Faculty Tracks, Ranks, & Positions
The faculty of the School of Medicine together are responsible for advancing the clinical, educational, and research missions of the School. The faculty tracks and ranks recognize the different levels of experience, expertise, and accomplishments in each of these domains. For each of the tracks, ranks, and positions, please consult the Yale University Faculty Handbook for details and official policies. RANKS AND TRACKS OVERVIEW VIDEO
Ladder Tracks and Ranks
The professoriate of YSM hold appointments in one of five ladder tracks that have varying emphasis on clinical, educational, and research activities. A summary that represents key YSM Ladder Faculty Track Metrics (Version updated for academic year starting 7/2023) has been developed for reference. This information is reflected in the sections below. TRACK AND RANK EXPECTATION VIDEO
In general, appointment to or advancement on these tracks beyond the rank of assistant professor requires excellence in one or more domains. Regional/emerging national and eventually national/international recognition for contributions and impact on the field are associated with advancement.
Academic Clinician Track
The Academic Clinician track emphasizes excellence in patient care, education as trainees are available, and research as a possibility.Clinician Educator-Scholar Track
The Clinician Educator-Scholar track emphasizes excellence in patient care, education, and research scholarship.Clinician-Scientist Track
The Clinician-Scientist track emphasizes research scholarship with additional focuses on clinical care and education.Investigator Track
The Investigator track emphasize excellence in individual and team science.Traditional Track
The Traditional track emphasizes driving new areas of research as well as being outstanding educators and, if engaged in patient care, exemplary clinical skills.
Non-Ladder Ranks and Positions
Non-track appointments may be made for the following positions. These ranks / positions are comprised of key members of the Yale School of Medicine community.
Research Ranks
The research ranks are faculty positions for those who are advancing science within a laboratory or research group at Yale School of Medicine.Instructor / Lecturer
There are several additional positions for those that contribute to YSM in additional ways that are delineated below.Social Work Ranks
There are two position titles specific to social workers in psychiatry or the Child Study Center.Voluntary Ranks
Voluntary faculty are clinicians or others who are employed outside of the University and make significant contributions to department programs.Adjunct Ranks
Adjunct faculty are scientists or others who are employed outside of the school but have a specific, mutually beneficial role to department programs.Other Appointment Types
Secondary, coterminous, visiting, dual, and joint appointments acknowledge the roles that faculty play in roles and/or departments other than their primary department.
Nothing on this website supersedes what is delineated in the Yale University Faculty Handbook.