Rank track overview
March 13, 2022Information
- ID
- 7536
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- DCA Citation Guide
- 00:09We, as a successful organization,
- 00:11we have to have successful faculty
- 00:14and that includes people who
- 00:16are in the non ladder ranks.
- 00:19Instructional positions like
- 00:21instructor or lecturer.
- 00:22People who are in the research
- 00:24ranks and all the people who are on
- 00:27our various ladder faculty tracks.
- 00:28And I think that was best.
- 00:31I keep saying this over and over.
- 00:32That was best really demonstrated
- 00:35during the COVID.
- 00:36Initial COVID epidemic.
- 00:37When we all came together to try to work and
- 00:40and combat our issues with
- 00:43that pandemic at Yale.
- 00:46So we have all these
- 00:49faculty tracks and ranks.
- 00:51I I talked about this a little bit.
- 00:53We have about right now,
- 00:54about 750 people or so in the
- 00:57research ranks and about 700 or so
- 01:01in the clinical instructional ranks.
- 01:04If you include some of the.
- 01:07Adjunct and lecturers as well,
- 01:09but the latter faculty ranks are a
- 01:11little bit confusing to some people
- 01:13because unlike other institutions,
- 01:15we have not just one track or two tracks,
- 01:19we actually have 5 tracks and
- 01:22this has been something we've.
- 01:26Actually asked departments to decide who
- 01:28to to determine which tracks people are in.
- 01:32As of July 2019,
- 01:34and this is the reason why if you look at
- 01:37how our faculty have grown since 2013,
- 01:40we're now up to nearly not
- 01:43quite twice as many.
- 01:45In the total ladder, faculty ranks,
- 01:48most of that has been driven by the
- 01:50clinical expansion through Yale.
- 01:52New Haven Hospital system,
- 01:53and our clinical programmatic growth.
- 01:55In general,
- 01:55if you look at the size of the basic
- 01:59science departments they have, this is the.
- 02:03Blue line at the bottom here.
- 02:04They've grown,
- 02:05but not anywhere nearly as much
- 02:07as the clinical departments
- 02:09and the basics and the school.
- 02:11Public health has also grown.
- 02:13It's gone from 60 to 96
- 02:15faculty ladder faculty,
- 02:16which is a significant increase
- 02:18for the School of Public Health.
- 02:20But in comparison to the rest
- 02:22of the Yale School of Medicine,
- 02:24it's much smaller.
- 02:26And if you look at the latter faculty tracks,
- 02:28you can see that most of the growth
- 02:30has been on the clinician educator
- 02:32and the clinical track with lesser
- 02:35growth in the traditional physician,
- 02:37scientist
- 02:37or clinician scientists track
- 02:40and the investigator tracks in
- 02:432019 because prior to that 2019,
- 02:46most of the assistant professors
- 02:48were undifferentiated,
- 02:49and you could choose a sensibly your
- 02:52career track that you wanted to be on at
- 02:54the time you moved to associate Professor.
- 02:56Or could declare condition educator
- 02:59at the assistant professor rank?
- 03:01When we changed it to everybody
- 03:02who entered the latter faculty
- 03:04had to have a a track assigned.
- 03:06We saw a jump in some of the tracks
- 03:09because the assistant professors are now
- 03:11being added to the numbers down here.
- 03:13But these tracks these research
- 03:15intensive tracks have remained relatively
- 03:18flat in comparison to the clinical
- 03:20and the clinician educator track.