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Class of 1972: 40th Reunion

Yale Medicine Magazine, 2012 - Spring


Our 40th-year reunion was truly a joyous occasion. Sixteen classmates and 14 spouses attended. The Friday reunion dinner was, once again, elegantly hosted by Jerry and Roz Meyer at their waterfront home in Guilford. We are all so thankful for their warm welcome and generosity. The Saturday dinner at the Quinnipiac Club in New Haven was yet another opportunity to rekindle friendships with classmates and spouses of the “New Curriculum.”

Paul Lucky and wife, Anne Weillman (Yale College ’70), are still practicing dermatology in Cincinnati. They have two daughters and one grandchild. Felix Freshwater and Melodye Stokes live in Florida and Felix is now in his 27th year of plastic surgery practice. Mike and Sally Buckley have three children, six grandchildren, and Mike is a now CEO of Pennsylvania Hospital in Philadelphia. Jesse and Beryl Jupiter have one daughter who is a Marine biologist. Jesse is a Hansjorg Professor of Orthopaedics at Harvard and head of the hand/upper limb service at Massachusetts General Hospital. Don and Ellen Kent have nine grandchildren and Don, having retired from ENT practice, is working in a free clinic and enjoying “the second phase of life.” Larry and Barbara Temkin remain in Tucson, Ariz., and Larry has recently retired after 35 years of cardiology practice and is “ready to start life again!” Lenny and Linda Cohen live in Orinda, Calif. Lenny recently retired from GI practice. Tom Horn and wife, Sue Sciaraffa, live in northeastern Connecticut in a log home in the woods. He is soon to be cutting his psychiatry practice down to half time. Tom Converse and wife, Diane Larson, live in Shoreview, Minn. Tom continues to practice child and adolescent psychiatry. Fred and Marnie Henretig have three grandchildren and Fred practices full time in pediatric emergency medicine at Children’s Hospital of Philadelphia. Phil Rothfeld lives in Waterbury, Conn., and is happily retired from his radiology practice. John Mayer and wife Christine have three children and three grandchildren. John is senior associate in cardiac surgery at Children’s Hospital in Boston and a professor of surgery at Harvard Medical School. Gary and Meda Strauss have three children and three grandchildren. Gary works full time at Fiones Medical Center practicing thoracic oncology and is very involved in public health. Bob and Louise Glassman have four sons, one granddaughter, and one Portuguese water dog. Bob continues to practice cardiology. Stan Strauss and Charlotte Grojean live near Boulder, Col. Stan’s daughter Emily, who attends law school in Boston, was also in attendance. Stan is retired and studying history and volunteering. Bill Duke and wife, Sheila, were in attendance. John and Lynn Fulkerson attended daytime reunion functions. Bruce and Valerie Haak live in Madison, Conn., and Walnut Creek, Calif. Bruce is retired from the practice of neurology.

Each reunion produces stronger feelings of friendship and appreciation of our good fortune from our Yale experience!

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