My research has focused on the cellular and molecular interactions regulating the form and function of an inducible lymphoid tissue structure called germinal centers. Germinal centers (GC) are large aggregates of B cells specificially responding to a foreign substance. They develop in the center of B cell follicles in spleen and lymph nodes about one week after initial immunization or exposure to pathogens. GCs are sites of extreme metabolism, with very high proliferation and death rates, and evolve over time to form structures with phenotypically distinct zones. GC development requires intricate interactions of B cells with multiple other cell types to achieve both the affinity maturation of plasma cells producing antibodies and the generation of memory B cells that are key to long-term immune protection. The regional composition of other cell types can vary tremendously and can include CD4+ T cell subsets, dendritic cells and activated macrophages. Defining the impact of interactions with other adjacent cell types will be an essential component of advances in this field. My current research aims to tease apart the role that each may play in the cascade of events regulating both the expansion of GC B cells and the effector output of germinal centers.
Medical Research Interests
Public Health Interests
Academic Achievements & Community Involvement
News & Links
- Antigen specific germinal center B cells within a secondary B cell follicle.
- Time resolved imaging of Germinal Center B cells in vivo.
- December 18, 2022
Rigor in Experimental design and Analysis of Data (READ)
- April 25, 2016
Hair, mice, and how cells regenerate
- September 14, 2012
Science that’s more than just skin-deep
- February 10, 2008
New Yale Research Center Focuses on Rheumatic and Immunologic Diseases
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Yale School of Medicine
1 Gilbert Street, TAC Bldg S530
New Haven, CT 06525
United States
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The Anlyan Center
300 Cedar Street, Ste S530
New Haven, CT 06519
General Information
203.785.6557The Anlyan Center
Academic Office
300 Cedar Street, Ste Room S541 B
New Haven, CT 06519