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Interfolio A&P Processes


Credit: Robert A. Lisak

Appointments, reappointments, and promotions are critical ways that the OAPD supports the faculty. Overview information can be seen on the appointments, reappointments, and promotions webpage, and more specific can be seen on the faculty track, rank and position webpage.

As of 2021, Interfolio is the system used for the administration of the appointment, reappointment, and promotion process at YSM. This is a secure, online platform that can be accessed by those involved in the varying stages of the processes. Needed information can be entered, uploaded, and reviewed by faculty, coordinators, and committees.


Interfolio can be accessed from any computer on the Yale network and logging on with university credentials. The navigation section in the upper left of the page lists "Review, Promotion, and Tenure" for the A&P functionality. Information specific to Faculty, Department FA Coordinators, Department A&P Committees, and YSM A&P Committees can be seen below.

In order to maintain confidentiality, please limit printing case file documents. If documents need to be printed, ensure that they are treated as confidential and disposed of in a secure fashion/shredded. Any questions can be directed to OAPD.


Depending on a faculty member’s departmental processes, faculty may be asked to submit information or enter it directly into Interfolio. Alternatively, this information can be uploaded on your behalf by your department’s faculty affairs coordinator. It is recommended that your CV, CV2 is reviewed by senior faculty or your mentor. A final review of this document is then highly recommended to ensure accuracy.

Uploading files directly is very easy. First, log into Interfolio as described above. In the upper left navigation section, select “Your Packets”, which will bring the candidate to their file. By selecting this, they will find the area to upload required documents by selecting “Edit”.

A&P Committees

YSM A&P committees and departmental faculty involved in the A&P process and may be asked to review candidate’s files through Interfolio. When the OAPD or faculty affairs departmental teams moves a case forward for review, those assigned to the case will receive email notification and instructions. Committee members do not have access to review cases until they this receive notification.

Once notification is received, the reviewer should log into Interfolio as described above. In the upper left navigation section, select “Cases”, which will bring the reviewer to the case(s) assigned to them.

In the middle of the screen will be the name of the candidate to review. Clicking on this will open the case page.

After selecting a case, the “Case Materials” will be displayed. The simplest way to review the case is to select “Read Case” near the top of the page. The entire packet is displayed and/or individual portions of the packed can be navigated to through the left navigation section. Also available within the case is “Case Details” where additional information can be seen.

At the bottom of the reader page, there are options for how to navigate the material:

  • Enlarge your view
  • Move to the next page
  • Move to the candidates next material document
  • Add your own annotations

Departmental FA Teams

An overview video from Interfolio is available and may be helpful. After identifying which faculty will be up for appointment, reappointment, and promotion in your department, the following steps should be followed.

  • Select, "Cases" on the left side, under the section Review, Promotion and Tenure
  • Select, "Create Case" (the words not the drop-down arrow)
  • Select, "Select Unit" and confirm
  • Select the appropriate and specially designed template (Do NOT use the Blank Case).

Case information entered

  • Select the correct type such as, Promotion, Reappointment, Appointment, etc.
  • Enter candidate’s information
  • Select if "The candidate be involved in this evaluation?"
    • Yes, means the candidate will upload their own Yale formatted CV, CV2, and reprints (if applicable). It is encouraged to select, Yes for faculty already at Yale. This method allows the candidate to quickly and easily assemble the packet of materials in support of their candidacy. It is as simple to use this system and submit these materials online as it is to send email attachments.
      After creating the case, details should be reviewed, the candidate selected, and notified. Especially if they are new to Interfolio RTP, this can be reviewed with them and they can be directed to the Candidates Guide to Interfolio.
    • No, means the candidate will not be involved with uploading their own materials. Instead all materials will need to be uploaded on the candidate’s behalf by the department administrator.

Case review steps.

This is the workflow of a case. Who, what groups or committees need to review the candidate’s packet of material? Who needs to see it first and then after them and then after them and so on. Every review step needs to have at least one committee and every committee needs to have at least one member.

  • This section should already be set up and no changes are needed since we use templates.
  • Depending on your department or the case type, the steps that will need updates are: the Faculty Review, the Vote Results.

Case summary. This is your chance to view the whole setup of case at a glance. It separates the sections to help identify the areas and to provide easy access to make any edits.

Requesting external evaluations

After the list of referees have been approved, then requests to solicits letters can be sent via Interfolio. Background information can be found at the managing external evaluators. It is nice if you can help the external evaluator by sending this link for guidance. Or for ease, have the external evaluator email their letter to you so you can upload it.

  • Open the case by clicking on the name of the candidate from the list of Cases.
  • Click on the words - “Request Evaluation” on the External Evaluation section line.
  • The Request Evaluation window will open and select “+ Add Another Evaluator”.
  • Enter the correct information for each field, (i.e. Evaluator First Name, Evaluator Last Name and Evaluator Email.)
  • Next, enter the Subject and then the Message. If you are requesting evaluations from more than one person, look at the bottom right of this window to see how to use the variables to automatically fill in the first and last name of each evaluator receiving the message. (e.g. Dear Professor %EV_Last%,). If you do not see this information be sure you have added at least two evaluators by using the “+ Add Another Evaluator”.
  • Be sure to click, “+ Add” just below the message box. This is to add files with this request so each evaluator will have the set of materials to review.
  • If a deadline date is used, it will be a hard stop; meaning if the date has past, evaluators will be unable to submit their letter; extend the date prior to avoid this from happening.
  • Also use the Preview button at the bottom to review the letter.

As a reminder, per University policy, via the Faculty Handbook, these letters are confidential and therefore their content may not be shared with the person being evaluated. This is why all letters of evaluation need be place in this section, External Evaluation and better yet requested via this link.

Unit administrators: to upload the letter of evaluation, click the, “+Add File”, function in the External Evaluation section - see the first little screenshot above. For additional help, visit Interfolio’s site on managing external evaluators.