activity Council of Pediatric Subspecialties
The Council of Pediatric Subspecialties advances child health through communication and collaboration within its network of pediatric subspecialties and liaison organizations.07/01/2015 - Presentactivity Subspecialty Pediatric Investigators Network Advisory Board
The Subspecialty Pediatrics Investigator Network or SPIN is a medical education research network created for the Pediatric Subspecialties to evaluate the education and assessment of fellows. It is a collaborative effort of the American Board of Pediatrics, the Association of Pediatric Program Directors Fellowship Committee, the Association of Pediatric Program Directors Longitudinal Educational Assessment Research Network, the Council of Pediatric Subspecialties and each pediatric subspecialty’s program director network.07/01/2015 - Presentactivity National Physician-Scientist Collaborative Workgroup
07/01/2019 - Presentactivity GMEC
Oversees the activities of graduate medical education programs09/01/2007 - Presentactivity AAP PREP Self-Assessment Pulmonology
03/25/2011 - Presenthonor Norman Siegel Award for Leadership
honor Housestaff Teaching Award
honor Fellowship Award
honor Alfred S. Maschke Award for Excellence in the Art and Practice of Medicine