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Clinician-Scientist Track

The Clinician-Scientist track emphasizes research scholarship with additional focuses on clinical care and education.
Credit: Robert A. Lisak

The Clinician-Scientist track was formerly called the Clinician-Scholar track. Candidates for appointment on the Clinician-Scientist track will hold an MD, PhD, or equivalent degree and have completed appropriate postdoctoral training. Faculty in this track exemplify individuals who demonstrate excellence in research, while concurrently being known for excellence as clinicians and teachers. CS VERSUS TRADITIONAL TRACK VIDEO

These faculty will be drivers of biomedical research. There is the expectation of an established track record of extramural funded research, most often including federally sponsored. Such principal investigator support is a marker of recognized scholarship.

Research of faculty on this track should be advancing a field in significant or innovative directions, as evidenced by peer reviewed original research articles as first or senior author. Collaborative original research is also acceptable in addition to original research stemming directly from the investigator. Chapters, reviews, and other publications can support but not substitute for original research

In addition, faculty on this track are expected to demonstrate exemplary clinical skills and may have clinical leadership in areas related to research. They are expected to be outstanding teachers, including demonstrated skill in research mentorship, as well as demonstrate excellent teaching skills in didactic seminars with clinical trainees and/or in their role as attending or clinical supervisor of individuals or small groups.

Support for salary and professional activities is expected to come predominantly from extramural support and complemented by the faculty member’s clinical practice and administrative support. Individuals who will contribute to graduate education and who hold a primary or secondary appointment in a basic science or bridge department are eligible for appointment to the Graduate School.

Assistant Professor on the Clinician-Scientist Track


Candidates for appointment to the rank of assistant professor on the Clinician-Scientist track typically have 75% extramurally funded research activities (>=50% in procedural specialties) and 20-50% clinical care or leadership activities.

The Clinician-Scientist track is associated with a clock that delineates a maximum of 6 years as assistant professor. Promotion to associate professor is contingent on advancing to the metrics defined for that rank.


Terms for this rank are up to three years. For this track, there is a maximum of 6 years as assistant professor. Those who have held a ladder track position at another instructions should see the position-specific considerations delineated under appointments.

Appointment to assistant professor in this track does NOT require presentation to a YSM A&P Committee or the BPO.

Appointments to this rank requires:

Reappointment information is summarized on a different webpage, and reappointment to this track/rank requires:

Associate Professor on the Clinician-Scientist Track


Candidates for appointment or promotion to the rank of associate professor in the Clinician-Scientist track must excel in patient care and teaching and must have an emerging national reputation for outstanding scholarship. Promotion to professor is contingent on advancing to the metrics defined for that rank.


Appointment terms for this rank are for up to five years and renewable without limit.

Appointments to this rank requires:

Promotion to this rank requires:

Reappointment information is summarized on a different webpage, and reappointment to this track/rank requires:

Professor on the Clinician-Scientist Track


Candidates for appointment or promotion to the rank of professor in the Clinician Scientist track must be national or international leaders in their fields. In addition to excellence in patient care, they must have produced outstanding, nationally or internationally recognized scholarship which has substantially advanced the field.

Continuing appointments may be terminated for reasons of financial stringency and with written notice of not less than two years. Under such circumstances, termination shall be applied to a class of individuals holding continuing appointments (e.g. all those in one or more departments or all those with fewer than a certain number of years of service) and not to and single individual.


Appointment terms for this rank are made on a continuing basis.

Appointments to this rank requires:

Promotion to this rank requires: