As of reunion on Friday, June 1, and Saturday, June 2, there were 23 living members of the Class of 1947, and six classmates returned. Friday’s festivities culminated with cocktails and buffet in the Harkness Dormitory. Mory’s was the destination for dinner on Saturday evening. Our class was combined with the class of 1952 along with other alumni returning after their 50th.
Classmates in attendance were: Jack Cannon, who retired to Cape Cod, was able to spend only Friday with the group. Bob Darrow drove down from Vermont with a guest. Brock Lynch, who still travels the world with his musical troupe, came back to join us from his visit to Singapore. Bill Rudman and guest returned for the entire weekend. Sumner Root Ziegra and wife Marie just returned from a trip to Israel and made time for a jaunt to New Haven. When I include my bride Claire and myself, there were nine of us.
Classmates not attending but asking to convey best wishes were Dick Carlin, along with classmate and wife Betty Price. Also Henry Blansfield, Roy Breg, Bob Chase, Amoz Chernoff, Owen Doyle, Steve Gehrs, Bill McClelland, Bob Schwartz, and Bill Thompson. Olive Pitkin Tamm had planned to attend but the fates ruled otherwise.
There were two highlights for the group attending Mory’s on Saturday evening. Dean Alpern spent some time chatting with us at our table much as he did at our 60th-year reunion. Quite unexpectedly, the Whiffenpoofs from the Yale College Class of 2002 dropped in for a visit. They were having a reunion of their own and sang many of the songs for which they are famous. No one wanted to leave and it is time for me to do so.