BXCL501 for Agitation in Schizophrenia (DEX)
Health Professionals
What is the purpose of this trial?
Agitation is characterized by excessive motor or verbal activity, irritability, uncooperativeness, threatening gestures, and, in some cases, aggressive or violent behavior. While agitation may have various underlying causes, patients with schizophrenia are especially vulnerable to acute episodes of agitation, especially during exacerbation of disease, and clinicians do not always diagnose these episodes early enough. Agitation associated with psychosis is a frequent reason for emergency department visits, and unless it is recognized early and managed effectively, it can rapidly escalate to potentially dangerous behaviors, including physical violence. Educating psychiatric professionals about the timely and accurate diagnosis of agitation among patients with schizophrenia or bipolar disorder and developing a well-tolerated easily administered medication will contribute to the prompt and effective management of this condition and could help reduce the risk of violent behavior and other undesirable outcomes. This study is designed to identify the ideal dose range and tolerability of sublingual Dexmedetomidine in patients with schizophrenia.
- Ages18 years - 65 years
- GenderBoth
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Principal Investigator
- Last Updated01/18/2024
- Study HIC#2000023998