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Research Ranks

The research ranks are faculty positions for those who are advancing science within a laboratory or research group at Yale School of Medicine.
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Research rank faculty hold a PhD, MD, or equivalent degree. There are three categories of research ranks: Associate Research Scientist (ARS), Research Scientist (RS), and Senior Research Scientist (SRS), as detailed in the Yale Faculty Handbook.

Teaching is not required for these ranks. Persons who are asked to undertake teaching should also be given a teaching appointment as a lecturer. In such circumstances, an appropriate portion of the salary may be paid from a teaching budget; however, for research appointees who are already employed full-time, the total compensation cannot be increased by payment for teaching.

Research rank faculty conduct or oversee research as a skilled or advanced member of a research group, center, or core. Typically support for the position is derived from PI sponsor or research program and there is no expectation, if not otherwise specified by the sponsoring PI, for the research rank faculty to obtain independent funding on which they serve as sole PI.

The career pathway descriptions below for research rank faculty (Associate Research Scientist [ARS], Research Scientist [RS], and Senior Research Scientist [SRS]) are meant to provide guidance on the hiring and career development of research rank faculty. In practice, however, many research rank faculty engage in activities that are a blend of different activities or that shift over time based on funding and other laboratory or institutional priorities. Advancement in the research ranks may reflect essential contributions and outstanding achievements in a very specific area or across different domains of research.

Areas of Concentration

1. Area of Concentration : Research Projects

Associate Research Scientists (ARS), Research Scientists (RS), and Senior Research Scientists (SRS) whose area of concentration is on Research Projects are pursuing longer-term research careers within existing research programs at Yale (not as independent investigators) as well as some who wish to obtain experiences and skillsets for careers in other research-related industries. They typically work on one or more research projects in the laboratory of one or more PIs.

Roles and responsibilities vary but typically involve some combination of project direction, research execution, research staff/trainee training and supervision, leading or assisting in the development of papers for publication and conference presentations, and supporting the preparation of grant applications and reports to funding agencies.

2. Area of Concentration : Research Methods

Associate Research Scientists (ARS), Research Scientists (RS), and Senior Research Scientists (SRS) whose area of concentration is in Research Methods play a pivotal role in the laboratory of one (or more) PI or a research core/center. They are often highly skilled experts in the development or utilization of research materials (e.g., specimen, agents, assays, assessments, diagnostics), techniques or technologies. They may serve important roles as biostatisticians, research design consultants, and managers of major laboratory equipment or trainers for use of services.

Their essential, high-level technical or methodological experience promotes the success of multiple investigators within or across sections/divisions/departments and often in support of core facilities and major centers. The contributions of their specialized or consultative expertise within the research team ensures laboratory productivity, delivery of core services, and competitive grant applications.

3. Area of Concentration : Research Administration

Associate Research Scientists (ARS), Research Scientists (RS), and Senior Research Scientists (SRS) whose area of concentration is in Research Administration serve a critical administrative and oversight role that requires significant scientific knowledge and expertise. These individuals may be providing expertise in the implementation and management of large grants or numerous research projects within or across sections, departments, centers or institutions. They may serve as the operational director of a research core or administrative director of large center grants or multisite studies.

These are experienced and skilled leaders of scientific personnel and managers of research environments and resources. They oversee critical research infrastructure and provide essential support to faculty scientists and their trainees, students, and staff. The pursuit of one’s own area of research interests is not expected in this pathway. It is anticipated that this pathway would be appropriate for a very limited number of faculty within a department, and that the position would be funded by multiple PIs and/or departmental or school-wide programs.

Research Rank Review and Reappointment Process

There is no limit on the number of reappointments at Associate Research Scientist (ARS), Research Scientist (RS), and Senior Research Scientist (SRS) ranks assuming there is PI or other departmental, core/center, or school support for the position. Contributions to the laboratory, center, or field should be evaluated during annual professional development reviews by the PI or center leader.

ARS and RS faculty should be reviewed to determine readiness for promotion at a minimum of 5-year intervals. ARS faculty who have been in rank for 1 year are eligible for renewal of their appointment for terms of up to 3 years contingent on satisfactory performance and available funding for the duration of the proposed term.

Research Rank Promotion Readiness

It is unusual for promotion to occur from Associate Research Scientist (ARS) to Research Scientist (RS) before 3 years or from Research Scientist (RS) to Senior Research Scientist (SRS) before 5 years in the lower rank. Exceptions can occur when there is evidence of extraordinary productivity, achievements, or recognition beyond an individual PI’s laboratory or Yale. Years spent as a staff scientist, research faculty or research administrator at another institution or in industry can factor into the timing of promotion.

At the time of promotion, all activities conducted by the research faculty are considered. Indicators for promotion may vary somewhat as a function of which area of concentration (Research Projects, Methods, or Administration) that best describes their main research focus, but typically include evidence of outstanding contributions to the success of research projects in two or more of the following areas in the prior 5 years:

  • First author publications and scientific presentations
  • Co-Investigator on larger grants or PI/Co-PI on smaller grants (extramural or intramural)
  • Recognition by field for specialized technical, methodological, or scientific expertise, creativity, and/or innovation
  • Recognition by PIs and colleagues for essential contributions to the success of projects, cores, or centers at Yale
  • Evidence of outstanding operational leadership or support of numerous projects and investigators within and/or beyond Yale
  • Significant contributions to the writing of research SOPs, sections of successful grant applications and renewals, and other important reports to funders/sponsors

Research Faculty Transition to Ladder Faculty

There may be instances in which sufficient individual funding and other scientific/scholarly accomplishments merit consideration of the research faculty for a ladder track position. Transitioning of associate research scientists, research scientists or senior research scientists to the ladder ranks requires a national search. Only those who achieve Senior Research Scientist (SRS) status may be considered for targeted appointments to the ladder faculty, most often at the associate professor rank.

Associate Research Scientist


This appointment is given to individuals who are engaged in scholarly research in association with a faculty member or as a member of a research group. Such individuals will normally have at least two years of research experience following a PhD (or equivalent), will have demonstrated professional ability in fields related to the work or program of the department or area concerned, and will be expected to contribute to it as a colleague.


Terms for this rank are for one year and renewable without limit.

Appointment to the associate research scientist rank does NOT require an RFP, search, letters of reference, formal review by department faculty, presentation to a YSM A&P committee, the BPO, or the Yale Corporation. Fringe benefits may vary according to the source of salary. Research appointees who are paid from grants should be informed by the principal investigator of any change in the status of the grant as soon as possible after the information becomes available.

Appointment to this rank requires:

Reappointment information is summarized on a different webpage, and reappointment to this rank requires:

Research Scientist


This appointment is given to persons who are engaged in scholarly or scientific research as advanced scholars or as senior members of a research group.


Terms for this rank can be for up to three years and renewable without limit.

Appointment to the research scientist rank does NOT require an RFP, search, presentation to a YSM A&P committee, the BPO, or the Yale Corporation. Fringe benefits may vary according to the source of salary. Research appointees who are paid from grants should be informed by the principle investigator of any change in the status of the grant as soon as possible after the information becomes available.

Appointment to this rank requires:

Promotion to this rank requires:

Reappointment information is summarized on a different webpage, and reappointment to this rank requires:

  • Workday update

Senior Research Scientist


This appointment is appropriate for individuals of high professional attainment, outstanding ability, and critical importance to a major research program.


Term for this rank can be for up to five years and is renewable without limit.

Appointment to the senior research scientist rank does NOT require an RFP or search. Fringe benefits may vary according to the source of the salary. Research appointees who are paid from grants should be informed by the principal investigator of any change in the status of the grant as soon as possible after the information becomes available.

Appointment to this rank requires:

Promotion to this rank requires:

Reappointment information is summarized on a different webpage, and reappointment to this rank requires:

  • Workday update