The EPCC, which usually breaks over the summer, continued to meet throughout the summer. Since the last update the committee met on the following dates: 5/24/23, 6/14/23, 7/12/23, 7/16/23, 8/23,23, 8/30/23, 9/13,23, 9/20/23, 9/26/23. In these meetings the committee reviewed new and updated policies, including the:
- Performance Assessment Appeals Policy
- Academic Credit for Matriculating PhD students and MSTP students Policy
- Academic Credit for YSM Joint or Dual Degree Student’s Policy
- Responsible Use of Alcohol at Student Organized Events Policy
- Absenteeism from Clinical Clerkships Policy
- Exposure to Infectious and Environmental Hazards Policy
- Clinical supervision of Medical Students Policy
- Good Standing Policy
- Student Review and Challenge of the Medical Student Performance Evaluation (MSPE) Policy
- Assessment-Course Exams and Qualifiers Policy.
- Teaching Preparation for Non-Faculty Instructors Policy
- Guidelines for Preclerkship Academic Workload
- Clerkship Evaluation Policy
- COSCE Graduation Requirements Policy
- Required Attendance of Clinical Clerkships, Electives and Subinternships Policy
Students can find these and all other policies on the YSM Policy Website.
In other EPCC activity, the Preclerkship Review Subcommittee (PCRSC) presented the results of their full course reviews from 2022. Each review covered the content, instructional methods, previous review recommendations and actions, and any additional recommendations. Courses reviewed included: Across the Lifespan (AL2), Human Anatomy (AN1&2), Capstone (IC4), Clinical Skills (CS1-2), Medical Clinical Experience (MC2), Genes & Development (GD1), iPro - Introduction to the Profession (IN1), Scientific Foundations (SF1), Attacks & Defenses (AD1), Energy & Metabolism (EM1), Scientific Inquiry (SI1), and Populations & Methods (PM1-2).
In the June 14 and 26, 2023 meetings, Dr. Michael Green reviewed the Educational Program Objectives (EPOs), Milestones, and Assessments. In addition, the committee discussed how we might create more opportunities for formative and summative assessments tied to the EPOs. For each of the 25 EPOs, a set of developmental milestones were created and each EPO has a milestone for each phase of the curriculum. Formative and summative assessments will be used to monitor students’ progress through the milestones.
In the July 26, 2023 meeting, the Longitudinal Coach Program was discussed. The creation of a longitudinal coaching program was a recommendation that came out of the 2022 Strategic Planning Process. The program is designed to support students to develop reflection, self-reliance, and self-regulating skills. The goals of the program are to:
- Embrace competency- based medical education in the educational programs.
- Track students' learning and professional development along competencies and developmental milestones.
- Develop students’ skills and inclinations of self-monitoring, reflective practice, and personal learning plan.
- Encourage students to continue these habits into their professional practice.
- Establish a longitudinal relationship between students and coaches, lasting throughout the entire four-, five-year curriculum.
- Provide students with a safe space for reflection and challenging discussions.
The EPCC reviewed the design of the program and approved its phased implementation starting with the incoming class of 2027.
In the August 23, 2023 EPCC meeting, Deputy Dean Jessica Illuzzi updated the committee on the preparations for the LCME visit in October 2023. Highlights include the positive feedback we have received on the follow up surveys focused on other schools' response to issues raised in the 2022 Independent Student Assessment (ISA). These responses included renovations taking place addressing student relaxation spaces, including the Harkness Student Gym.
In the August 30, September 13, and September 20, 2023 meetings, the EPCC was presented data and recommendations from the Curriculum Phase reviews of the preclerkship, clerkship and advanced training period (ATP) phases. The reviews examined each of the three phases of the curriculum and focused on identifying areas that are working well, areas that require more attention, and on presenting recommendations for addressing areas of concern over the next two years. The EPCC added additional opportunities for focus during these discussions and approved the recommendations. These recommendations will now be referred to appropriate groups for action.
In the September 26, 2023 meeting, the EPCC reviewed and acted on the recommendations of the Full Curriculum Review that was conducted in March of 2023 by a committee of educational leaders. The review used outcome data to focus on the appropriateness of content and assessments in the curriculum for facilitating student achievement of the competencies and EPOs. The review determined that for 21 of 25 EPOs, there is adequate curricular content and assessment to determine that all students are meeting the EPOs by graduation. For three of the EPOs (EPOs PR5.1, RS7.3, PS9) the committee recommended exploring additional sources of assessment to ensure that students are meeting the expectation. For EPO PR5.2 the committee recommended modifying the language of the EPO to allow it to be appropriately assessed.
For further information of the EPCC actions and discussions, full minutes are available on the YSM Educational Policy and Curriculum Committee webpage.