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Faculty Facing Caregiving Need

The Faculty Facing Caregiving Need awards provides for supplemental research support from early-career physician-scientists and scientists who face significant caregiving demands. The goal of the program is to reduce attrition of early career investigators from the research enterprise. Funding is provided by the Yale School of Medicine. Our process will consider the degree of demonstrated caregiving burden and prioritize applicants with limited access to other resources such as institutional support packages. Funds can be used to “buy out” clinical obligations or to hire additional research staff to optimize research activities. Applicants must have a compelling, time-sensitive need for the funds to regain research momentum because of increased family caregiving responsibilities. Typically, this would be childcare, partner care, and/or eldercare, but applicants may make the case for other reasonable family caregiving responsibilities. Please review the RFA and application materials linked below for a full description of the program including eligibility, funding and review criteria.

Key Dates

Application due date: July 31, 2024

Earliest anticipated start date: September 1, 2024