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Yale NLP/LLM Interest Group Talks

Give it to Me Straight, Doc: Rewriting Biomedical Abstracts in Plain Language with LLMs

This is an interest group on natural language processing (NLP) across multiple schools at Yale. We will have faculty and students to share research ideas, present ongoing AI work, and discuss potential collaboration at bi-weekly meetings.

Brian Ondov is an Associate Research Scientist at the Yale School of Medicine Department of Biomedical Informatics and Data Science. He earned his doctorate in Computer Science at University of Maryland College Park under a training award from the National Institutes of Health. His body of published research spans Computational Genomics, Machine Learning, Natural Language Processing, and Human-Computer Interaction. Drawing on this background, he now explores how Large Language Models can help researchers and healthcare consumers interact with biomedical knowledge sources.




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Lectures and Seminars



Next upcoming occurrences of this event

Jun 202412Wednesday