Charlotte Wu, who decided to come to Yale, talks with Ameya Kulkarni, a second-year student and president of the Medical Student Council.
Over the course of two days in early May, scores of accepted applicants returned for another look at the medical school, but without the dark suits, interviews or anxiety. “Second Look Weekend” was launched several years ago as a means of recruiting top students who had not yet decided among several offers of admission. Throughout the weekend students and faculty waxed enthusiastic, in a relaxed, informal setting, about the School of Medicine. The not-yet-committed students met with faculty in labs and offices for informal conversations on specific topic such as the clinical years, research opportunities and student diversity, and dined in small groups in local restaurants. In addition to campus and city tours, applicants were treated to a series of skits presented by first-year students. This year’s Second Look Weekend also coincided with Student Research Day.
One of the last activities of the two-day visit was a student activity fair. Students and applicants met on the third floor of the Jane Ellen Hope Building to discuss student volunteer opportunities.