining precision access
- 40:23to cell types in the brain.
- 40:25One is to leverage the information
- 40:26coming out of the cell census projects
- 40:29that have identified cell type
- 40:31specific expression of genes as well
- 40:33as candidate enhancer regions that
- 40:35might be driving that specificity.
- 40:38So and the other is going to
- 40:39be on capsule development.
- 40:40So I'll go through this in turn.
- 40:42So Basilica,
- 40:43Tasik and colleagues of the Allen
- 40:45suit have gone through and screened
- 40:47this information from the cell census
- 40:50projects and the different ways
- 40:52of identifying putative enhancers.
- 40:54They can show that they actually do
- 40:56give us good restricted activity,
- 40:58and one can start combining this
- 41:00in combinatorial arrays
- 41:02to give more targeted,
- 41:04more targeted expression of payloads
- 41:06that are carried by the AAB in
- 41:09molecularly identified cell types.
- 41:12Now, work led by Viviana Grotonaro
- 41:14in collaboration with various folks
- 41:16at UCSD and the Allen Institute,
- 41:18have been busy engineering the capsules
- 41:20to tune the tropism of these viruses.
- 41:22One of the big what advance this has
- 41:25been that Viviano's group and others
- 41:27others have also identified capsid
- 41:29variations using directed evolution that
- 41:31actually cross the blood brain barrier.
- 41:33Someone can actually deliver these
- 41:35vectors to the two brain cell types not
- 41:37not just by injecting into the brain
- 41:40itself but by injecting bloodstream
- 41:42and they've actually being able to
- 41:44find variants that target get across a
- 41:47blood brain barrier and target neurons
- 41:49in various non human primate models.
- 41:52It shows enhanced delivery to the brain
- 41:54a very importantly reduced delivery
- 41:56to the to the liver and hepatotoxicity
- 41:58is one of the big bugaboos of human
- 42:00gene therapy and they can they can
- 42:02observe expression mostly neurons.
- 42:04They also they have other variants
- 42:05that also target non neural cells
- 42:07and it facilitates studies and non
- 42:09human primates here as well as
- 42:11uncultured human neurons.
- 42:12So these are just some of the efforts
- 42:14that are underway geared toward
- 42:16getting better and more precise
- 42:18access to cell types in in post Natal
- 42:22brains with the goal of interrogating
- 42:25circuits to develop better models
- 42:26for neuro circuit function.
- 42:28But I think these are going to serve
- 42:30as the progenitors for precision gene
- 42:33therapies for human brain disorders.
- 42:36So these are the three projects that we've
- 42:38launched over the last couple of years.
- 42:40We think they will mutually reinforce
- 42:42each other and provide researchers with
- 42:44new tools to investigate neuro circuit
- 42:46function in a way that we couldn't have
- 42:48imagined just a few 5 plus years ago.
- 42:52More recently,
- 42:53we just launched what we call the
- 42:54Brain Behavior Quantification and
- 42:56Synchronization Program or BBQS program.
- 42:58And here the goal is to develop and
- 43:01validate new tools for analyzing and
- 43:03precisely quantifying complex behaviors.
- 43:06That's a BBQ part.
- 43:07The S part is now then to synchronize
- 43:10this information with high resolution
- 43:12neural activity mapping to really start
- 43:15getting at causality between neural
- 43:17circuit activity and behavioral output.
- 43:20So we just launched a bunch of RF as
- 43:22or now we call them Notice of funding
- 43:25opportunities or Nofos covering non human,
- 43:27primarily non human models,
- 43:30human and clinical models.
- 43:33The efforts here are going to be
- 43:35coordinated through a data center
- 43:36and AI center.
- 43:37You could imagine that there's going
- 43:39to be a lot of information here
- 43:41that's going to require ever more
- 43:43sophisticated computational techniques.
- 43:45We had just had a workshop on
- 43:47developing on identifying opportunities
- 43:48and new sensor technologies.
- 43:50And we have an ongoing program throughout
- 43:53the Brain initiative in terms of how to
- 43:55store access and analyse these data.
- 43:57And together we hope to build a
- 43:59consortium watching that we've
- 44:00done for these other projects,
- 44:01for really developing and deploying
- 44:04new tools for understanding the
- 44:06circuit basis of behavior that
- 44:08that will complement and add to
- 44:10our current circuits program.
- 44:12So here's just an example of what
- 44:13one might be interested in doing.
- 44:14This is from Cory Miller's group at UCSD
- 44:18and he's looking at what what a marmoset
- 44:22does while it's capturing its prey.
- 44:24And they could break this down
- 44:26into three main behaviors,
- 44:27either capture and flight stalk,
- 44:29paws and lunge and mouth capture.
- 44:32And they can do this with markerless
- 44:35motion tracking pretty much in the
- 44:36in a kind of a naturalistic setting.
- 44:38And being able to quantitatively
- 44:40characterize behavior in this
- 44:41way is going to be critical for
- 44:43understanding the neural basis behavior.
- 44:45So there's just one example of what
- 44:461 can be thinking about with better
- 44:49tools for quantifying behavior.
- 44:52Similar efforts are going on to
- 44:55understand what I call awake behaving humans.
- 44:58So this is a group from the market,
- 44:59but this is our work from the Markovich
- 45:01and Sedana groups at UCLA where
- 45:03they've developed a miniaturized
- 45:05device that can be worn by the patient
- 45:07and this is called a neuro stack
- 45:10device to both record and stimulate.
- 45:12These are patients that are in the
- 45:14epilepsy monitoring unit and it's
- 45:15really great to be able to record
- 45:17from patients who are willing
- 45:19to participate in studies,
- 45:20but even better if they can get out
- 45:22of bed and start walking around and
- 45:24navigate the space that they're in.
- 45:26It's a wireless mode that can record
- 45:28single neuron activity and also
- 45:30combine this with eye tracking and
- 45:32other parameters having to do with
- 45:35movement and and other behavioral
- 45:37and physiological outputs.
- 45:38They have this onboard processing unit
- 45:40that enables real time inferences
- 45:42that can be used in closed lip
- 45:44stimulation for the treatment as well.
- 45:46So this is very exciting stuff.
- 45:48These kinds of studies are what
- 45:50we're hoping to be supporting as
- 45:53we launch the BBQS program.
- 45:55And this gets us to the window
- 45:56of opportunity we have for
- 45:58understanding human neuroscience.
- 45:59The human brain,
- 46:02for patients who are undergoing
- 46:03treatments for other disorders
- 46:05and who are willing to participate
- 46:07in research with us is really a
- 46:09window into the the human brain
- 46:11to understand processes like a
- 46:13memory and emotion and so forth,
- 46:16which kind of gets us into some interesting
- 46:18space about the ethics of what we're doing.
- 46:20We'd have to be aware not
- 46:22only of issues of safety,
- 46:23but also privacy agency and so forth.
- 46:26We take this very seriously.
- 46:27The BRAIN Initiative,
- 46:28we have a neuroethics working group
- 46:30that helps advise us about upcoming
- 46:32as well as current challenges.
- 46:34We have a set of new ethics
- 46:35guiding principles.
- 46:36We hold workshops each year to examine
- 46:39these issues to hopefully stay
- 46:41ahead of any potential issues that
- 46:44might arise based on getting into
- 46:46a frankly really new new territory.
- 46:48So we take this very,
- 46:49very seriously.
- 46:51Another issue that we're very,
- 46:53very much interested in supporting
- 46:55is is data science and informatics.
- 46:57The legacy of any scientific
- 46:59project really is going to
- 47:01be in the data and resources
- 47:03that we leave behind.
- 47:05I think you can appreciate that
- 47:06from the studies I just showed you.
- 47:08We're generating a ton of data and
- 47:11we've set up eight brain data archives.
- 47:13I'm just showing 6 here.
- 47:15And our our mission is really to
- 47:17organize them so they can be findable,
- 47:19accessible, interoperable and reusable.
- 47:21It's a huge challenge.
- 47:23I imagine many of you are vexed by the new
- 47:27NIH's data management and sharing policy,
- 47:29and we will try to work very hard
- 47:31with you to make this happen,
- 47:32but we're at least a year ahead
- 47:34of the curve for the rest of NIH.
- 47:35But again,
- 47:36this is something we're taking
- 47:38very seriously and we really try.
- 47:39We need to be able to make these
- 47:42data not only accessible but
- 47:45also interoperable between these
- 47:47different modalities.
- 47:48And finally,
- 47:49one of the very important things that
- 47:51we're getting into is building a
- 47:53stronger and more sustainable workforce.
- 47:55Numerous studies have shown
- 47:56that diversity of thought leads
- 47:58to better outcomes,
- 47:59more creative solutions to tough problems,
- 48:01and I think the human brain is the
- 48:03toughest problem we can work with.
- 48:05We have a couple of different approaches,
- 48:08funding,
- 48:08funding mechanisms for
- 48:10for developing a stronger,
- 48:13more diverse workforce.
- 48:14We're doing capacity building with
- 48:16various programs and very importantly,
- 48:18a couple of years ago we introduced
- 48:20what's called the Plan for Enhancing
- 48:22Diverse Perspectives where we require
- 48:24applicants to tell us how they're
- 48:26going to use diverse perspectives in
- 48:28their team to to do better science.
- 48:31We have a number of funding opportunities,
- 48:33general funding opportunities at F32
- 48:35post doctoral awards as well as a
- 48:38Clinician Scientist Mentored Career award.
- 48:40Down below in the blue are
- 48:42diversity focus mechanisms.
- 48:43We just signed on to the Blueprint and
- 48:46Door program for getting kids in kids
- 48:49folks in at the undergraduate level
- 48:53F99K00 and K99R00 transition awards.
- 48:56The the first one is for late stage
- 48:58graduate students going out to do
- 49:00postdocs and the second one is similar
- 49:03to the Parent Pathway to Independence
- 49:05award for senior postdocs looking
- 49:07to transition to faculty careers.
- 49:10Again, these are diversity focused.
- 49:12In the case of the K9 and Nine award,
- 49:15it is restricted for folks from
- 49:17underrepresented groups and unfortunately
- 49:18in the case of BRAIN initiative,
- 49:20this also includes women,
- 49:21but we're really trying to address
- 49:23that through these awards.
- 49:24We also issue administrative supplements
- 49:26to get folks into the pipeline who
- 49:29hopefully can be competitive for these
- 49:31these types of funding mechanisms
- 49:33additional sets of opportunities,
- 49:34I I'm not going to go through all these here,
- 49:36but there's AQR code and you can ask us,
- 49:38we can send you the information
- 49:40on that really to bring in a more
- 49:43diverse and strong workforce.
- 49:44So I left you I think,
- 49:45with three key takeaways.
- 49:46I lied, there's actually 4 takeaways.
- 49:48And that is it's really important
- 49:50for us all to build,
- 49:51continue building the momentum to
- 49:54bring cures for devastating human
- 49:57brain disorders within our lifetime.
- 49:59You can keep up to date on what we
- 50:01do in the BRAIN Initiative if you
- 50:03don't mind a few emails and your inbox
- 50:05through these different channels.
- 50:07And the most important channel for
- 50:09getting information if you're interested
- 50:11in BRAIN Initiative funding is to
- 50:13find us to find a program officer who
- 50:15overseas that program and to call.
- 50:17Call them because we really do enjoy
- 50:19talking to folks and seeing how
- 50:21we can align your interests with
- 50:23our funding opportunities.
- 50:25And you can find us@rain.gov and I
- 50:28will stop there and take any questions.