Research Service Overview
Research is a critical mission of the Yale School of Medicine. Understanding resources available to facilitate research, develop collaborations, and advance science can be enormously helpful to individual investigators and the school at large.
Clinical & Translational Research
There is great expertise in clinical research at Yale School of Medicine. Many related resources can be found across the University.
- Yale Center for Clinical Investigation (YCCI) helps train clinical researchers and provides infrastructure to support investigations. YCCI offers a series of courses through the Investigative Medicine Program that include: Principles of Clinical Research, Ethical Issues in Biomedical Research, Introduction to Biostatistics in Clinical Investigation, Writing Your K- or R-type Grant Proposal, and Topics in Human Investigation. The YCCI Research Services website offers an extensive array of resources to help develop and conduct clinical research and clinical trials.
- Yale Institutional Review Board (IRB) reviews and oversees any protocols that involve human subjects to help ensure compliance, safety, and ethical practices with clinical subjects. IRB OVERVIEW WORKSHOP VIDEO
- Joint Analytics Team (JDAT) is a resource for faculty to address EPIC data needs. Under YCCI, JDAT's informaticists and analysts support clinical data use. The group additionally supports customized reporting and data analysis for clinical programmatic use.
- Yale Center for Analytical Sciences (YCAS) provides expertise in biostatistics, epidemiology, health economics, health policy, health services, and big data at Yale.
Yale Animal Research
Animal research is an integral part of many investigators’ studies, as more than half of research awards to YSM have an animal use component. The University's great depth of animal research support is available to help facilitate such endeavors.
- Yale Animal Resources Center (YARC) is the University's centralized service provider for animal-based research.
- The Office of Animal Research Support (OARS) administratively supports the Institutional Animal Care and Use Committee (IACUC) and facilitates the IACUC approval process by assisting investigators with IACUC protocol preparation. In addition to reviewing and approving animal care and use protocols, the IACUC is also responsible for reviewing the entire animal program to ensure compliance with appropriate care and use standards.
Cooperative Research
Office of Cooperative Research
Office of Cooperative Research (OCR) facilitates the translation of research from Yale’s labs into products and services that benefit society.
The OCR team is available to discuss your ideas and leverage their extensive industry expertise, as well as the expertise of a large network of Entrepreneurs-In-Residence. No matter what the stage of your work is, consider reaching out to them.
Of note, OCR also stewards of the Blavatnik Fund for Innovation at Yale which provides funds to help bridge the gap between early-stage research and successful development of high-impact biomedical products.
Sponsored Projects
Office of Sponsored Projects
Office of Sponsored Projects (OSP) helps faculty and staff in obtaining and managing sponsored awards that support scholarly activities. OSP reviews and approves proposals submitted to all sponsors; interprets, negotiates, and accepts grants and contracts for sponsored projects (externally-funded activities) funded by federal and state agencies, foundations, and other public and private sources; and provides guidance to assure proper stewardship of funds that are received.
Some of the resources offered by OSP include, but are not limited to:
Research Mentoring
Mentoring can be remarkably rewarding for all involved. Types of mentorship and programs are discussed under the OAPD Faculty Development.
- YCCI Mentor Training offers a curriculum to accelerate the process of becoming an effective research mentor. This is largely discussion based around case examples on topics such as expectations and communication while promoting career development and independence.
- Student Research is a great way for faculty to engage in mentoring medical students. Faculty are encouraged to ensure that their information is listed appropriately on the Office of Student Research (OSR) directory (which is based on the Profile System) so students know what is available. Expectations of faculty mentors are defined.