Master and Longitudinal Course Update
Classes ended on December 15th, 2023. Classes resume on January 2nd, 2024.
Attacks and Defenses (AD1)
Attacks and Defenses self-assessment closed on Sunday, December 17th at 11:45 PM. Attacks and Defenses will resume on Tuesday, January 2nd. A review of the self-assessment will be held that day.
Anatomy (AN1)
Anatomy will resume after the winter break on Tuesday, January 2nd and will have labs on Tuesday and Wednesday. Please plan your schedules to allow adequate time to prepare for the labs.
Professional Responsibility (PE1)
Professional Responsibility ended on Wednesday, December 13th with final student presentations.
Clinical Skills Course Update MS1s
The Clinical Skills (CS) curriculum will pick up in January with a physical examination. You will work with classmates, upper level students, and faculty through a nine week curriculum consisting of weekly hands-on practice sessions, culminating with an observed “head to toe” physical exam without notes in Week 9. Refer to Dr. Donroe’s overview provided in class last week for more details. The amount of required preparation and practice between classes will increase considerably when PE starts in January. The course syllabus includes required reading/videos/practice and is already posted in BlueDogs for January 4th. We encourage you to get a head start!
As mentioned in class, the nine-week introductory PE curriculum will not include breast, pelvic, rectal, or genitourinary examinations. These important aspects of the exam will be taught in separate sessions later in the spring by professional exam models who will teach you a safe, trauma-informed approach to examination using their own bodies. You will spend the rest of the spring semester in CS learning about how to apply your general history, physical skills, and clinical reasoning skills to specific populations (e.g., pediatrics, geriatrics, women’s health, military veterans), as well developing new skills (e.g., advanced PE, point of care ultrasound).
As mentioned in class, for physical exam sessions in the practice rooms, we will be following the health system’s guidance regarding COVID precautions. Accordingly, we anticipate that masks will be required during PE practice when class starts in January. Please bring a mask with you to all CS sessions.
Contact Dr. Jaideep Talwalkar, Tracy Yale, or any of your CS faculty if you have other questions, concerns, or suggestions about the CS curriculum.
Coaching Corner
CL2027 students are wrapping up their second meeting with their Coaches as the first semester winds down. Students are reflecting on how they have been doing on quizzes, qualifiers, workshops, and ILCE sessions to identify strengths and develop individualized goals. Coaches and their associate academic advisor have all had introductory meetings with Deans Illuzzi and Francis about the new College system and they are all excited to be part of this larger YSM initiative to bring students, coaches, advisors, residents/fellows, faculty and alumnae together for learning, social events, mentoring, and more!
Office Hours
The Attacks and Defenses course is offering office hours for students wishing to discuss or enhance their understanding of information delivered in lectures and workshops.
- Attacks and Defenses course office hours - Office hours will be available to review course or workshop content on Fridays at 12 PM in SHM-L 112A.
Interprofessional Longitudinal Clinical Experience (ILCE)
As the fall semester of ILCE is drawing to a close, your section leaders will be eliciting feedback from you regarding your clinical experiences so far. Please feel free to share anything you think we would find relevant as it pertains to your sites and tutors.
We hope that you have a restful winter break and look forward to seeing you in the spring semester. During spring, you will be adding portions of the physical exam that you have covered in your clinical skills course to your clinical patient encounters
Please feel free to reach out to our coordinator, Beth Cooper with any administrative questions or to the course director, Dr. Alina Tsyrulnik.