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COVID & Health Guidance

May 16, 2023

YSM Curriculum Update

COVID Vaccination Requirements for Yale & YSM

The World Health Organization has declared an end to the global health emergency, and the federal government announced an end the public health emergency (PHE) for COVID-19 in the United States. Governor Lamont also announced Connecticut’s COVID-19 public health emergency declaration was ending on May 11. As a result, Yale will move to strongly encourage rather than require most members of our community to remain up to date on COVID-19 vaccinations. Specifically, effective May 15, 2023:

  • COVID-19 vaccinations, as recommended by the CDC, are strongly encouraged for all Yale faculty, staff, students, postdoctoral/postgraduate trainees, and visitors.
  • COVID-19 vaccinations continue to be required for healthcare workers and trainees, including faculty, staff, and students working in settings where patient care is provided, or those who work with human research subjects in clinical settings. Those individuals must submit documentation of vaccination to the university or seek approval for medical or religious exemptions.
  • Vaccination continues to be freely available through the Yale COVID-19 Vaccine Program at Yale Health at 55 Lock Street. Faculty, staff, students, and Yale Health members may schedule an appointment online.

Additional information about vaccination may be found on the Yale COVID-19 Vaccine Program webpage or by calling the Campus COVID Resource Line (CCRL) for assistance at (203)432-6604.

Updates on Testing and Isolation for Non-Clinically Active Students

  • As announced in an earlier message, Yale’s Color PCR testing program is coming to an end. The last day that the program will be available is Friday, June 16 (through the end of the business day). PCR testing will continue to be available through your healthcare provider.
  • It is still important to remember to mask, isolate at home, and test if you develop symptoms suggestive of COVID-19. To this end, beginning on Monday, June 19, the university will make free rapid antigen tests available on a limited basis to faculty, staff, and students. Individuals may pick up tests by showing a valid Yale ID at the following locations. Rapid antigen tests are also available for purchase at most pharmacies.
  • The CDC continues to recommend isolation following a positive COVID-19 test. The isolation period called for in the university’s protocol will be reduced to 5 days (return to work/school day 6) for most faculty, staff, and students. All members of the Yale community should continue to report positive test results using the self-report form.

YNHHS Isolation Requirements for COVID-Positive Clinical Students

Healthcare workers and trainees working in a clinical setting who test positive for COVID-19 must isolate for 7 days (return to work/school day 8). All members of the Yale community should continue to report positive test results using the self-report form.

If you have questions, you can communicate with the YSM Health and Safety Leaders (HSL): Associate Deans Michael Schwartz and John Francis.

Yale New Haven Hospital (YNHH) System Hospitalist Report

Monday May 15th COVID-19 Update
  • The YNHH COVID inpatient census is 11 inpatients and the Influenza inpatient census is 0.
YNHH Total Census
  • 1,349 inpatients, which represents 91% overall occupancy
  • There are 40 admitted patients boarding in the ED, 3 patients boarding for > 24 hrs.

After 3 years and over 19,000 COVID discharges from YNHH, Connecticut marked the end of the COVID-19 emergency on May 11th. The announcement coincides with the end of the federal public health emergency and the World Health Organization’s determination that the COVID-19 pandemic is no longer a global emergency.

YNHHS Masking Requirements

With the COVID-19 public health emergency ending, and the lower prevalence of disease, strong community immunity, and the availability of effective therapeutics to treat COVID-19, YNHHS will be making changes to the COVID-19 masking requirements. Click here to view the FAQ and SBAR document outlining staff masking requirements in YNHHS.

Message from the COVID-19 Coordinator

Stephanie S. Spangler, MD, Vice Provost for Health Affairs and Academic Integrity

To view this email, click here.