Community Research Innovation Summit
About CRIS
The Community Research Innovation Summit (CRIS) creates space for community-academic conversations to reflect on regional health, build trust around research, and envision opportunities for partnered research focused on health equity.
CRIS Summits
January 2023: Our Bodies, Our Data, Our Health was the third of a series of sessions on equity and representation in biorepository science. Our goal for this session was to inform guidance for researchers to meaningfully engage communities in the collection, storage, and use of biorepository data. We explored the use, governance, and stewardship of this data and methods for ensuring community voice is centered in this research. The goal of this Summit, the last of the three-part series, was to disseminate knowledge gained from the first Summit and community listening sessions and to provide an opportunity for additional input from community members and researchers in developing a Yale biorepository guidance document. This Summit challenged us all to think outside of the box; to prompt us to ask questions and offer clarifications and perspectives; to establish future collaboration opportunities to promote research; and to sustain will and determination to continue meaningful engagement of our communities in the development, conduct, and evaluation of research.
May 2021: Data from Our Bodies: Learning from Biorepositories was the first of a series of Community Research Innovation Summit (CRIS) events on equity and representation in biorepository science. The Summit's goal was to lay a foundation of knowledge and raise pertinent issues related to collecting, storing, and using data from our bodies (e.g., cells, blood, DNA) gathered during research and healthcare. The overall goal of this series is to ensure community voices inform Yale science and leadership as Yale School of Medicine scales efforts to build and expand biorepository research. Ultimately, we aim to create a guidance document on community-engaged biorepository science for researchers at Yale and beyond.
October 2016: Trust and Relationships was the first CRIS summit. The goals of this summit were to 1) create an environment for authentic and courageous conversations about community and academic partnerships, 2) improve community well-being and health through strengthening community and academic partnerships, and 3) foster new community and academic CBPR partnerships.