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Yale Fetal, Infant, & Toddler Neuroimaging Symposium

Please attend the Yale Fetal, Infant, & Toddler Neuroimaging Symposium on May 17, 1:00 pm–4:15 pm in the TAC Auditorium.

Our lineup of exciting speakers includes:

Kasia Chawarska—In search of brain biomarkers in neonates with familial history of autism

Laura Ment—Social Cognition: Neural networks in developing brain

Nick Turk-Browne—Task-based functional neuroimaging in awake behaving infants

Dustin Scheinost—Controllability of structural connectomes in the neonatal brain

Sam Payabvash—Online interactive map of neonate brain diffusion metrics to guide diagnosis and treatment


Host Organizations




Lectures and Seminars


Snacks and Coffee: Coffee and snacks at 2:15-2:30
May 202317Wednesday