The Yale PRCH Resource Library offers training and technical assistance resources supporting the behavioral health workforce. Our curated products also feature print-based and multimedia tools designed to improve mental health literacy among broader audiences, in ways that are clear, concise, and offer practical guidance on ways to to reduce stigma. Check out the resources and learn more about the expansive work of Yale PRCH.
Recovery-Oriented Systems of Care: Recovery-oriented transformation must occur at all levels of an organization while authentically engaging all stakeholders in the process. Transformation starts with, and must be driven by, the active involvement of people with lived experience. Learn more and access related resources, including our:
- Lived Experience Transformational Leadership Academy—LET(s)Lead.
- Person-Centered Recovery Planning Learning Collaboratives.
- Products and trainings on the concept of Citizenship.
Culturally Responsive Initiatives: At PRCH, we take an equity-minded approach to recovery-oriented care. We recognize that even the most progressive treatment systems exist within a social context where people of color and other historically marginalized groups often experience—both individually and collectively—an additional layer of trauma that has devastating consequences on their health and well-being. Access resources to support the behavioral health needs of historically underserved communities in culturally responsive ways, including our:
- Online course, “Prioritizing Racial Equity and Advancing Cultural Humility (REACH) in the Workplace”
- Wellness and Mental Health Among Hispanic/Latinx Communities activities.
- Practical guidance on ways to create safe spaces to cultivate strong partnerships for equitable and healthier communities
- Evidence-based, recovery-oriented resources that center lived experience and cultural responsivity to enhance outcomes and accessibility for young people with early psychosis.
School Mental Health: Is your school prepared to care for all of the students, staff, and families in your community? Through programs like our Childhood-Trauma Learning Collaborative and Compassionate School Leadership Academy, PRCH helps school communities establish a compassionate cultural foundation for strong relationships and holistic skills to weather stress, trauma, and promote well-being for the entire school population.
- View our Compassionate School Mental Health model.
- Lean into this approach to leadership and social-emotional learning via our online course, “Cultivating Compassionate School Communities that Respond to Trauma Effectively”
- Access issue briefs, fact sheets, reports, and toolkits—that examine current topics and concerns related to youth mental health and trauma-informed compassionate school practices that support all members of the learning community.