Processes & Documents
There are a series of documents and processes that are important to the A&P process that are referenced in the position specific sections of the Academic Affairs web pages. These are grouped here together for easy reference.
Outline of timeline for academic appointments, reappointments, and promotions processes
Having a common format for CV’s allows those at the university to review in a more efficient and consistent way.
Yale CV Part 2 (CV2) supplements Yale CV1.
Samples of scholarship are often asked for with Appointment and Promotion processes.
Teaching and education are critical to missions of the Yale School of Medicine.
Letters of evaluation are used to assess how faculty candidates are seen by colleagues in their field and the impact they have.
Previously termed Reasons for Promotion in the Yale Formatted CV, the Departmental A&P Narrative should now be submitted as a separate document.
Voting for Appointment and Promotions is an important responsibility of YSM and Departmental A&P Committees.
Following conditional or final approval of an RFP, a Faculty Search can be initiated.
Appointments, reappointments, and promotions are critical ways that the OAPD supports the faculty. Overview information can be seen on the appointments, reappointments, and promotions webpage, and more specific can be seen on the faculty track, rank and position webpage.
This page is developed for internal faculty affairs use and contains templates and processes related to appointments and promotions.