We had an intimate number of returnees for our 15th reunion. Ironically, the Yale medical school campus seems more different than any of our classmates!
Things are looking clearer to Joi Barrett, who recently had LASIK surgery. She can now find her children in the swimming pool. This is important in Sacramento, Calif., where Joi is an internist. Joi takes the farthest-traveled award, hands down. Closest was Mike DiGiovanna, who walked over after oncology rounds to get one of the last lobsters Friday. Mike devotes most of his time to breast cancer research.
Martha Brochin brought husband Joe Camilleri and two children. As a pediatrician, she seems to know everyone in the greater New Haven area and had a lot of news from various encounters at Stop and Shop!
Rhonda Karol and Steve Bowers joined us for Saturday dinner. Rhonda recently took over her father’s Queens dermatology practice. She and hubby Gordon Berger have two children. Steve spent five years in the Indian Health Service before returning to New Haven. Apparently an ER job and family aren’t challenging enough, so he is beginning the master’s in public health program.
A weekend highlight was a tour of the new anatomy lab with Bill Stewart. Shiny stainless-steel boxes with downdrafts hold cadavers, and computer monitors hang from the ceiling. The entire course is available online. The beautiful new Anlyan Center (half classroom, half lab space) towers over our old parking lot, and the site of Acky’s coffee shop is now the bookstore.
Several classmates sent news via e-mail. Ken Andreoni is doing transplant surgery in Chapel Hill, N.C., and has two daughters. He reports that Joe Dizon lives in Westchester and is commuting into NYC. Walt Stadler does oncology in Chicago, and Gerri Mogavero reads X-rays in Indianapolis.
Lisa Conrad Larkin writes from Cincinnati, where she practices internal medicine and has two children. She hears from Kelle Harbert Moley, who does reproductive medicine research in St. Louis. Depending on the season, Mike Mockavack tells me he is either snow or water skiing, when he isn’t doing ophthalmology.
Nicole Davis and Alex Vukasin couldn’t come, due to their children’s soccer and ice hockey schedules. (Who’s running our lives, anyway?) They have surgical practices (gynecology and urology, respectively) in Princeton, N.J.
In Alamo, Calif., Sue Valley rides horses with her daughter. Julia won a world championship in 2000 in Louisville! At work, Sue is the chief of anesthesiology at the VA Northern California Health Care System.
I recently saw Leslie Weinstein and met her 2-year-old son. Leslie has a solo ENT practice in San Francisco. I am practicing dermatology in Rhode Island. In the winter, we enjoy skiing. In other seasons, I live on soccer fields with my three children.
I hope all of you will put June 2008 on your calendars and come for the 20th!!
—Kathleen Carney-Godley