Wow!! Our 50th reunion broke all alumni attendance records, with 27 of our 46 survivors, almost 60 percent, attending. As far as we can tell, this is the largest number and the highest percentage in medical school history. All enjoyed a busy and convivial weekend filled with camaraderie and love.
Fred Young requests reverse alphabetical order so let’s say he and Mary Lou are among our most consistent returnees. Bill and Martha Wilson ferried in from Block Island. Bill and Connie Shepard were first-timers from California. From the coast of Maine came our devoted Barbara and Irv Rosenberg—he’s in charge of our reunion fund giving. Flying in from Puerto Rico were Jose and Leila Ramirez-Rivera. Paul and Betty Quie arrived from Minneapolis. Rhoda and Ed Powsner arrived from Ann Arbor. Wick Potter was accompanied by his New Haven native, Joanne. Harvey Peck, still working full time, brought Betty Thompson, recently retired. Janiece and Bob Nolan returned for their second 50th, having been here last year. Faithful Hyla and Bob Melnick tooled up from Larchmont. Equally faithful in their attendance are Carol and Fred Lane. Dick Knowles, from Newport, accompanied by his delightful son and daughter, arrived for Saturday’s events. From across the country came Dave and Barbara Holman. Our other gracious first-time couple was Bernice and Bud Hauser. Vince Gott, who chaired the committee responsible for the class survey, brought both Iveagh and his PilotPoint. Peggy and Irv Goldberg returned, but had to leave before the Sunday brunch. Betty and Tom Gentsch, now in Seattle, are reunion regulars. Lou Del Guercio, just elected to the Executive Committee of the alumni association, was accompanied by his wife, Paula. Rex Conn joined us once again. Tooling down from Auburn, N.Y., were Emily and Bill Chaffee. Jeanne and Remi Cadoret made their every-five-year trip from Iowa. Hal Bornstein proudly received his Distinguished Alumni Service Award from then-Dean Kessler at the annual meeting of the alumni association. Claude Bloch joined us for much of the weekend. We enjoyed Andrea and Seth Abramson’s company for both Saturday dinner and Sunday brunch.
Our classmates and spouses were especially pleased and proud to welcome back four of our class widows: Anne-Marie Doppman, Doe Dunn, Helen Etzwiler and Nina Whalen. While it was not always easy for them, we’re sure they enjoyed themselves, since they indicated they’d be back in five years!!
As the 50th we were guests of the medical school for both the Friday night clambake and Saturday night dinner. We had a class meeting on Saturday afternoon in the sparkling new education and research building at the corner of Cedar and Congress, previously the site of the nurses’ dormitory. The weekend closed on a talkative and delicious note as Maureen and I accommodated 44 guests at our home for Sunday brunch.
The good Lord willing, all the classmates who returned plan to come back in five years. We hope some of the non returnees will also plan to join us.
—Harold D. Bornstein Jr.