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Daytime symptom trajectories among adults with stable heart failure and insomnia: evidence from a randomised controlled trial of cognitive behavioural therapy for insomnia
Conley S, Jeon S, Wang Z, Tocchi C, Linsky S, O'Connell M, Redeker N. Daytime symptom trajectories among adults with stable heart failure and insomnia: evidence from a randomised controlled trial of cognitive behavioural therapy for insomnia. Journal Of Sleep Research 2023, 33: e14058. PMID: 37933085, DOI: 10.1111/jsr.14058.Peer-Reviewed Original ResearchStable heart failureHeart failureSelf-management groupSymptom trajectoriesCognitive behavioral therapyBehavioral therapyHigher body mass indexGroup-based trajectory modellingHigh symptom burdenHealth-related qualityBody mass indexTrial of CBTFunctional performanceSelf-management interventionsBaseline characteristicsSymptom burdenMass indexBaseline fatigueGroup AHigher oddsSleep characteristicsInsomnia severityGroup DPhysical symptomsInsomniaSymptom Cluster Profiles Among Adults with Insomnia and Heart Failure
Conley S, Jeon S, Breazeale S, O’Connell M, Hollenbeak CS, Jacoby D, Linsky S, Yaggi HK, Redeker NS. Symptom Cluster Profiles Among Adults with Insomnia and Heart Failure. Behavioral Sleep Medicine 2022, 21: 150-161. PMID: 35388730, PMCID: PMC9537348, DOI: 10.1080/15402002.2022.2060226.Peer-Reviewed Original ResearchConceptsHigh symptom burdenHeart failureSymptom burdenSleep characteristicsLower symptom burdenChronic heart failureStable heart failureBody mass indexTreatment of insomniaStudy of insomniaHigh symptom profileCognitive behavioral therapyBeta blockersClinical characteristicsDaytime symptomsMass indexSevere insomniaSingle symptomInsomnia severitySymptom profilesInsomniaSymptom clustersBehavioral therapyHigher symptomsSymptomsEffects of Cognitive Behavioral Therapy for Insomnia on Sleep-Related Cognitions Among Patients With Stable Heart Failure
Redeker NS, Jeon S, Andrews L, Cline J, Mohsenin V, Jacoby D. Effects of Cognitive Behavioral Therapy for Insomnia on Sleep-Related Cognitions Among Patients With Stable Heart Failure. Behavioral Sleep Medicine 2017, 17: 342-354. PMID: 28745520, PMCID: PMC5904007, DOI: 10.1080/15402002.2017.1357120.Peer-Reviewed Original ResearchConceptsEffects of CBTHF patientsSleep disturbance questionnaireCognitive behavioral therapySleep-related cognitionsStable New York Heart Association class IINew York Heart Association class IIInsomnia severityChronic heart failure patientsBehavioral therapyPittsburgh Sleep Quality IndexHigh symptom burdenStable heart failureHeart failure patientsSleep Quality IndexImproved sleep qualityInsomnia Severity IndexSelf-reported fatigueDysfunctional sleep-related cognitionsSymptom burdenFailure patientsHeart failureMixed-effects modelingSleep latencyPoor sleep
Longitudinal Changes in Symptom Cluster Membership in Inflammatory Bowel Disease
Conley S, Jeon S, Proctor DD, Sandler RS, Redeker NS. Longitudinal Changes in Symptom Cluster Membership in Inflammatory Bowel Disease. Journal Of Nursing Scholarship 2018, 50: 473-481. PMID: 29971936, PMCID: PMC6120775, DOI: 10.1111/jnu.12409.Peer-Reviewed Original ResearchConceptsSymptom cluster membershipInflammatory bowel diseaseSymptom burdenBowel diseaseLower symptom burdenPsychological symptoms groupSymptom management optionsHigh symptom burdenRetrospective longitudinal studyLatent transition analysisActive diseaseClinical factorsPain interferenceColitis FoundationSleep disturbancesCluster membershipHigh burdenMultiple symptomsSymptom groupsPhysical symptomsPsychological symptomsLow burdenSymptom clustersLongitudinal changesSymptoms
Symptom clusters in adults with inflammatory bowel disease
Conley S, Proctor DD, Jeon S, Sandler RS, Redeker NS. Symptom clusters in adults with inflammatory bowel disease. Research In Nursing & Health 2017, 40: 424-434. PMID: 28833284, PMCID: PMC5597486, DOI: 10.1002/nur.21813.Peer-Reviewed Original ResearchConceptsInflammatory bowel diseaseSymptom burdenBowel diseaseHigh symptom burden groupSymptom clustersOutcomes Measurement Information System (PROMIS) measuresLower symptom burdenHigh symptom burdenActive disease stateLatent class analysisSymptom management interventionsSymptom cluster groupsSymptom cluster membershipClinical factorsCrohn's diseasePain interferenceBurden groupRetrospective studyColitis FoundationSleep disturbancesFemale genderReduced qualityPhysical symptomsPsychological symptomsSymptoms