by Mary E. Tinetti, M.D., professor of medicine (geriatrics) and epidemiology, William R. Hazzard, M.D., John P. Blass, M.D., Jeffrey B. Halter, M.D., and Joseph G. Ouslander, M.D.
McGraw-Hill Professional (New York) 2003; 1,536 pages
This book continues its tradition of presenting the latest in diagnosis and management of disorders affecting the elderly as it addresses the prevailing principles of gerontology. This orientation, which features experts from the fields of geriatric medicine and gerontology, provides for a uniquely holistic approach to elder care. It features expanded coverage of managing the nursing home patient, diagnosis and treatment of Alzheimer’s disease, movement disorders, managing the multidrug patient, menopause, health care issues in women, health care systems, coronary heart disease and more.