The pathoanatomy of medial ligamentous disruption in the dislocated and multiple ligament injured knee
Park N, Moran J, Petit L, Kahan J, McLaughlin W, Joo P, Lee M, Green J, Vasavada K, Chalem I, Jokl P, Alaia M, Medvecky M. The pathoanatomy of medial ligamentous disruption in the dislocated and multiple ligament injured knee. The Knee 2024, 52: 246-254. PMID: 39642762, DOI: 10.1016/j.knee.2024.11.002.Peer-Reviewed Original ResearchVastus medialis obliqueSuperficial medial collateral ligamentPosterior oblique ligamentInjury patternsMedial patellofemoral ligamentLigament injuriesMedial patellofemoral ligament tearMedial knee ligamentsLevel 1 trauma centerMechanism of injuryInjury detailsNeurovascular statusMultiple ligament injured kneeDistal avulsionInjured kneeLigament injured kneeTrauma centerMedial collateral ligamentZone of injuryKnee ligamentsLigament disruptionOblique ligamentMidsubstance tearsProximal avulsionPatellofemoral ligament
Posterior Cruciate Ligament
Schneble C, Fanelli G, Medvecky M. Posterior Cruciate Ligament. 2022, 87-99. DOI: 10.1007/978-3-030-94789-7_6.ChaptersPosterior cruciate ligamentMultiligamentous knee injuriesPCL injuriesCollateral ligament repairKnee injuriesCruciate ligamentLigament repairMultiple treatment optionsZone of injuryPosterior tibial translationSoft tissue injuriesHybrid repairPCL reconstructionChronic injuryTibial translationTreatment optionsTissue injuryInjuryPrimary restraintAppropriate timingCruciateRepairLigamentNumerous factorsChronicity
The Pathoanatomy of Posterolateral Corner Ligamentous Disruption in Multiligament Knee Injuries Is Predictive of Peroneal Nerve Injury
Kahan JB, Li D, Schneble CA, Huang P, Bullock J, Porrino J, Medvecky MJ. The Pathoanatomy of Posterolateral Corner Ligamentous Disruption in Multiligament Knee Injuries Is Predictive of Peroneal Nerve Injury. The American Journal Of Sports Medicine 2020, 48: 3541-3548. PMID: 33074710, DOI: 10.1177/0363546520962503.Peer-Reviewed Original ResearchConceptsMultiligament knee injuriesPeroneal nerve injuryPeroneal nerve palsyLateral collateral ligamentLocation of injuryNerve palsyNerve injuryPLC injuriesFibular avulsionMidsubstance tearsNeurovascular injuryKnee injuriesInjury patternsVascular injuryAcute posterolateral corner injuriesLevel 1 trauma centerPosterolateral corner injuriesZone of injuryLevel of evidenceHigh rateFemoral avulsionKnee cohortComplete injuryDistal injuriesCase series
Surgical Treatment of Combined ACL and Medial-Sided Knee Injuries: Acute and Chronic
Cravez E, Ibe I, Medvecky M. Surgical Treatment of Combined ACL and Medial-Sided Knee Injuries: Acute and Chronic. 2019, 139-152. DOI: 10.1007/978-3-030-05396-3_10.Peer-Reviewed Original ResearchAnterior cruciate ligamentMagnetic resonance imagingInjury patternsCruciate ligamentMedial collateral ligament injuryMedial-sided knee injuriesCombined Anterior Cruciate LigamentThird-degree sprainsCollateral ligament injuriesZone of injuryMedial-sided injuriesComplete knee dislocationClassification of injuryCommon ligamentous injuryExtent of injuryJoint motionCadaveric biomechanical testingACL injuryMCL injuryKnee dislocationOperative treatmentSurgical treatmentKnee injuriesLigament deficiencyLigament injury