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An Invitation to the Yale Alumni Health Network’s Premier Event: Dean Kamen on “A Visionary’s Vision of the Future of Medicine,” Jan. 15 at the Yale Club of NYC

December 01, 2019

You are Invited to the Yale Alumni Health Network’s premier event: Dean Kamen on “A Visionary’s Vision of the Future of Medicine”

DATE: Wednesday, January 15, 2020

TIME: 6:30 – 9:00 p.m.

LOCATION: Yale Club of New York City 50 Vanderbilt Avenue, New York, NY 10017

COST: Tickets are $40 apiece, and can be obtained through this registration/ticket purchase link.

Dean Kamen – inventor, entrepreneur, and tireless advocate for science and technology – will speak on the future of medicine.

Whether transforming the healthcare landscape by facilitating patient independence, assuaging suffering and preserving humanity through medical advance or inspiring the next generation to pursue STEM careers, Kamen’s innovations tackle problems previously unsolved and are consistently at the forefront of device discovery. In this talk, Dean predicts the future, delving deeply into what to expect from technology, care delivery and beyond what we can imagine now.

Sponsored by the Yale Alumni Health Network, the Yale Club of New York City, and Yale Shared Interest Groups