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Puerto Rico at a glance

Yale Medicine Magazine, 1999 - Winter


1998 population: 3.8 million

Annual health budget: $1.75 billion

Number enrolled in health reform: 1.5 million

Per capita income (1996): $8,403 (United States, $18,552)

Infant mortality: 10.5 per 1000 live births in 1997 (United States, 6.5/1000)

Life expectancy: 76.6 years (United States, 76 years)

Unemployment rate: 12.5% (United States, 5.4%)

Poverty rate (1997): 58% (United States, 13.3%)

Poverty level (1990): $12,674 for a family of four

Literacy rate: 89% (United States, 97%)

Sources: Pan American Health Organization, Puerto Rico Department of Health, Puerto Rico Department of Economic Development and Commerce, Department of Labor and Human Resources of Puerto Rico and the U.S. Census Bureau.

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