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Year 2 | Class of 2026

October 05, 2023

YSM Curriculum Update

Master and Longitudinal Course Update

Connection to the World Course

Connection to the World continues

  • A neurobiology lab practical will be offered during the afternoon of Friday, October 6th. The practical is optional and please check BlueDogs for your lab section’s time. An optional Ophthalmology Clinical Experience will be offered on Wednesday, October 4th from 5:30 to 7:30 pm for those who signed up. The second self-assessment will open on Friday, October 13th.
  • The ophthalmology career session is scheduled for Wednesday, October 4th, and a student organized anesthesiology career session will be held on Friday, October 6th. Lunch will be provided for those who complete the sign-up form.

Populations and Methods Course

Populations and Methods continues Wednesday afternoons with sessions on mental health and human rights.

Office Hours

Both the Connection to the World and Populations and Methods courses offer office hours for students wishing to discuss or enhance their understanding of information delivered in lectures and workshops.

  • Connection to World course and workshop office hours - Office hours are held from 12:00 to 2:00 pm each Friday during the course. In addition to opportunities to review course content there will be a workshop leader present to review workshop materials. As the course progresses, from neuroscience workshops at the beginning that then transition to psychiatry and neurology, the faculty who will deal with workshops during office hours will change.
  • Populations and Methods course and workshops - Beginning on Wednesday, October 4th, Populations & Methods will offer Office Hours on a weekly basis. These provide an opportunity for any student(s) to review or discuss questions about the material and other course-related issues. Office Hours will be held on Wednesdays, 3:00 to 4:00 pm, in person (Hope 316) or by Zoom. Please let Dr. Doug Shenson know ahead of time if you would like to meet.

Clinical Skills (CS) Course Update - MS2s

On October 10th, we will discuss trauma and resilience by welcoming a survivor of intimate partner violence into our classroom. It is critical that we help our invited guest feel safe and respected when she joins us to share intensely personal and emotional stories. As you did for the recent session on child abuse, please wear your white coat, keep all electronics silenced and out of sight after you sign attendance in BlueDogs, and arrive to class at least 5 minutes early. We will not let latecomers in once class has started. Importantly, given the incidence of family violence, it is likely that some of you are survivors. In addition to the usual material in BlueDogs, review the email from September 27th with more details about this session, including support resources for students.

On October 10th, we will discuss trauma and resilience by welcoming a survivor of intimate partner violence into our classroom. It is critical that we help our invited guest feel safe and respected when she joins us to share intensely personal and emotional stories. As you did for the recent session on child abuse, please wear your white coat, keep all electronics silenced and out of sight after you sign attendance in BlueDogs, and arrive to class at least 5 minutes early. We will not let latecomers in once class has started. Importantly, given the incidence of family violence, it is likely that some of you are survivors. In addition to the usual material in BlueDogs, review the email from September 27th with more details about this session, including support resources for students.

Your Fall Rotation assignments begin the week of October 17th and continue for five weeks. You will be seeing real patients during many of these sessions, so be on time and come prepared. Check your schedule and materials posted to BlueDogs in advance as these sessions take place at various locations and times. Please bring a medical mask to sessions at clinical sites since many clinicians have returned to wearing masks during patient care.

Contact Dr. Jaideep Talwalkar, Tracy Yale, or any of your CS faculty if you have other questions, concerns, or suggestions about the CS curriculum.

Medical Clinical Experience (MCE)

The Medical Clinical Experience has seven sessions remaining to practice your history, physical exam, oral and written presentations, and clinical reasoning skills with patients in helping to prepare you for your clerkships. We look forward to celebrating with you and your MCE tutors the passage of the Class of 2026 to the clinical years on November 30th, from 5:30 to 7:30 pm in Cohen Auditorium. Please use this link to RSVP.

If you have questions, please contact Dr. Barry Wu or Tracy Yale.

iPad Mini for Use During Clerkships

We provide rising clerkship students with an iPad mini for use in the clerkship year. Feedback from students indicates that the small footprint of the iPad mini makes it easy to carry in the white coat pocket, and we configure these devices to access EPIC (YNHH EMR) making them useful during this time in the curriculum.

The iPad mini we provide is the base configuration with 64 GB of storage and is Wi-Fi only. Use by prior classes and faculty indicates that this configuration is appropriate for the clinical environment.

In the coming week, you will receive an email from Francesca Torelli with a Qualtrics Survey link to indicate if you would like to receive the iPad mini and select from various color and configuration options. You must complete the survey prior to Friday, October 20, 2023, to allow us to place the order in time to have the devices available for the EMR & iPad training sessions in the Transition course.

If you do not plan to use it clinically, it is not allowable to gift it to someone else, so please do not accept one if you will not be using it for your clinical education.

If you have any questions, please contact Francesca Torelli or Associate Dean Michael Schwartz

Preparation for Clerkship Year

In preparation for the second phase of the curriculum, the “Integrated Clerkship Year”, the Office of Student Affairs will be having an in-person Clerkship Information Meeting on Thursday, October 12th in Hope 110.

  • 4:00 pm - 5:00 pm Clerkship Information Meeting (All second year MD & MD-PhD students) - Hosted by Dr. Shefali Pathy, Director of Clerkships
  • 5:00 pm - 5:30 pm MD-PhD MD-PhD Clerkship Information Session for all second year, MD/PhD students - Presented by Dr. Lauren Cohn, Associate Director for Clinical Education, MD-PhD Program

Topics of Discussion: Introduction to the integrated clerkship curriculum, clerkship preference entry process, important policies, student assessment in the clerkships, clerkship precedes, and more. Registration via YaleConnect (CampusGroups) or contact Terri Tolson.

Transition Course

The last week of instruction prior to the winter break and the start of your clerkship year will include the Transitions course. The course begins the weekend of October 14th and 15th with ACLS training. The course then resumes the week of December 11th through December 15th. Topics that will be covered will help to prepare you to transition into the clerkships. Some of the sessions are mandatory, including some on the last day of the course (Friday, December 15th). Thus, for travel planning purposes, please expect to travel after 1:00 pm on that last day (Friday, December 15th). The final schedule for the Transitions course will be emailed to you by Gina Franco.

Advanced Cardiovascular Life Support (ACLS) Training

The ACLS Provider Course is delivered in two parts (in person and online) and is scheduled for October 14th and 15th. You will pick one, based on availability. If you have not signed up for the in-person training, please do so right away using the sign-up genius link

If you have any questions about the Transition or the clerkship period, please contact Dr. Shefali Pathy or Gina Franco.