On Thursday, January 27, 2022, over 250 medical students joined Yale School of Medicine (YSM), Yale New Haven Health (YNHHS) and Yale New Haven Hospital (YNHH) leaders at a virtual recruitment dinner for underrepresented in medicine (URiM) residency applicants.
Twenty residency programs across the Yale New Haven Hospital Graduate Medical Education (GME) community were showcased through breakout rooms for potential residents to chat with program directors, other faculty, and current residents.
Keith Churchwell, MD, president, YNHH, served as the master of ceremony. Dean Nancy J. Brown, MD, Jean and David W. Wallace Dean of the Yale School of Medicine and C.N.H. Long Professor of Internal Medicine; and Stephen Huot, MD, PhD, senior associate dean for Graduate Medical Education (YSM) gave the introductory remarks
“The most important thing we do is develop people and nurture your careers,” remarked Dean Brown. “There are very few places that have so many brilliant, creative people who are so willing to collaborate.”
Huot shared the geography of the campus, the community served by YNHH, the leadership opportunities for future residents, and partnership with the faculty at YSM. “We will knock down any barriers in front of you,” he said. “Working alongside of you is the joy I find in my job every day.”
Inginia Genao, MD, FACP, associate chair, Diversity & Inclusion for the Department of Internal Medicine and GME Director for Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion, discussed the outpouring of support received by her “Yale family” upon the release of her personal story, “An MD Made in America,” published in the Annals of Internal Medicine.
The attendees then went into breakout rooms to learn more about each program.
“Leading the development of this event is one of my highpoints of the year,” said Genao. “The planning of this event exemplifies the ideal team working together across the institution for a common goal.”
The event was made possible by support from the Minority Organization for Retention and Expansion (MORE); Diversity, Inclusion, Community Engagement, and Equity (DICE); YNHHS Office of Diversity & Inclusion; YNHH Medical Staff Fund, and the Graduate Medical Education Office.