We shared our 35th reunion dinner in New Haven at the Quinnipiack Club. Then-Dean Kessler joined us for cocktails and spoke optimistically about new activities and buildings on campus.
The sad news for us was the loss of C. Bruce Wenger in November of 2002. We shared a note from his wife and remembered all our classmates who have died since graduation.
Rutledge Currie enjoys the good life as a radiologist in North Adams, Mass. Alan Finesilver goes west from his Wisconsin rheumatology practice to fly-fish in Montana as often as he can. William Flynn, surgeon in Boston, is as eager and energetic as ever, and … continues as a baseball “nut.” Grace Jordison-Boxer enjoys a practice in community medicine in Jackson, Mich., while husband Larry teaches and practices at the University of Michigan. Frank Lucente leaves New York City for long weekends at his country house near West Point, N.Y., where he enjoys the rural life and cooks wonderful things. Don Lyman continues as a public health official for the state of California and will serve as president of the American Cancer Society (California Division) in 2003-04. Rod and Joan Martinez invite us all to visit them in San Pedro Sula, Honduras, where—they say—the town has gone modern with strip malls and traffic lights. Chuck Post seems to spend more time at sea and less in the air with his gadget-laden sailing craft. Elizabeth Short is moving from Washington, D.C., to Pasadena, Calif., where her husband will be CEO of City of Hope hospital.
—Donald O. Lyman