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The Minding the Baby Approach

This brief animated video provides an overview of the reflective parenting approach embedded within the Minding the BabyTM intervention and training. For more information, visit:

Credit: Kindea Labs

Minding the Baby

The Minding the Baby™ (MTB) National Office was established in 2016 at Yale University, with the aim of broadening the reach of MTB direct service to include replication, training, and dissemination.

The Minding the Baby™ Home Visiting (MTB-HV) clinical model was initially developed in 2002 as an intensive, interdisciplinary, preventive home visiting intervention for first-time young families in New Haven, Connecticut. Program goals include promoting positive health, mental health, life course, and attachment outcomes.

For over 20 years, the MTB mission was to train and support professionals implementing relationship-based reflective parenting programs with the aim of strengthening families and limiting the effects of chronic stress.

Over the last two decades, hundreds of families have received MTB services across all sites in Connecticut, Florida, England, Scotland, and Denmark. Nearly a thousand individuals across the globe have also received training in the basic tenets of the MTB model and approaches.

Adaptations of the model have also been implemented in Florida and Brazil, and general trainings in MTB approaches have been offered in a variety of online and in-person formats. MTB-HV direct service is no longer provided in the United States. There is currently a full-scale MTB-HV implementation and RCT underway in Denmark.

In 2023, the MTB team published a book that outlines the key principles of the MTB approach, titled Enhancing attachment and reflective parenting in clinical practice: A Minding the Baby approach. Though MTB faculty are available for individual consultation, the fullest description of the program and clinical strategies are outlined in the book.