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Moghaddam appointed department chair at Oregon Health & Science University School of Medicine

July 18, 2016

Bita Moghaddam, PhD, former professor and fellow in the Yale Department of Psychiatry, has been appointed chair of the Department of Behavioral Neuroscience at the Oregon Health & Science University School of Medicine.

Moghaddam, who completed her postdoctoral training at Yale before joining the faculty, now works at the University of Pittsburgh, where she is a professor of neuroscience, psychiatry and pharmaceutical science. Her appointment at OHSU begins in January 2017.

She was on the faculty at Yale for 13 years before moving to the University of Pittsburgh in 2003.

According to a press release from OHSU, Moghaddam will oversee development of a long-term plan for enhancing research in the behavioral neuroscience department and its funding portfolio, including work that builds out new areas of research. A key emphasis, she said, will be encouraging multidisciplinary approaches, interactions and collaborations across basic science and clinical departments.

Moghaddam's education experience has involved extensive didactic teaching of neuroscience to undergraduates, graduate students, medical students and residents, according to the press release. She has broad experience mentoring young scientists.

She is the recipient of many prestigious research awards, including the 2014 CINP Neuroscience Basic Research Award, the Daniel H. Efron Award for excellence in research related to neuropsychopharmacology and the Paul Jansen Schizophrenia Research Award. She has served on numerous editorial and advisory boards, as well as national and local educational and service-oriented committees.