EPCC December Meetings Summary
The EPCC met on December 6th and December 13th, 2023. In the December 6th meeting the committee reviewed and approved revisions to the following policies:
- Student Access and Use of the Electronic Health Record Policy
The revision is to align the policy with recent University policies in regards to access to personal or proxy accounts only through MyChart. - Timeliness of Evaluations: Courses, Clerkships, Electives and Subinternships Policy
The revision was to include research projects to the policy for timeliness of evaluations. - Failure to Adhere to Research Guidelines
Anew policy that outlines what is considered an excused absence and reason for late submission of research project - Assessment-Course Exams and Qualifiers Policy
The revision is to include Coaches along with Advisors to be notified when a student fails a qualifier
The committee was also introduced to the Medtrics dashboard system, the system will be used to track student progress throughout medical school and ensure that students are meeting the EPOs. 1st and 2nd year students are already using Medtrics for narrative assessments and shortly our clerkship students will be using it for their eLogbooks. A discussion was started about what will be included in the dashboard and the access. It was clarified that only students and their coach will have access to all materials, which will include scores on self assessments, qualifiers and other formative data that would be useful for supporting student learning by the coach and student. The discussion will be continued in an EPCC meeting in January.
In the December 13th meeting the committee discussed and approved a new clerkship evaluation form based upon the EPOs and milestones. The form which is the same for all clerkships provides one measure of the requirements that need to be met to pass each clerkship component. Additional requirements that need to be successfully met include completion of all items in the clerkship log book, passing the component end of clerkship knowledge assessment and successfully completing all component specific requirements, including simulations, OSCEs, EPAs, etc. At the start of each clerkship students are made aware of the requirements for passing. In the new form a critical deficiency level is included which is based on critical deficiencies for each EPOs clerkship milestones. These levels are all behaviorally described and a critical deficiency for any evaluated EPO, on the form, would be considered as a criteria for failing the clerkship.
In the December 13th meeting the committee also reviewed and approved revisions to the patient and procedures logs for the Internal Medicine and Neurology components of the Medical Approach to the Patient clerkship.
Finally, the committee began discussion of a revision of the Procedure for Switching Small Groups. The discussion raised some concerns with the procedure and it was decided to table to review to a future date.