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Mehmet Sofuoglu, MD, PhD

Professor of Psychiatry; Director of VA New England Mental Illness Research, Education and Clinical Center (MIRECC)

Contact Information

Mehmet Sofuoglu, MD, PhD

Mailing Address

  • Psychiatry

    300 George St

    New Haven, CT 06511-

    United States

Research Summary

Our research is focused on development of novel treatments for substance use disorders and comorbid psychiatric disorders. We are also interested in tobacco regulatory science with a particular focus on the impact of nicotine and flavors on the abuse potential of tobacco products.

Specialized Terms: Tobacco use disorder; Nicotine Reinforcement; Substance Use Disorder; Clinical trials; Human laboratory studies

Extensive Research Description

Our research is focused on development of novel treatments for substance use disorders and comorbid psychiatric disorders. We conduct both Phase 1 human laboratory studies and outpatient clinical trials testing the efficacy of potential treatments. We are also interested in tobacco regulatory science with a focus on the impact of nicotine and flavors on the appeal and abuse potential of tobacco products. We have developed a novel intravenous nicotine self-administration model which allows examination of both rewarding and aversive effects of nicotine in male and female smokers.
Recent projects include:

  • The reinforcing threshold for intravenous nicotine self-administration in male and female smokers.
  • Individual factors influencing the rewarding effects of nicotine in male and female smokers.
  • Impact of menthol and other flavors on the rewarding effects of nicotine in humans.
  • The potential efficacy of cognitive enhancers as a treatment for substance use disorders.
  • Progesterone as a potential treatment to prevent relapse in women with substance use disorder.


Research Interests

Psychiatry; Psychotherapy; Tobacco; Substance-Related Disorders; Cocaine-Related Disorders; Psychiatry and Psychology

Selected Publications