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Applications for Yale Liver Center Pilot Funding

June 20, 2024

The NIH/NIDDK P30 Liver Center grant provides for the annual submission of pilot projects ($40,000 direct costs each) from both Liver Center and non-Liver Center investigators.

The purpose of the pilots is to provide support for investigators to collect preliminary data sufficient to support a grant application for independent research support and/or to test a novel, even high-risk, hypothesis. Pilot projects are expected to support research that primarily aligns with NIDDK's scientific mission rather than liver disease research that is better aligned with the mission of another NIH Institute or Center.

Pilot support is not intended for large projects by established investigators that should be submitted as separate research grant applications, nor is it intended to provide bridging support for established investigators who are PI of one of more R01 or R01-equivalent grants that will be active for at least two years. Pilot funds are also not intended to support or supplement ongoing funded research of an investigator.

Investigators should meet one of the following criteria:

1. new investigators applying new methodologies or approaches to the study of liver pathophysiology
2. investigators from other areas of biomedical research to apply their expertise to an area of need in liver research.
3. established investigators who will have no independent R01 or R01-equivalent grant support if they do not secure a substantial grant award in the near future

Pilot grants will undergo two levels of review: first from Center executive committee and then from our External Advisory Board. The Board will convene at Yale to determine a priority score for each request and can approve or disapprove the project or modify the budget. No pilot projects can be submitted for more than two consecutive years. All current pilot project recipients must follow the same guidelines to request a second year of funding.


Friday, July 12, 2024 – Deadline for submission of Letter of Intent (PDF) emailed to

The letter of intent must include the following:
1. Academic position, VISA status and future scientific plans regarding liver-related research
2. Title of pilot project
3. Applicability of the pilot project to the Liver Center
4. Projects must make use of the Center’s facilities – please describe which Core(s) you plan to use
5. Provide a brief lay research summary that highlights the potential impact of this project on liver health – this will be reviewed by the Community Advisor of our Executive Committee.

Upon Letter of Intent review by the Executive Committee, applicants will be notified whether they can submit a full application.

Friday, Aug. 16, 2024 – Deadline for submission of full applications (one electronic copy) emailed to Christine by 5:00pm.

Friday, Sept. 27, 2024 – Internal reviews of the most competitive applications are returned to investigators for revisions.

Friday, Oct. 25, 2024 – Receipt of revised application deadline (one electronic copy) emailed to Christine by 5:00pm.

November/December 2024 or January 2025 – External Advisory Board meets to make final decisions on awards. Applicants will be expected to present their pilot project to the Board on this date (approximately 15 minutes).

March 1, 2025 – Approved projects will begin funding

If you have any questions, please email Program Manager, Christine Abu-Hanna.

Submitted by Barbara Steinberger on June 20, 2024