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Frequently Asked Questions about YPTS

Frequently Asked Questions about YPTS

Can I get fresh tissue from the operating room?
Yes, but it must be procured with Pathologist oversight per Hospital Bylaw #16 to assure patient safety.
What do I need to do to get fresh tissue from the operating room?
Are there any tissue banks from which I can get tissue without prospective collection?
Review the Organ Specific Tissue Bank List to see if there is a bank that has what you need.
Can I start my own tissue bank?
Yes, but if there is already a bank for your tissue of interest, we encourage you to work with that group to optimize tissue collection and usage.
Can I get tissue from the pathology archives?
Yes, the tissue in the archives is formalin fixed and paraffin embedded (FFPE) and is available as tissue slides or you can get cores of the FFPE block. If you have a list of cases already, you can order directly by clicking the eHisto Ordering link on the home page.
Can someone help me search the pathology archives for the tissues I need?
Yes, Developmental Histology/TMA can help with this, but there are different pathways, depending on how much patient information you need. You may need to talk to our staff to help determine your needs. It is best to contact Yalai Bai, Lori Charette or David Rimm with these sorts of questions.
Can I get my tissue as a tissue microarray?
Review the TMA inventory to search for what you need.
Can YPTS help me stain or analyze the tissues?
Yes, staining can be done by our Developmental Histology/TMA division. You can contact Lori Charette or Amos Brooks to discuss options and available stains. If you want quantitative analysis of the tissue, this work if provided by the Specialized Translational Services division. Contact Trish Gaule for more information on quantitative staining and analysis.
What is the cost for these services?
Yale Pathology Tissue Services operates on a cost recovery basis, so each service is associated with a specific fee. YPTS personnel will provide quotes for services upon request.